The secret of health, of happiness, of prosperity is to praise, to constantly bless the Lord, to follow His commandments and mysteries.

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ihsousWhen we are left to Christ to dwell in our souls, then sin departs, the disease goes away, the man given, surrendered to Christ, overcomes difficulties without deteriorating. The greatest sin we commit is removal or severing the connection with our Creator. How to find joy in my life (they asked the Saint); "Go to church, to confess and share ", that is, participation in ceremonies and sacraments (Saint Porphyry).

But in order to draw closer to God, we must believe in him, without faith there is no reality. But faith is trust, complete in God, internal acceptance and observance of God's word. That is, I believe that what he says is true and I follow it. we do not believe in God, αν δεν ακολουθούμε πλήρως αυτά που λέει. Δεν μπορεί ποτέ να έλθει το φως το αληθινό αν δεν πιστεύουμε και δεν ακολουθούμε και το Λόγο του Κυρίου που είναι ο Λόγος του Θεού. We sin when we break up our relationship with God, when we do not follow the Word of the Lord. Sin is infidelity to the Lord, if we do not believe we die in sin because they are not able to see their sins, διότι δεν έχουν προσωπική σχέση προσωπική αγάπη προς το Θεό. Η σωστή πίστη προς το Θεό μας δίνει φτερά.

What to do, so we can work on the projects, that God wants; Η απάντηση του Κυρίου: "It simply came to our notice then, that God wants, to believe in the one he has sent, I am the bread of life, me with the transfer of my body and blood, but also with my teaching and for the sake of the Holy Spirit I transmit the real and eternal life. The one who comes to me, He who believes in me will never go hungry spiritually, ποτέ δεν θα διψάσει. Το δε θέλημα του Πατρός, who sent me into the world, that's exactly it, not to lose any of those he has given me, but to resurrect them on that great day of my second presence. And that is his will, who sent me, namely everyone who sees the Son and believes in him to have eternal life. And I will resurrect him gloriously on the great day of judgment. No one can come to me with faith, if the Father who sent me, δεν τον προσελκύσει με την Θεία Χάρη». «Καθένας που τρώγει την σάρκα μου και πίνει το αίμα μου, it is very closely connected with me in a spiritual body, so that he may abide in me, and I may abide in him, and make him the abode of the divinity.. As the Father sent me, who has life in himself and is the source of life, and I as a man have an immortal life from the Father, and I live for the Father, so did he, who through the divine Eucharist receives me, will live, διότι θα πάρει από εμέ την ζωή». «Σας λέγω δε και τούτο, the Holy Spirit is the one who animates. And sarcasm gives me eternal life, precisely because the Holy Spirit has been conceived and inhabited by the Spirit. Any other sarcasm is of no use. The words, which I teach you, it is the spirit of God, δι’ this they do not have and they transmit life. Do not care solely and do not work for food, which is temporary and lost, but for spiritual nourishment, which ensures eternal life. And the Son of man will give you this food. " (Jesus Christ).

According to the Kapodistrian Fathers, God is Love: he will say that God is formed as a being, there is, δια μέσου σχέσεων προσωπικών. Η κοινωνία είναι συστατικό πρωταρχικό της υπάρξεως του Θεού. Love therefore, that is, this society, that makes us exist, it's not an emotion. Love is not an emotion, αλλά είναι μία σχέση που μας κάνει να υπάρχουμε. «ο Θεός αγάπη εστί» σημαίνει ουσιαστικά ότι ο Θεός είναι Αγία Τριάς. It's nothing else. That is, His essence is society. And what will he say: «είναι» κοινωνία; Θα πει ότι δεν μπορούμε να Τον εννοήσουμε ούτε κατ’ επίνοια ως Μόνον. Ο Θεός αποκαλύπτεται και δίνει τα πάντα στους ταπεινούς, the only problem we have is sin, the removal from God that you become when we do not follow His standards. God enlightens us with His Holy Spirit, without it we can do nothing, στο καθ’ ομοίωση που είναι άκτιστο είναι εκτός χωροχρόνου μπορούμε να φθάσουμε μόνο με τη Χάρη του Αγίου πνεύματος. Ο Θεός μας φωτίζει όταν είμαστε ταπεινοί, when we have our hearts open, this Grace deifies us, it also gives us the analogy, takes us out of space-time, το κτιστό το περιορισμένο. Ο Κύριος μας δίνει τη Θεοποιό Χάρη όταν τη ζητήσουμε, if we are humbled, when we ask for forgiveness. Joy is the fruit of the Holy Spirit.

