With the change of mind we heal ourselves from all diseases.

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allagh tou nouEverything is a mirror, where everyone reflects our beliefs and feelings. We create our future.

Our happiness depends on our relationships and relationships depend on the love and appreciation we have for ourselves..

Everything is a mirror, where everyone reflects our beliefs and feelings. Don't look elsewhere for the cause of an illness, a failed relationship, of lack of money, everything is within you in your limiting beliefs, I believe they programmed you when you were little.

Discover your limiting beliefs and change them immediately. With books, broadcasts, my free seminars, I offer you all the techniques to reprogram your subconscious and start a new beautiful life.Our relationships depend on how we translate the facts.

Everything can be done as long as we believe it, to believe that we deserve it, that we are capable of acquiring them, as long as we focus our consciousness on what we want and not on what we fear. When we are afraid, we focus our consciousness on the lack, misery and this is what we are experiencing.

We consciously shape our health at all times, our relationships, our finances. So focus your love on love, at light, in health abundance and this will be experienced in your life, your life will become a celebration of joy, a beauty.

The great Nobel laureates in quantum physics tell us that everything is energy, which vibrates, pulses at specific frequencies. consciousness, our consciousness determines the frequencies at which we fight.

Our consciousness is the way we realize, we see, which we translate, that we perceive our reality and is basically created by our thoughts, is activated by our emotions and the focus of our attention and consciousness.

It all depends on the image we have of ourselves. Our cells listen to our thoughts, if we consider ourselves important, then we will pay attention to our diet, we will exercise, we will have positive emotions and finally doing all this we will have a perfect health.

Our body always does what our mind believes. Our body and the aging that manifests itself in it, it is a result and not the cause of aging. The cause that shapes the body, creates myopia, scoliosis, Aging is our beliefs, our beliefs.

It all depends on what we think we are.

Energy fields below their frequency 200 pulses the second that our body vibrates, it is against life, at these levels we experience negative emotions, we activate the genes that will destroy our lives, we block energy centers and energy meridians from where energy is distributed and circulated in our body.

The only truth is that we are spirits of souls full of light with infinite possibilities . Everything else that is fake is a creation of our ego, is restrictive we believe it is a restrictive program that most of the time is unconscious. Once we are young we only work with the subconscious and we actually receive whatever they tell us, so we are full of limiting beliefs that block our lives.

If we believe that our eggs make cholesterol, then our brain receives this message and instructs the body to increase cholesterol. David Dr David Hawkins (psychiatry Doctor) while she had high cholesterol she decided to eat three eggs along with cheese for breakfast, but he adopted the plan that this diet would lower his cholesterol and this became his cholesterol decreased and below normal limits.

Mε την αλλαγή του νου αυτοθεραπεύομαστε από όλες τις ασθένειες. 1David Hopkins explains that from an early age we learn to choose and recognize what is most real and what is not real for ourselves..

Aging is a series of reconnaissance identifications of our reality. Aging is a program, beliefs about the evolution of our body over time.

At the beginning of the century, someone was considered an old man 40 years, when our beliefs have changed, he is now considered old 80 years and in 50 years will be considered what it is 100 and the age limit will increase as beliefs change.

A death row inmate was promised a large sum of money in his family, if they killed him in a certain way, he accepted, they blindfolded him and pretended to cut his veins. In fact, they put hot water in his hands as if blood were flowing, they adjusted the water so well that the flow was reduced as the blood would be reduced if the veins had actually been cut.. The result was: the man died without being given anything at all. He died because his mind commanded the body, that he must die because he believed that his blood had been used up.

The same is the case with the patient who was dying of cancer and was told that the new drug, Cribiozen was miraculous and then the cancer went away immediately, but when he was informed that this medicine was not effective the cancer returned, his doctor (ο Dr Wright) He told him that twice as much medicine works wonders (in essence it gave him an inactive substance) again the cancer began to subside rapidly, but then the patient saw in a post that the American Medicines Agency, banned this drug as completely ineffective for cancer, then the cancer regained ground and within a week the patient died.

Mε την αλλαγή του νου αυτοθεραπεύομαστε από όλες τις ασθένειες. 2Dr Deepak Chopra claims that he observed the bodies of mentally ill people who were confused and did not realize the time., their bodies did not age and remained youthful even though they were very old. We see that the power of our mind has absolute dominance over our body, and it's simple because our body pulsates in 200 pulses per second, while our mind with 400 pulses per second higher frequencies are always imposed on the lower ones.

