Heel pain: This exercise will save you

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Acantha is the bony growth at the bottom of the heel bone, from salts that adhere to the heel bone and this is called acantha.
How the thorn is created;
The bone to which the salts are attached becomes like an ax that presses on the nerves and causes unbearable pain..
The thorn creates an inflammatory reaction of the connective tissue of the sole (plantar fascia) which adheres to the heel bone is the most common cause of pain.
How to heal yourself from heel spurs:
We get rid of heel spurs by unblocking the meridian of the kidneys. The meridian of the kidneys gives energy to the whole heel. When we are dominated by fear, this energy is interrupted.
As a result, salts build up under the heel and an extension like a cantha is created which hurts the area and the nerves under the heel as we see in the picture.

We get rid of heel spurs by unblocking the meridian of the kidneys. The meridian of the kidneys gives energy to the whole heel. When we are dominated by fear this energy is interrupted resulting in the formation of salts under the heel and an extension like an acanthus is created which hurts the area and the nerves under the heel as we see in the picture.

Unblock the meridian of the kidneys while doing massages at the beginning K1 and at the end K27. Then K6 and K27, K1 and K8, K1 and K6, K2 that is under the foot before K1 and K8, K7 behind the Achilles tendon and K1 but K7 and K27.

When we unblock the meridian of the kidneys the energy returns and flows and the salts that create the expansion of the bone that we call thorns leave.

To free the nerve and the area from the acantha, we need to lift the bone a little from the pressure position it has on the nerves of the heel. This is achieved by stepping on the acantha's leg with our foot to keep it steady and grabbing the leg behind the calf and lifting it forward and up as I show in the video.(of course for any health issue you should first consult your doctor, while in spiritual, mental and energy levels will be released from the circumstances that led to your illness and aftotherapefste).



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