The Lord has given us everything, we with our choices cut off contact with Him. We base our opinion, to the glory of others, μόνο όμως η φώτιση κάνει τον άνθρωπο να βλέπει τον Κύριο να βλέπει το φως και να βαδίζει προς το φως και τότε γινόμαστε όμοιοι του Κυρίου.Ο Κύριος μας έδωσε την μετάνοια για να σωθούμε, we decide if we will be saved, if we repent, because we have not yet lived up to the Creator's standards. If we ask for forgiveness, if we will humble ourselves and change our lives following the Lord's commands and throw away health and joy. Η χαρά μας δηλώνει την ικανοποίηση της ψυχής μας. Our lives go well only when we feel calm, we feel humble, we are not bothered by others, δεν μας ενοχλεί τίποτα. Η δόξα, the passing of the world gives us no happiness, I have experienced it, only when I resist my passions and follow the word of the Lord, I am humble, I am a servant of all, αισθάνομαι γαλήνη, I feel my heart flying.

Humility unites us with the Lord and gives us everything, Saint Porphyrios tells us, his Words: “Humility is absolute trust in God. The humble never gets upset but accepts everything with gratitude, perfect trust in God is synonymous with absolute humility. Humility is the perfect obedience to God without objection, without reaction, even if some things seem difficult and absurd. Το άφημα στα χέρια του Θεού. A lot of grief for everything comes from a lot of selfishness "When there is humility there is no depression. . Selfish is very upset with everything. . Humble is free and independent of everyone and everything. This is done only by union with Christ. Theas if the senses were operating according to the law of the Lord. Be prepared to embrace anyone. That is freedom. Where love, freedom there. Living in the love of God, you live in freedom. The humble and the loving become truly free”

Unless we unite with Christ On, we nonexistent. Christ clothed himself with human nature to purify it. The man who experiences unconditional love, does not judge, he doesn't care what others do. Unless we are united with Christ, we are non-existent. Faith in the Divinity of Jesus Christ, is a prerequisite for the appearance of the Holy Spirit. , The incarnation of the Lord is testimony to the presence of light. The belief that Christ is the spirit of uncreated, it is the condition for divine grace to come to us. The holiday is the mother of all evil. Man has been called to become a saint, but he cannot do so because of the holiday. The holiday is a mess, the human mind is immobile and when we do not use it to create it will go bad it will start to deal with what others are doing, all this leads us away from our salvation. With the holiday we are led to passions, away from the Father. In order to escape from all this, we have to work manually. When we watch the events our mind breaks, focus on the unbuilt not the transient, don't weaken your mind. I personally never listen to the news, το μόνο που κάνω προσεύχομαι συνεχώς είμαι επικεντρωμένος στον Κύριο που με το Άγιο πνεύμα μου δίνει την καλύτερη λύση σε όλα μου τα θέματα. Χρειάζεται να μειώνω το εγώ μου να θεωρώ κάθε στιγμή ότι οτιδήποτε πετυχαίνω οφείλεται στην βοήθεια του θεού όχι στην προσπάθεια τη δική μου. Το έργο του νου μας είναι να προσευχόμαστε κι όχι να κρίνουμε ή να κάνουμε επιστήμη τα πάθη μας, αλλά να προσευχόμαστε, to communicate with the Father, διαμέσου του Κυρίου, The real purpose in our lives, no matter what we do, is to connect with the creator, το Πνεύμα Του το Άγιο. Whatever we do, we must do it with love for God and our fellow human beings. God, Christ must be our life, then we will see others as our brothers, we will stop acting egocentrically, we have the Lord as the center of our life. The absence of Christ, it is the absence of joy from our lives and that is sin, the removal from God, this is sin. Χρειάζεται να έχουμε επιείκεια και αγάπη σε όλους τους ανθρώπους. Η μετάνοια είναι η αποκατάσταση της σχέσης μου με τα Θεό, opening the door to health, happiness and prosperity. All our successes are due to God, if we believe that success is due to us we suffer from vanity. Unfortunately, we do not go to confession in a state of repentance, our ego is justified, we seek to solve our problem, not to repent in order to unite with God, when we repent and surrender to God then all our problems are solved. The longing to be united with God is the basis of our true repentance. We desire to regain the relationship we lost realizing that we cannot live without God, without the Lord. The Lord is the light, the joy of life, the driving force of the world, those who believe in the Lord will always be in the light. Whoever believes in the Lord will be well, will not have any health problems, happiness, prosperity. We are all children of God, the Lord is with us and gives us everything, as long as we want it, to allow him.