Our body is incapable of experiencing itself experienced by the mind, the same goes for the senses, whatever we feel we perceive from our mind.

The labels that doctors put on you are diabetic, you will take medication, or with the thyroid, instruct the body to stop the fight and just wait for it to work with the outside help of the drugs. I remember before 20 years I was told I was a stomach ache and should not eat oranges to drink beer, this sign would ruin me if I didn't realize that I am the one who determines my body and I was the one who caused this disease with fear, insecurity and the negative emotions that overwhelmed me.

The same thing happened with multiple sclerosis while I was a victim, as long as I felt I was dependent on factors outside of me like drugs, the doctors, the environment, the behavior of mine, of society I continued to be sick. But when researching I realized that I created this disease and after I learned the mechanism that was created, then I decided to change, I realized that the mind was instructing my body to get sick. This was done subconsciously and all people who are afraid of rejection (and they are all those who suffer from serious and considered incurable diseases, possessed by conscious or subconscious fear of rejection) and subconsciously I wanted to be sick and unhappy to attract the interest of my own that I thought I was rejected.

So all we have to do is realize the limitations we have and change them. That's why the CD from my book is the best to reprogram your brain, to extinguish your limitations I believe and in place to put new positive planning.

We must never let any other reason enter us and destroy us. Years ago I was in pain in my neck and I went to someone who said that now that he was approaching them 50 You get older and you don't have to swim in the sea even in summer if the water isn't very hot. Hearing his words, the message was that I was old, then I decided to do the opposite and pass on to my body the message that younger than ever, I started and became a winter swimmer, I feel now in 53 younger than ever and I fly

We would never grow old if we realized what we are, that we are immortal spirits and that our consciousness creates reality. I believe our thoughts, our ideas are adopted by our body and directly affect our physical condition.

The imposition of the mind on our body is clearly seen during hypnosis. With hypnosis an old man who is weak and trembling, if we tell him it is 35 years old as soon as he is in a state of hypnosis he stops trembling and behaves as if he really is 35 years. During hypnosis the body reflects directly and without any interference what our mind supports.

Our minds constantly reflect these standards and the beliefs we have received for our reality.

Our minds are innocent at first, we must constantly be vigilant about what we believe in reality, when we are little we believe everything for reality, That's why we find our limiting beliefs and change them. We need to realize that we have many options and we can get rid of our limiting beliefs, from the limitations created by our own and to choose the program we want for our life.

Our age does not matter what matters is what we believe about our age. I personally believe that at their age 100 years old will I keep writing, to do seminars and heal and that will happen, every passing year I feel younger, healthier, stronger and wiser, I think I will never give up what I do.

Start today, make an inventory of all your beliefs about aging, we usually have role models from our parents and grandparents. Our fears always come true, the body immediately performs what the mind thinks. I realized this when I was skiing and a negative thought was going through my mind, magically the body was losing its stability so I couldn't keep my balance and fall.

The same goes for our aging, We are afraid that when we grow old our body will show specific diseases and weaknesses and of course these are manifested to us with mathematical precision.. The,what image we have of aging, it is manifested to us. In the new year we have the opportunity to change everything and experience the life we ​​enjoy. Our physical self is exactly what we adopted as children, formed by the beliefs we adopted as children, regardless of whether we remember them, we always experience the standards we have for aging.

Tradition, is the solution to everything, tradition and trust in God's will, which is to experience fullness, unity, serenity, health, love, happiness. When we surrender we fight with 540 pulses per second and self-medicate from all diseases.

David Hopkins explains that he had chronic myopia and astigmatism, realized that the problem was due to the restrictive beliefs he had, he took off his glasses and couldn't see 6 weeks, began to surrender and stop the resistance, he surrendered to his Creator and said let your will be done. The will of God is to live a happy life, to experience the unity of everything. After surrendering to the will of God, his vision became perfectly healthy. It doesn't matter how long we have the restrictive beliefs, when we realize them we accept them, we surrender and change them, never forget that the body always reflects what we believe.

By acceptance man realizes that power, the truth is everything is in it, and realizes that only when he accepts a situation will he be able to change it. But when we vibrate at lower frequencies we cannot realize that our destiny depends only on us and we expect others to save us..

