Self-healing from hernias in the middle, incontinence, depression and tinnitus, of Maria Iliopoulou, reading my books and unblocking the meridians of the bladder, bile and government meridian.

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Αυτοθεραπεία από κήλες στη μέση, ακράτεια, κατάθλιψη και εμβοές στα αυτιά, της Μαρίας Ηλιοπούλου, διαβάζοντας τα βιβλία  μου και ξεμπλοκάροντας τους μεσημβρινους της ουροδόχου κύστης, της χολής και κυβερνητικό μεσημβρινό. 1We can heal ourselves from hernias in the middle, incontinence, Depression and tinnitus clearing the bladder meridian, bile, government meridian.

As did Maria Iliopoulou who self-medicated from hernias in the middle, incontinence, depression and tinnitus, reading my books, watching my videos on my channel “Alexis Fotopoulos” on YouTube and reading it on my website .

Αυτοθεραπεία από κήλες στη μέση, ακράτεια, κατάθλιψη και εμβοές στα αυτιά, της Μαρίας Ηλιοπούλου, διαβάζοντας τα βιβλία  μου και ξεμπλοκάροντας τους μεσημβρινους της ουροδόχου κύστης, της χολής και κυβερνητικό μεσημβρινό. 2He healed himself from 3 hernias in the middle with the unblocking of the bladder meridian and reflex activation of the intervertebral discs that had a hernia.

Between the vertebrae there are discs that we call intervertebral discs. Their casing is hard, but their contents are gelatinous, to act as a "shock absorber" of the spine.

What is a disc herniation or disc herniation?; Intervertebral disc herniation occurs when the contents of the disc come out into the spinal canal, resulting in pressure or even complete entrapment of one or more nerves, resulting in pain and difficulty walking..

Αυτοθεραπεία από πρόβλημα στα ισχία, τα γόνατα και τη μέση ξεμπλοκάροντας τους αντίστοιχους μεσημβρινούς. 5Mesospondyliaiou herniated disc. The main problem in addition to the sharp pain in the middle that creates us with a herniated disc, Our block the sciatic nerve. So that we have back pain (lumbago) and foot (sciatica) and sometimes numbness that can be reached on foot paralysis.

The intervertebral disc is a resilient "cushion" between two vertebrae and his role is to absorb shocks and facilitate the movements.

When the energy stops, the photons the intervertebral disc, thin so that liquid, the gel is within mesospondyliaiou disc comes out and projects into the spinal canal. This protruding part is the herniated disc and blocks the nerves in the spine as shown in the chart above..

The symptoms of this disc disease can be pain in the lower back (lumbago) and foot (sciatica) and sometimes numbness that can be reached on foot paralysis.

Ischialgia call pain in the leg that starts from the area of ​​the buttock (hip), (You see in the graph above) and continues along the thigh, calf (calf), to the foot. You see follows the same route with the meridian of the bladder. Almost Always due to pressure of a nerve root of the sciatic nerve by a herniated intervertebral disc lower back, Lumbar spine.

Our main concern is to restore power to the bladder meridian massaging the beginning and on the edge of the meridian, in points B2 and B66.

Then we massage at the same time in two places. At the beginning we start from the beginning B2 and the end B66, then B12 and B48, B50 and go up if the problem is severe in points B60 to B54. Then we turn our face down and someone with the elbow sharply B12 points, B36 and over buttocks where it has many points.


We restore the hernia energetically by massaging the reflexological points. Kwe do massages on the bone in the sole below the ankle ( on the edge of the paw, we outline a deep brown color) START lumbar vertebrae, see figure with the reflexological map below.

Specifically Making massage at points corresponding bone is at the bottom of the sole of our foot, releasing blocked energy and slowly hernia returns, everything is energy blockage.

S.bone through the foot below the ankle, is where you disable blocking the 3, 4,5 lumbar and 1,2 sanctuary that there we have the most problems in the middle. If possible do mallaxeis these points unblock energy and pain and pressure in the middle fleeing, and if we continue the massage hollow created returns. If we also have kyphosis or scoliosis do massage to the bone underneath the foot corresponding to 6,7 chest.



