The secret to have everything in our lives

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Το μυστικό για να έχουμε τα πάντα στην ζωή μας 1To see what we have to clarify what we. We must realize that we are omnipotent spirits, souls full of light. Why have we come here; To experience love, happiness to realize that we are not cut off, we are not the body we see. We came here to experience the love that vibrates our Source, to experience the unity of all things.

Paul to the Ephesians, clarifies us all "One God and Father of all, who is above all and acts through it all and in all ". It is clear therefore that God is love and dwells in us and we have at our disposal all the strength of, we are coordinated enough to him.

This love heals us and brings us everything. Love is the light, God, everything, when we love we enter the energy field of God and do everything. Father Porphyry tells us clearly that: Life is Christ. Heaven is Christ, It is joy, the light, happiness, our hope. Or you will be in life or in death. It depends on you to choose. When you do not live in Christ live amid the melancholy, in sorrow, anxiety, in distress. Life without Christ is death, it's hell. This is hell, non love. The whole secret is prayer, giving, Love in Christ.

Christ is the joy, the hope, love. The whole secret is faith. Life means love, Life is an expression of God's love. To live without love, means that it lives in the light, means that lives in the shadow draws misery, illness suffering. Love brings everything to our lives, The Lord tells us in John's gospel, "This command I give you, to love one another, so what,you ask the Father in my name to give you ". Whatever we ask in the universe, God will give us, but to give us should cherish, We should believe, but also we ourselves forgive everyone and everything.

Everything that makes diligent; With love (high vibration), with faith (to fail to become reality what we want), forgiveness, humility (to challenge our obstacles have break away from our Source). To achieve this, of course, we must have turned off our negative emotions and have opened our hearts.. Saint Nektarios who constantly performed miracles tells us the following secret: "The faith manifested in love is everything".

Why we; Because according to quantum physicists (Nobel laureates Dr Niels Bohr Dr David Bohm, Werner Heisenberg..) everything, a subatomic level not perceive with our senses , It is amorphous energy, which takes the form where we concentrate our consciousness and believe that it is actually. In other words the subatomic level or quantum level there are infinite possibilities and chances to happen everything, but these infinite possibilities collapse, that will become reality, These will focus our consciousness and believe, We will be sure in advance that have already come true.

The great physician Deepak Chopra tells us that the essence of creation is faith. The process of creation is that by faith, spirit acts flowing from the ideal (field of culture), quantum (Field of mind) and from there to the material level. This is the common point of all miracles. Belief in God is one way to open the lines of communication, beyond the material level. The same applies to prayer or hope. The mind can not do it alone with his thoughts.

The Lord in the Gospel of Mark tells us that we have to ask, enough to believe and forgive we advance ourselves, everyone and everything. "Everything you ask when you pray, to believe that you will receive, and you will be given. And when you stand to pray, to forgive if you have anything against anyone, so also your heavenly Father forgive your trespasses. But if you do not forgive and your heavenly Father will forgive yours misconduct ".

Why we love; The essence of everything is that love as a personal feeling turns into cosmic energy. When love donoumaste at high frequencies (500 pulses per second) and only at high frequencies can be tuned with our Source, and to make our dreams reality.

Must be compassion and to love as many people as we can if we want to achieve in our lives, this secret and told us the Albert Einstein: "The man is a part of the Whole we call the universe, a part limited in time and space. Perceives himself, thoughts, feelings of, as something distinct from the other (which is an optical delusion of his consciousness). This delusion is a kind of prison for us, limiting ourselves to personal desires and to show affection to very few people who have next to us. Our aim is to free ourselves from the prison by widening the circle of compassion, to include all living organisms and to experience the beauty of the Whole ".

The same said the Lord: "Do not love only your own, this do and sinners; and to love your enemies and do good, then your reward will be great, and ye are sons of the Most High, therefore be merciful, and your Father is merciful. ". So he tells us that our reward will be very great if we love our enemies as well, because then we donoumaste at even higher frequencies and can do wonders, this does not do the Saints; Love and love all over the world, even those who tortured and killed, firmly believed and had forgiven everyone and everything, so it can make miracles and.