Over 540 pulses there are energy fields when we feel generosity, compassion, forgiveness, love for all. The wise Father Porphyrios advises us: Do not fight to drive out the darkness, the bad, you achieve nothing , when it is in the dark and you want to get rid of it it is wrong to chase to oppose the evil in the dark to drive it away, darkness leaves only with light, open a hole and a ray of sunshine will come, the light will come. The whole secret is prayer, giving, Love in Christ. Christ is the joy, the hope, love. The whole secret is faith.

We would never get sick if we understood what we are, if we understood the unity of everything we would show compassion, compassion, love and in this way our body would work perfectly.

When we feel separate, cut off, we elevate our ego we want our own to pass to the detriment of others, we feel wronged, Bitterly we alert our body to what is the cause of all diseases. When we have disharmony, when our heart beats in disharmony, we are sad, Depression means that we feel the complete absence of God.

We need everything to succeed: LOVE (Vibration), Faith (to bring down what we want), Forgiveness, Humility (to challenge our obstacles have break away from our Source).

When we think or speak or think negatively we do infinite evil we command the subconscious to carry out our thinking these. There is an inexhaustible source of power within us as long as we come in contact with it (through our hearts, prayer with love and faith). We are energy, meridians, energy centers

We create our lives, our diseases and we can get rid of them. Every disease is the cure for us to return to unity, it is a cry of agony for love.

We are all ONE, Consciousness innocence that is the expression of our soul all the rest is me are programs imposed on us by ourselves and society, That is why the Lord said that those who have the innocence of a small child will pass into the kingdom of heaven.

Anxiety, pain and fear stem from our ignorance of our true nature, get rid of shame and guilt because our parents create them for us, because they want us to be submissive to their instruments and then many complain that their children are beating them.

When we can see innocence in the soul of every human being then we experience compassion we vibrate at high frequencies we experience the whole.

So instead of condemning, to blame, to judge, let's look at innocence, the soul of each of our fellow human beings and let's understand that our children do negative things they don't do them but the negative program we put on them when they were little and we don't need to have guilt we created this planning in our children because we were overwhelmed by fear, we feel disconnected, separate, we were ignorant of our true nature, we did not know that guilt is the worst feeling and the worst way we could use to discipline our children.

Pain always comes when we violate universal principles, when we judge, when we complain, because then we reduce our vibrations, all diseases occur when we vibrate below them 200 pulses per second.

It is the prohibitions that I believe prevent us from living a life full of health and happiness, the beliefs that were created that imposed us until their age 6 years. The only truth is that we are spirits of souls full of light with infinite possibilities. The subconscious fear of rejection is the main cause of all diseases and misery in our lives.

Love is the light, God, everything when we love we enter the energy of god and do everything. Love lives on and offer forgiveness. So the best to act like love. Love is the oxygen of everything, without love starts misery poverty illness. Our love for others, It is an inexhaustible source of happiness. Everything depends upon the love we have for ourselves. We basically work on our relationships with ourselves.

Happiness is an inner affair. The basis of happiness is the love that springs from within us. If we do not have love for ourselves and our Source, no one else can make us happy. When we realize our true nature, when we love, Appreciate ourselves and therefore the Source from which we come We will be happy people.

We are never to blame for others, wherever we go we carry it with us. If we do not change ourselves, we will always attract the same style of people, we will always be disappointed. The alpha and omega for each of our relationships is ourselves, our emotions, if we have confidence in ourselves, if we stop being afraid of rejection, if we focus our consciousness on the light then we will be given the solutions to all our problems.

Our true happiness does not come from outside us, it does not come from the love of others and from the acquisition of material objects, but only from within us. To do this we need to cleanse our hearts of negative emotions such as dust, the rust that covers our heart and does not allow it to communicate with its Source. When we have not forgiven someone or ourselves with our heart then according to Dr Casey Adams, my innermost thoughts and feelings are translated into waveforms that are transmitted as commands to all our organs to make us sick.. My mind is judging the present moment, the current situation I am in, as perfect. This crisis fills me with feelings of acceptance, completeness, security, love for myself everyone and everything in the Universe.

We can get rid of our limiting beliefs, we can surrender to the divine will which is to live a happy life, with health and abundance, this is what we will do in the new year, we will always do this by reading all of the above you will find that we create our future, we shape our body, we get sick of our organs and we can have perfect health and attract perfect relationships as long as we believe it.



Conclusion: The underlying cause of all incurable diseases, as well as cancer is our deepest internal conflict, the insurmountable stress from the accumulated negative emotions which disables the immune system and mortally make our organization.

when we love, We appreciate ourselves, We trust ourselves and our Source, our immune system eliminates any virus, bacteria and fungus, but above all cancerous cells, which is in our body. If we have inner peace within ourselves and believe in life, hereditary genes that cause us cancer disabled.