Αυτοθεραπεία από κήλες στη μέση, ακράτεια, κατάθλιψη και εμβοές στα αυτιά, της Μαρίας Ηλιοπούλου, διαβάζοντας τα βιβλία  μου και ξεμπλοκάροντας τους μεσημβρινους της ουροδόχου κύστης, της χολής και κυβερνητικό μεσημβρινό. 3Self-treatment of Maria Iliopoulou from incontinence.

He cured himself of incontinence by unblocking the bladder meridian and reflexologically activating the bladder we see on the reflexology map.

When we are sad we are afraid that the flow of energy in the meridian of the bladder will be blocked, as a result of which the solenoid valve that opens and closes the flow of urine in the bladder will not work properly and will have incontinence..

To self-cure incontinence, unblock the bladder meridian and reflexively activate the bladder organ:

Unblocking the bladder meridian.

Our main concern is to restore power to the bladder meridian massaging the beginning and on the edge of the meridian, in points B2 and B66.

Then we massage at the same time in two places. At the beginning we start from the beginning B2 and the end B66, then B12 and B48, B50 and go up if the problem is severe in points B60 to B54. Then we turn our face down and someone with the elbow sharply B12 points, B36 and over buttocks where it has many points.

Reflexological activation of the bladder organ.

To activate the bladder that has relaxed, we make possible massages at the reflexological points in the following graph where the image of the bladder is (which is like a balloon).


Self-healing of Maria Iliopoulou

from tinnitus.

He healed himself from tinnitus by unblocking the bile meridian which encloses the ears and blocking it deprives the ears and ears of energy. 24,000 capillaries energy-deprived cells lose their coordination and transmit a buzz to the brain.

Αυτοθεραπεία από κήλες στη μέση, ακράτεια, κατάθλιψη και εμβοές στα αυτιά, της Μαρίας Ηλιοπούλου, διαβάζοντας τα βιβλία  μου και ξεμπλοκάροντας τους μεσημβρινους της ουροδόχου κύστης, της χολής και κυβερνητικό μεσημβρινό. 4We get rid of the ringing in the ears, and hearing problems, disabling energy blockages in the meridian of bile, obtained by kneading all the points show you in the graph below.

Let's see how it works the mechanism of hearing and tinnitus because start and gradually reduce our hearing, but how we get rid of them and improve our hearing.

13-MES.XOLHS We massage at the same time on the base of the penultimate GB toe 42, 43 at the beginning of the scapula GB21, at the back of the ear GB21 at all points around the ear and at the beginning of the meridian GB1.


Self-treatment of Maria Iliopoulou from depression

Αυτοθεραπεία από κήλες στη μέση, ακράτεια, κατάθλιψη και εμβοές στα αυτιά, της Μαρίας Ηλιοπούλου, διαβάζοντας τα βιβλία  μου και ξεμπλοκάροντας τους μεσημβρινους της ουροδόχου κύστης, της χολής και κυβερνητικό μεσημβρινό. 5He cured himself of depression by unblocking the government meridian and reprogramming my subconscious with the cd from the book How the Miracle Happens.

When we block the meridian depression bladder (B) creating our fear, the lung meridian (Lu) creating sorrow, the meridian of the stomach (St) creating insecurity, the meridian of bile that generates our anger, the main meridian (CV) creating our guilt, shame and jealousy, and the government meridian (GV) which plunges us into depression. By pressing steadily or massaging certain energy points, we get rid of our accumulated repressed negative emotions, causing us depression. Lu 1 top left and right chest that starts the lung meridian, Lu 1 (Lungmeridian). (See points from previous charts). CV 16 located on top of the neck, CV 17, which is between the chest, wherein the central meridian passing (ConceptionVesselmeridian).

St 36 below the knee where the meridian of the stomach passes (Stomachmeridian) GB 21 over the shoulder, where the meridian bile passes (Gallbladdermeridian).

B10 back neck, wherein the bladder meridian passing (Bladdermeridian).

GV 24,5 between the eyes (third eye) and GV 20 on top of the head, wherein governmental meridian passing (Governormeridian).

Depression is a process that we have exhausted the energy. Depression is when we are filled with negative emotions and negative frequencies in donoumaste. If we disable the negative feelings with the method, pressing firmly or massaging pressure on the above points and applying whatever says the above article will be permanently rid of depression. We can help our body get rid of depression by massaging the following areas as you can see in the chart below.:


We turn off the depression by unblocking the government meridian.