Κάθε φορά που αμαρτάνει (δεν τηρεί τις προδιαγραφές του Πατέρα) ο άνθρωπος χωρίζεται από τον Θεό. Καθένας μπορεί να δει τον Χριστό αναστημένο μέσα του όταν ταπεινωθεί, να μετανοήσει, να πεθάνει τον παλιό του εαυτό, δεν μπορούμε να βιώσουμε την ανάσταση αν δεν έχουμε άκρα ταπείνωση. The Lord showed the perfection intended, to become perfect as our Father. Our purpose is to become similar to Christ, The Lord invites us to become similar to Him. The aim is to defeat our passions, our sin and to walk towards deification. Deification is the complete health, bliss. I love God means to obey his commandments, conditions to bring the Holy Spirit to be clean and to be clean must abide by the Father commands.

Ο Άγιος Αντώνιος μας λέγει όλο το μυστικό της ποιος είναι σοφός άνθρωπος: «Σοφός είναι ο άνθρωπος γνωρίζει (τις εντολές) το Θεό και δεν σταματά ποτέ να κάνει αφθόνως πάντα όσα αρέσουν στον Θεό. Δεν πρέπει να απελπιζόμαστε και να παραμελούμε το Θεό, αλλά να επικεντρωνόμαστε στην άπειρη δύναμη της ψυχής μας.Human, in the logical part, συνδέεται με την ανείπωτη (την ανέκφραστη) και θεία δύναμη και κατά το σωματικό συγγενεύει προς τα ζώα. Οι περισσότεροι άνθρωποι, the mentally stupid, after abandoning that divine and immortal adoption, they now turn to the dead and unfortunate and short-lived kinship of the body (physical affinity for animals) taking care of the carnal, like horses animals, ανάβοντας από τις ηδονές κι έτσι χωρίζουν τους εαυτούς των από το Θεό και σύρουν την ψυχή από τους ουρανούς, down to the abyss, due to (inferior) θελήματα της. The rational avoids what harms the soul, διότι του είναι ξένα και τον χωρίζουν από την αθανασία».

Όποιος υποτάξει τον εαυτό του στο Θεό, βρίσκεται κοντά στο να υποταχθούν τα πάντα. Ο Άγιος Ισαάκ ο Σύρος μας λέγει κι αυτός όλο το νόημα της ζωής, της επιτυχίας, της γαλήνης με λίγες κουβέντες: «Όποιος υποτάξει τον εαυτό του στο Θεό, βρίσκεται κοντά στο να υποταχθούν τα πάντα. Αυτός ο οποίος επιθυμεί να κατοικήσει μέσα του ο Θεός πρέπει να εργάζεται τις εντολές. God's. Όσο με πόθο πλησιάζουμε το Θεό, τόσο ο Θεός πλησιάζει σε μας τα χαρίσματά Του. Δεν μπορεί κανείς να πλησιάσει το Θεό αν δεν απομακρυνθεί από τα πράγματα του υλικού κόσμου. Η σκέπη και η πρόνοια του Θεού, σκεπάζει όλους τους ανθρώπους αλλά δεν είναι φανερή σε όλους, παρά σ’ εκείνους που καθάρισαν τον εαυτόν τους, από την αμαρτία και έχουν πάντοτε όλη τη μελέτη μόνο στον Θεό. Δεν θα καταλάβει τον Θεό, όποιος δεν έχει ταπείνωση. Οι άνθρωποι στον κόσμο δεν βρίσκουν ποτέ την ειρήνη, παρά μόνο όταν φθάσουν στην ελπίδα του Θεού. Η απαλλαγή από την ύλη του κόσμου προηγείται της συνδέσεως με τον Θεό. Όλες οι εντολές του Θεού τείνουν στη δημιουργία καθαρής καρδιάς. Όσο η καρδιά μένει ατάραχη στα κοσμικά πράγματα, τόσο ο νους μπορεί να κατανοήσει και να θαυμάσει τα θεία μυστήρια. Αγάπα τον Θεό για να μην σ’ αιχμαλωτίσει η αγάπη του κόσμου». "S.’ αυτόν που γνώρισε τον εαυτό του δίδεται η γνώση των πάντων. Διότι η γνώση εαυτού είναι πλήρωμα της γνώσης των όλων. Με την υποταγή της ψυχής σου θα υποταγούν σε σένα τα πάντα. Όσον καιρό βασιλεύει η ταπείνωση στην διαγωγή σου, σου είναι υποτεταγμένη, η ψυχή σου και μαζί με αυτήν θα σου είναι υποτεταγμένα τα πάντα. Διότι τότε γεννάται στην καρδιά σου η από τον Θεό ειρήνη. Όσον καιρό όμως ευρίσκεσαι έξω από αυτήν, θα καταδιωχτείς, όχι μόνο από τα πάθη, αλλά και από τα συναπαντήματα».