No need to look for love must first love us as Father says Porphyry: "If you love them first, to know that they love you the same. We should not ask the love of others. We must love them first and not worry about their love ". Love is the power that transforms the cosmic energy and enables us to do miracles. Only when possessed by love will radiate love, We will feel joy and radiate joy, and we will feel happiness and radiate happiness.

The true power of man is the flame of love that is in his heart, in what his heart emits. The Lord in Mark's gospel makes it clear that everything is love: "First and most important command: "To love the Lord, your God with all your soul, with all your mind and with all your strength. "The second to love your neighbor as yourself". If love never get sick, We open the gate of happiness Health. When we love God, we love ourselves, everyone and everything

Love is God and whoever remains in love remains in God and God abides in him. The essence of everything is that love as a personal feeling turns into cosmic energy.

When we love unconditionally provide people a mirror that reflects their image, in this way they can recognize and love themselves. When we begin to love ourselves, a link is created between us and the others and the fear disappears. When the illusion of separability solved mentally, love harmonizes us and eliminates diseases. H disease is a cry for help, a call for love and a deeper sense of connection with the Whole. With love we can heal and once again become integrated again. With acts of love and compassion we experience harmony, section, the connection to the universe.

The portal from which achieve access to our Source, Source of abundance, health, the joy of perfect relations, It is one and it is our heart, only when within us, in our heart, experience the love, means that we experience God's presence in us. when we love, we feel that we have the power of the ocean within us (when we are cut off from our Source, we are but a drop, but when we are connected to our Source we are united with the ocean and we have the power of), the power to do everything, means that we are connected to the Source of abundance, health, of happy relationships, of joy, of beauty.

Love is the power that transforms the cosmic energy and enables us to do miracles. The frequency, the vibration of our love gives access to the infinite energy and intelligence that governs and contains everything in the universe, which we call God. Only when possessed by love will feel joy and happiness, is clear and finality. Love we feel when we are humble, when we see the face every fellow man the face of God, the face of the Lord.

To do this however we must open our hearts, but to be open our heart we should have been released from the negative emotions to open the center of our hearts.. We must cleanse our hearts from fear, fear of rejection, anger that creates this fear, review, the bitterness, self-pity, We will fill of divine love for all. Success always depends on our state of consciousness. Love lives on and offer forgiveness. So the best to act like love. Love is the oxygen of everything, without love starts misery poverty illness. Our love for others, It is an inexhaustible source of happiness.

Everything depends upon the love we have for ourselves. What is this love; According to John's gospel: "God is love, and Menon in love, He lives in God and God in him ". We are all children of God, said the Lord, which means we have infinite protection and safety, when we are connected, tuned with him and we are always connected when we feel love, we have lowered our ego and we have absolute faith that everything will be fine.

Love is within us. The Emmet Fox (great teacher early last century) dares to say that if we can love everyone therapepsoume. "If you had Divine Love all your heart, you could make them heal others, expressing even once the Word (means God). In many circumstances indeed, just your presence, could heal without any effort on your part ".

Why should we forgive and show humility. To coordinate with our Source, You should donoumaste at high frequencies and to do this we must have forgiven ourselves, everyone and everything and get rid of our negative emotions. The key to making our lives a miracle is humility, the reduction of the ego. The ego, It prevents us to realize the purpose of our soul. As says Deepak Chopra our body is recycled earth, our emotions are recycled energy and our thoughts are recycled information. So the ego, our personality does not come from us, molded through the selective identification with situations and through human relationships. When we consider ourselves as the ego, then completely restrict our strength. Only when we reset the ego can do the miracle.

We can start a new life, xanakerdizontas our health and happiness enough to forgive ourselves.

Our negative emotions due to the fear that we can not love or love us, these emotions create illness and why we call it the largest psychiatry professors (at the University of California UCLAstin) world as Fari Amini, Richard Lannon and Thomas Luis. When we love unconditionally we connect immediately with our Source. Only when we give unconditional love to our children only then do our children fly from health and joy. When we have developed me, cherish terms, indifferent to the happiness of others and seeking a selfish way our personal interests, We do many non-virtuous acts, the result of which is nothing but misery. I have seen mothers intervene and complicate their children, destroy their families and they do it just to impose their views, to satisfy their ego.