Nevertheless, when the immune system has been disabled by our negative emotions, when the internal conflict and stress that creates insurmountable to the point that the body is in danger of collapsing, then the organization to give a rescue way our body creates karkino.Einai impossible to become good if we have not believed.

Good or bad, so does the Universe, only the,We believe absolutely what comes and becomes our reality. The technique of vision, the patient visualizes the tumor cells to melt and, sure, secretly believes, It has been implemented by leading doctors and has dramatic results.

The patient should follow the above diet, totally avoid animal proteins, mainly fed with fresh vegetables, from broccoli sprouts, Spirulina algae, AloeVera juice, juice of wheat sprouts, oranges, vitamin C, the amino acid lysine (legumes, walnuts) and believe and decide to become well.

The faith of man do wonders in treating, man must find a communication with the Source of, which is part. If man realizes he suffered cancer, change lifestyle, changed totally diet, contact with the Source of, free from fear and any negative emotion, then you get well.

In order to self-medicate from cancer but also from any considered incurable disease, one must completely forgive oneself and others., if not get rid of the negative energy that exists within us, if not actually forgive the people who have anger, we can not heal.

In order to get rid of sadness and all our negative emotions and the problems they create, we need to change on all levels., so that we do not experience negative emotions and block our energy.

Remember that consists essentially of 7 bodies but they dominate 4 the spiritual, the mental , energy and material.

spiritual body: Significance them are in order of priority are spirits if we do not connect with our Source that do not make sense.

mental body: Then our lives to run the program that we have in our subconscious if the program we have is full of limiting beliefs and psychological reversals (ie subconsciously want to be sick and miserable to attract the interest of our own that we think we rejected) then the mind will command the body to become sick.

energy body: The third is our energy body when we experience negative emotions, then the energy that comes from 7 fountains called chakras or energy centers is limited, but also rivers and streams that carry this energy into our organs and all our members of the body called meridians blocked, resulting in sick.

material body: The latter body is the material, if nourished with meat full of toxins, if we drink alcoholic beverages, our material body toxinonoun, traveled affects our spirituality.

So, apart from the energy we showed that unblock the meridian of the bladder, to change negative programming that we subconsciously, get rid of their fears and negative facts of life with EFT and reconnect with our source that is most important in, our life. But we will show you the way that our reprogramming and reconnect with our Source.

1. With EFT dispose fear, especially fear of rejection.

Deactivate the alarm raised our various negative events from the past and get rid of the psychological reversals (ie subconsciously want to be sick and miserable to attract the interest of our own that we think we rejected).

Where we start to get rid of the subconscious fear of rejection, which fear that we are cut off and do not deserve to be loved or to love our, which is the main cause of our stress,

Massaging the point on the chest (ST 16), saying "although that subconsciously feel fear rejection and subconsciously I wanted to be sick and miserable to pull the attention of my own I think that rejected, from now I choose to love, to appreciate, completely accept myself. From today I realized that all my problems due to fear of rejection experienced by misunderstanding of my subconscious I experience fear of rejection to rid ".

Doing 7-10 bangs at all points shown in the graph below, three to five rounds focusing our consciousness in fear.


2. Reprogram our subconscious
Through the technique of hearing the CD contained in my books "That becomes the Miracle" and "A Life Full of Light" and contains positive statements miraculous (we call Alphamatics) coming to Alpha level can be programmed your subconscious positive, to remove fear that creates the stress, which in turn destroys your organization. You can also replace the grudge you feel for your fellow man, which deprives you of every being and prosperity, with senior energy feelings of love, admiration, compassion that will bring you joy and abundance.

When we sleep the first half hour our brain vibrates with 8-14 pulses per second then the left hemisphere, where are all our beliefs, our beliefs, which filters passes any idea, It's closed, in this way we hear anything, recorded as fact by the right hemisphere of our brain and it is our reality, if we listen to the CD several times and created strong synapses between brain cells (strong neural networks). Οι Alphamatics, are powerful messages that positively reprogram our subconscious, we generate new neural networks, which make us think positively. When "park", let our brain synapses to travel with neural networks has created.

3. Initiation into love

Initiation into love, the free seminars or my emissions, seeing the selfless, unconditional love in my eyes, You see the mirror of yourself and love, fully unconditional, Unlock your heart, the pump of love that you have inside your resumes and can receive and give unconditional love.