Without God it is not possible to love oneself. All patients with incurable diseases have cut off their contact with God, with the love, for this their body becomes ill, to lower their ego and reconnect with Source, otherwise the soul leaves the body and it dies. Father Thaddeus tells us that God will give us the strength to love both ourselves and our neighbor, χωρίς το Θεό δεν είναι δυνατόν να αγαπήσει κανείς τον εαυτό του. Με το Θεό όλα είναι δυνατά, διότι εκείνος είναι η δύναμη και η ζωή μας. Δεν πρέπει να επιτρέψουμε στον εαυτό μας να υποδουλώνεται σε πράγματα και ανθρώπους, αλλά να επικεντρωνόμαστε στον Κύριο, only those who unite with the Lord are not enslaved to things and people. We suffer, ill, we have problems in our relationships because we have a high ego. Το μυστικό είναι να ελευθερώσουμε την καρδιά μας από την προσκόλληση, η θεία αγάπη που υπάρχει μέσα στην καρδιά μας, είναι απεριόριστη και περιλούει τα πάντα. Unlimited unconditional love, we receive it only through our connection with God, Mister, we will never find it from humans.

Η εξομολόγηση όπως και τα άλλα μυστήρια σκοπό έχουν να ενωθούμε με το Θεό. To confession I go with longing to meet, to unite with God, with enthusiasm, with a crash, I go with the intention of erasing my ego, then only the mystery, the Holy Spirit will enlighten me and bring me into communion with God, with Mister. Όλο το μυστικό είναι η διάκριση, δεν με απασχολεί τι θα πει ο παπάς, εμένα με ενδιαφέρει να συναντήσω, να κοινωνήσω (επικοινωνήσω) The god, κι ας ταπεινωθώ στον ιερέα. When we confess we should not make excuses, to accept every observation, which contributes to the reduction of our ego, in union with the Father. Our passions are a consequence of space-time that we perceive only with our senses. Our fall into space-time, the fall of Adam made us feel cut off and separate. The feeling of being cut off has crept into our family and we see our partner as our enemy, despite the fact that the Lord tells us that whoever unites with the sacrament of marriage, cannot be divorced. Seeing ourselves then cut off from the infinite possibilities that exist, we choose only the options, that we will experience fear, the pain, review, we exclude the choice to live harmoniously with our partner and raise their children, with the result that all the children of the divorced are not introduced to love. We keep our peace of mind, only when in us there is love for our fellow man. The power to love our fellow human beings, the Holy Spirit gives it to us. Our passions are a consequence of space-time that we perceive only with our senses, with the fall of Adam we lost our peace, the Father's kingdom, our sonship, that we are omnipotent creators. We are freed from our passions by humility, the confession, the Holy Communion.