Αυτοθεραπεία από κήλες στη μέση, ακράτεια, κατάθλιψη και εμβοές στα αυτιά, της Μαρίας Ηλιοπούλου, διαβάζοντας τα βιβλία  μου και ξεμπλοκάροντας τους μεσημβρινους της ουροδόχου κύστης, της χολής και κυβερνητικό μεσημβρινό. 6

We turn off the depression by unblocking the government meridian, while massaging the GV20 and GV16 and GV20 and GV1 points

Μπορούμε να αυτοθεραπεύομαστε από βαριάς μορφής πυτιρίδας, κάνοντας ελαφρες μαλάξεις στις δεξια και αριστερα του πρώτου αυχένικου σπονδυλου 3ALL THE ABOVE ARE EXCERPTS from my books "This is how the miracle happens", in "A Life Full of Light", "Source of Everything" and "The Road to Deification"

But it is important for all of you to get all four books to change your life and fly away from health and joy as I did., so if you order all three of my books "That becomes the Miracle", in "A Life Full of Light", "Source of Everything" "The Road to Deification" I send you with a big discount and without charging you shipping costs. If you want to order you have to send the message address and your mobile or call 6977349766.

All four books have cds, helping you to reprogram your subconscious, change your beliefs. Also in my books and seminars, there are complete instructions to turn your negative feelings and treating yourself to an energy level and then at the physical level of problems in the spine, in the middle, neck, on the knees, hip, in the stomach, gall, Autoimmune Diseases, pollakiuria, problems spastic colitis or constipation, sinusitis, snoring, carpal tunnel problem, tendinitis, insomnia, panic attacks, depression, interruption period, arrhythmia, tachycardia, headaches, migraines, breathing difficulties, Respiratory problems, problems in the bile, cholesterol.(of course for any health issue you should first consult your doctor, while in spiritual, mental and energy levels will be released from the circumstances that led to your illness and aftotherapefste).

I'm always by your side to liberate all our problems, To fly from health and joy and be led to the light.

with infinite, love in Christ

Alexis Fotopoulos

Author - Researcher.

phones: 6977349766, 6909193329,

In my Website, which is fully renovated you will find everything for your health and happiness.

You see all my YouTube channel: Alexis Fotopoulos, It will change your life.

This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need to enable JavaScript enabled to view it.

constantly given almost free seminars (leaves something anyone wants for the cost of the room) Navarino 9 and Hippocrates in Athens, but also throughout Greece. The seminar was announced on my website to come without quitting position.

In my article: You will find all the answers to the problems that concern you.

For any health problem, consult your doctor first.

By applying what your doctor says, you can also get help by reading my books. There will be ways to get rid of your negative emotions but also to unblock your meridians, which are rivers of energy., who are blocked by these negative emotions. A-disease means a deprivation of vigor.

Strength is energy. A- rustia means asterik of rustos which means power- energy. When we deprive an instrument of its energy, then it becomes ill, gets sick. We deprive ourselves of energy with our conscious or subconscious negative emotions.

My books that I can send you with discount and shipping free of charge. I can also explain my books to you up close, if you want to contact me contact me at 6977349766, Alexis Fotopoulos, author - researcher.

Note: All drawings that are on my website, the on facebook is my book a life of Light, is my spiritual permissions, and their use is prohibited (articles for the printed edition) without my permission. of course it means that you can use them all to unblock your energy meridians and to dispose of health and joy.

Disclaimer: Sure, I want to clarify that these writings are indeed great views of university professors, researchers, Chinese medicine applied with success millennia, are practices that I applied and became well from multiple sclerosis, suffering, and help and I help too many people to eliminate their negative emotions and heal itself. Nevertheless, These views can not replace your doctors, which moreover only to those the state has officially given the license to practice medicine. Therefore, The,what is written in this book is just for your information. When you have health problems, please first contact your doctor and side, if you wish, you can contact a spiritual-energy or alternative therapists, to help you to change your lifestyle and get rid of negative emotions. It's good, also, synergazesthe to your doctor, to change your lifestyle, to become good and to avoid many drugs, which damage your health long term and deplete our funds and the National Economy.




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