When you have love in your Heracles everything, You have worldwide yours. With unconditional love so that you emit, My face you see in the mirror of yourself and love.
The photons that come out of my hands feel the unity of love the Father and love and love fill themselves.

4. Reconnecting with our Source God:
Love me, We offer ourselves forgive everyone and everything. But we are souls and to maintain contact with the Father should participate in the sacraments and rites of our religion which is the sacrament of confession and communion. Never forget that we are souls and need to be connected to our Source, The god, Mister. when we forgive, We reduce our ego, participate in the ceremonies and mysteries of our church, then we unite with our Source and then stress and insomnia disappear.

Αυτοθεραπεία από πρήξιμο στα δόντια, ουλίτιδα, κύστες και περιοδοντίτιδα. 3ALL THE ABOVE ARE EXCERPTS from my books "This is how the miracle happens", in "A Life Full of Light", "Source of Everything" and "The Road to Deification"

But it is important for all of you to get all four books to change your life and fly away from health and joy as I did., so if you order all three of my books "That becomes the Miracle", in "A Life Full of Light", "Source of Everything" "The Road to Deification" I send you with a big discount and without charging you shipping costs. If you want to order you have to send the message address and your mobile or call 6977349766.

All four books have cds, helping you to reprogram your subconscious, change your beliefs. Also in my books and seminars, there are complete instructions to turn your negative feelings and treating yourself to an energy level and then at the physical level of problems in the spine, in the middle, neck, on the knees, hip, in the stomach, gall, Autoimmune Diseases, pollakiuria, problems spastic colitis or constipation, sinusitis, snoring, carpal tunnel problem, tendinitis, insomnia, panic attacks, depression, interruption period, arrhythmia, tachycardia, headaches, migraines, breathing difficulties, Respiratory problems, problems in the bile, cholesterol.(of course for any health issue you should first consult your doctor, while in spiritual, mental and energy levels will be released from the circumstances that led to your illness and aftotherapefste).

Alexis Fotopoulos

Author - Researcher.

In my Website www.afotopoulos.gr., which is fully renovated you will find everything for your health and happiness.

You see all my YouTube channel: Alexis Fotopoulos, It will change your life, makes you fly from health and joy.

This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need to enable JavaScript enabled to view it.

constantly given almost free seminars (leaves something anyone wants for the cost of the room) Navarino 9 and Hippocrates in Athens, but also throughout Greece. The seminar was announced on my website www.afotopoulos.gr to come without quitting position.

In my article: http://www.afotopoulos.gr/arthra/233-h-therapeia-tvn-pantvn-ta-aitia-olvn-astheneivn-kathvs-kai-tropos-pou-mporoume-na-autotherapeutoume-na-ehoume-telies-sheseis-kai-afthonia You will find all the answers to the problems that concern you.

For any health problem, consult your doctor first.

By applying what your doctor says, you can also get help by reading my books. There will be ways to get rid of your negative emotions but also to unblock your meridians, which are rivers of energy., who are blocked by these negative emotions. A-disease means a deprivation of vigor.

Strength is energy. A- rustia means asterik of rustos which means power- energy. When we deprive an instrument of its energy, then it becomes ill, gets sick. We deprive ourselves of energy with our conscious or subconscious negative emotions.

My books that I can send you with discount and shipping free of charge. I can also explain my books to you up close, if you want to contact me contact me at 6977349766, Alexis Fotopoulos, Author - Researcher.

Note: All drawings that are on my website, the on facebook is my book a life of Light, is my spiritual permissions, and their use is prohibited (articles for the printed edition) without my permission. of course it means that you can use them all to unblock your energy meridians and to dispose of health and joy.

Disclaimer: Sure, I want to clarify that these writings are indeed great views of university professors, researchers, Chinese medicine applied with success millennia, are practices that I applied and became well from multiple sclerosis, suffering, and help and I help too many people to eliminate their negative emotions and heal itself. Nevertheless, These views can not replace your doctors, which moreover only to those the state has officially given the license to practice medicine. Therefore, The,what is written in this book is just for your information. When you have health problems, please first contact your doctor and side, if you wish, you can contact a spiritual-energy or alternative therapists, to help you to change your lifestyle and get rid of negative emotions. It's good, also, synergazesthe to your doctor, to change your lifestyle, to become good and to avoid many drugs, which damage your health long term and deplete our funds and the National Economy.



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