The human ego completely destroys, leads to the destruction of himself and of his own people. All people suffering from depression have elevated me. Depression is the definitive break with the Whole, our Source. Depression, means to feel detached, feel deprived of love. Fear and hopelessness that they feel is due to the lack of love, because because of the ego they have cut off their Source. By reducing the ego, humiliation flooded unconditional love. When we humble ourselves all brothers feel no separate, donoumaste the frequencies of love, which are the frequencies where our thoughts become reality. We are destined to live happily, We should never settle for a negative situation, nothing less than complete happiness and harmony. Only when we align ourselves with forgiveness can we see life more beautiful and harmonious, only then we can reduce stress and feel vulnerable. Only when we forgive, we can choose the level of love

When someone does not forgive tend to judge and condemn, bring in the negative emotions, hate, anger, guilt, even breathes this person, he says the big O David Hawkins (psychiatry Doctor) creates anxiety. It also argues that the stress comes from our tendency to be perfectionists and our lack of flexibility and our tendency to criticize ourselves. While stress does not exist outside of us is in us and is created by the way I translate see events. When we fear, anxiety, We never make diligent stress what we want (We focus on what you do not want to happen to us and what happens to us).

In the Lord's Prayer: "As we and afiemen our debtors". It means that we forgive ourselves and others, and our request for forgiveness, It depends on whether we have forgiven others. When we free others, liberate ourselves, resentment we feel for others is our actual shackles. When we feel anger, grudge for someone, then denomaste with him and always bring us and it costs us, because it becomes cause for all diseases as says Professor of Medicine New York University Dr John Sarno.

Forgiveness of others is what drives us to the kingdom of heaven. Forgiveness is to draw from within every negative emotion , and criticism of others and of ourselves. The major must forgive ourselves, but we can not forgive ourselves, if first we do not forgive others. In the prayer of the Lord it seems clear that we must forgive others if we want to achieve anything, if we do not forgive others, cut the connection with his father, our Source. clearly tells us to forgive ourselves, get rid of the guilt, Guilt is the worst negative emotion. When we have not forgiven someone or ourselves with our heart then according to Dr Casey Adams, the innermost thoughts and feelings I translate into waveforms that are transmitted as commands to the hypothalamus and pituitary, All glands, to all our organs to enter into a permanent alarm, which causes constant, fixed deterioration we call disease.

ALL THE ABOVE ARE FROM THE THIRD detach MY PAPER “Source of Everything” to be released early July 2016. You can order the “A Life Full of Light” (540 pages with CD), It costs 25 €, my new book "Source of Everything" also costs 25 € (520 pages with CD), if you order one of the aforementioned books along with "That becomes the Miracle" (380 pages with CD) cost 40 €, if you order the “Source of Everything” with the “A Life Full of Light 45 €, if you order all three of my books "That becomes the Miracle", in "A Life Full of Light" and "Source of All," I send you the most discount the 20% 55 € and three, in all shipping costs are offering me.

I am near you to show you the love and help get rid of negative emotions and limiting beliefs, are weights that hinder our life. In my books "That becomes the Miracle", "A Life Full of Light" and “The Source of All”, which actually change your life, these books are full instructions for turning off the negative emotions such as, Your Myous in love, connect you to your Source and make you fly with health and joy.

I'm always by your side to liberate all our problems, To fly from health and joy and be led to the light.

with infinite, unconditional love

Alexis Fotopoulos

Author – Spiritual Healer tel: 6977349766, 6909193329, email;
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Facebook: Alexis Fotopoulos, Alexis Fotopoulos or Alexios Fotopoulos-b, groups: “Thus becomes the Miracle, “We can all heal itself and to lead the Light”.

EVERY MONDAY AND WEDNESDAY 17:00 -21:00 free seminars (leaves something anyone wants for the cost of the room) Navarino 9 and Hippocrates in Athens. The seminar was announced on my website can come without closing position.



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