Repentance is our return to God, the realization of our weakness, that we can do nothing without God. So we find God through repentance. Repentance is longing to return to the Father, to reconnect with God. So repentance is our return to God, the realization of our weakness that we can do nothing without God. We must realize that our soul is part of God. As Deepak Chopra tells us, the soul consists of the local and the non-local part. The non-local part is with God, so it is nonsense to think that without God we can do anything. When we turn away from God and believe that we are capable of everything, then events happen to us that make us realize our weakness and return to the Father, like the prodigal son. So we find God through repentance. Repentance is not confessing and telling my pain, my bitterness, this is a disguised appearance of my ego. Repentance is longing to return to the Father, to reconnect with God. When should we not despair?, to humbly ask for forgiveness, sorry, then a thousand times to sin a day, if we ask for forgiveness a thousand times, then we stay connected, we feel the certainty of God's love, we learn to love the whole world. The man who repents is constantly connected to God, he is happy, pulsates with 500 pulses per second, it makes us fly. Repentance means being open, to love all people, then I love God, when I love all people. Our callousness towards our fellow men. it is due to our ego, in our distance from God, in the lack of repentance. The shame, our logic, our ego is the cause of all our problems, our repentance extinguishes our ego, which is what separates us from the Father. Humility is my admission that without God I am nothing, the erasure of my ego, the lack of judgment in whatever he does.

So the end of the disease, of misery, the principle of freedom, of the beginning of heaven, it begins with enlightenment, who gives us the Holy Spirit, which the Lord brought us. The unity, the Paradise that the Lord commanded us we cannot even imagine, only the Saints have experienced such moments, we can realize this Paradise and reach it only with the help of the Lord. Heaven for all of us, unity is God's plan for us. The command of the Lord is our Theosis, our union with the Father. This is the goal of all of us, the Lord comes into us, he meets us he directs us when we pray we love all people and our enemies, but also to constantly read the Gospel which is His Word. This way we will be able to understand to realize our goal, Where is Love, society with everyone and everything. Society with everyone and everything, the words of the Lord must enter our hearts and not our minds.

Conclusion: The Kingdom of God, Heaven on earth is the Holy Spirit, is within our, and we receive His enlightenment, when we are humble and follow the Father's commandments. All the secret to have in us the Kingdom of the Holy Spirit, we ask God to reign in us, God gives us everything when he reigned in us. It is always within us, in our heart, in every cell, enough to understand and take the Light of. The uncreated light of this divine enlightenment to understand when we open the windows of our hearts, they open with humiliation, the sequence of standards and our participation in the sacraments and rites of our religion. The Lord gives us Heaven when we repent, whatever we have done, αν μετανοήσουμε αμέσως αντιλαμβανόμαστε το Πνεύμα το Άγιο του Θεού, και λαμβάνουμε τα πάντα. Το μυστικό είναι να αισθανθούμε την Αγάπη του Θεού, which is unconditional love and this is achieved: when we turn off our negative emotions, when we commune and confess, όταν ποτέ δεν κρίνουμε τους συνανθρώπους μας που δεν έχουν φωτιστεί, ή δεν έχουν μετανοήσει ακόμη. When we repent, our soul focus, connected with God and no longer focuses on the earth. Όταν ο άνθρωπος μετανοήσει ενώνεται με το Θεό. Ας παραδώσουμε λοιπόν τον εαυτό μας στο θέλημα του Θεού κι αυτός θα μας τα δώσει όλα. Αυτός που έχει το έλεος του Κυρίου δεν φοβάται τίποτα, το έλεος του Θεού είναι παντοτινό, δεν χάνεται ποτέ. We cannot understand the love of God without the Grace of the Holy Spirit. When we feel God's love we feel in Heaven, we live the unbuilt, την ευτυχία την γαλήνη δεν μπορεί να την αντέξει το κτιστό το περιορισμένο γήινο όχημα μας. Παραμείνετε στην προσευχή, δώστε τροφή στο νου σας το «Κύριε Ιησού Χριστέ Ελέησον με», τότε σωθήκαμε παύουμε να αμαρτάνουμε. Σκοπός είναι να αισθανόμαστε τη χάρη του Θεού στην ψυχή μας. Δεν υπάρχει μεγαλύτερη ευτυχία από τον αγαπάς τον Θεό. Όταν αισθανθούμε αυτή την αγάπη γινόμαστε χαρούμενοι. Αν αγαπήσουμε τον αδελφό μας και κυρίως τον εχθρό μας, τότε έρχεται η αγάπη και η χάρη του Θεού στην ψυχή μας και στην` καρδιά μας. If we all kept the commandments of the Lord then we would have Heaven on earth. The Holy Spirit teaches us unconditional love, it makes us like the Lord who is the purpose of all of us.


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I'm always by your side to liberate all our problems, To fly from health and joy and be led to the light.

with infinite, unconditional love

Alexis Fotopoulos

Author – Spiritual Healer

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