Self-medication of panic attacks, insomnia, depression and difficulty walking.

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Αυτοθεραπεία  από κρίσεις πανικού, αυπνία, κατάθλιψη και δυσκολία στο βάδισμα. 1We can rid, from Panic Attacks, insomnia and depression. When we experience depression means that we are in the dark, energy our meridians blocked for this patheinoume and panic attacks.

What does a panic attack;

Possessed by such fear and terror that our energy is released into rivers called meridians stops leading to collapse. It's like going to Amusement when the switch close to a terasteio inflatable it collapses.

If parents are not attuned to love unconditionally, consistently possessed by insecurity, if they contend with each other, if absent, if they are strict with us, if they show weakness in one of our brothers, then there myoumaste in love. Thus disrupting the element of fire and blocked energy in our heart, small intestine, the pericardium and triple heater meridian which cause disturbance throughout the nervous system.

Failure initiation into our love pouring into the vortex of space-time, to feel cut off and feel insecure, which disturbs the balance of the earth element that blocks the energy meridians of the stomach and spleen and causes our stomach problems, bloating, all gynecological and thyroid.

Our insecurity creates sorrow, is disturbance of the metal element according to the Chinese medicine, which blocks our energy in the meridian of the lung and colon, so that we have problems in the colon, problems in our respiratory system and all skin problems.

Our grief creates fear causes disorder in the element of water, which blocks the meridians of the bladder and kidneys, so that we have all the problems in our urinary system, our spine, particularly in the neck and waist, pressure, poor kidney function (Uric Acid), insomnia, frequent urination, incontinence.

Fear sets in alarm our body to process anger, which disturbs the wood element and blocks the flow of energy in the meridians of the bile and the liver.

So that we have headaches, hearing problems, neck problems, gallstones, high cholesterol, fatty infiltration of liver, problems in the thyroid gland, on the knee, hip, and all autoimmune problems caused by anger process, which closes the center of our hearts, mislead our immune system and attacks on us (all detailed in my book "A Life Full of Light").

We can heal ourselves from panic attacks by unblocking our meridians, which we blocked with our negative emotions.

Blocking this energy, It is like the cut of the stream and then collapses, This is the panic attack. Unblocking our meridians, we restore energy.

To permanently solve the problem of panic attacks in addition to unblocking the meridians and the EFT which helps us in terms of lifeguards, we need to reprogram our subconscious with the cds in my books.

We are energy, our body is an energy system, if the power is interrupted (panic attack), It is like when you cut your hand or another member of our body, as there is a problem, you have to paste normally continue our life.

the cleavage of the energy system, the cause memories of traumatic experiences which we have experienced in the past, disruption causes negative feelings and emotional outbursts are experiencing. The actual cause of the disease and the symptoms we feel is the breakdown of our energy system, restored to EFT.

Certainly the EFT restores the flow of energy, but if we do not change our beliefs and we continue to translate in a negative way the events of our life, then again blocked and the flow of energy is interrupted, for this reason the CD that is in my books reprogram our subconscious and thus change the way we interpret the events occurring.

When gripped by negative emotions such action blocked, the “drift” circulating inside us stops and then we crumble, this is the panic attack.

We get sick because of our specific decisions and emotions that we create our barriers to the movement of energy, these obstacles we create all the symptoms and diseases that have. All symptoms reflect blocked energy.

Getting rid of panic attacks with EFT and unblocking the pericardium at noon.

Get rid of panic attacks by unblocking the pericardium at noon.

The meridian of the pericardium, It helps us to get rid of all traffic problems, and sexual blockages (the meridian of the pericardium meridian called traffic and sex). The meridian of the pericardium helps us to disable concern (P 6) , get rid of the panic attack (P 6) and get rid of the negative energy that imprisons our heart. Do tatochrona massaged at points P6 and P1 is the beginning of the meridian, next to our chest.


Heal itself from attacks depression panic attacks Despina Georgantzelou.

Self-medication for panic attacks by Dimitra Koulouvakou: "I was suffering from panic attacks 14 years, before three months as fooling around on the internet to read about issues with my own unique and unadjusted case, as we all believe us when we experience pain especially psychologically, Fall over some video of Mr. Photopoulou. Come say let's do the grace to hear someone to see what another says quack thought.

"The video led to another so find me dawn listening and watching videos with the sessions Mr. Fotopoulos. I could hear people talking and describing its own problems, I heard and saw Mr. Fotopoulos explain incredibly reasonable and proven arguments the function of the body's mechanisms and soul.

"I was looking to find something weird something wrong, So I decided to go looking myself in some of the sessions and to find myself and I listen closely together with the rest of the world, Besides what I had to lose.

"Fourteen years of my best year that do not turn back I went along with panic attacks panic attacks only those who can understand face. and I know that many.

"Please listen to me: so many years I was running psychologists. I was taking pills, I tried to accept that you will spend the rest of my life in the company of this curse.

"At the moment I write I am much better thanks to Mr Fotopoulos. I am better thanks to the books of Mr. Fotopoulos. I am better thanks to cd to hear morning evening.

"I am much better because I believed in God while Mr. Fotopoulos has taught me that and I trust him God. Not only to believe him, He sent me to confess to a holy man the joist Arsenio, who not only did not reject my sins, but discussed with me.

"He advised unique and wonderful examples and a very careful argument for life. Do not stay to suffer another. Run to find Mr. Fotopoulos.. me made me start to live again, sorry if your tired. Sincerely Demetra Koulouvakou ".

Exemption from stress and panic attacks based on fear of rejection, fear that we separate the process of EFT.

We are energy, our body is an energy system, if the power is interrupted, It is like when you cut your hand or another member of our body, as there is a problem, you have to paste normally continue our life. thecleavage of the energy system, the cause memories of traumatic experiences which we have experienced in the past, disruption causes negative feelings and emotional outbursts are experiencing. The actual cause of the disease and the symptoms we feel is the breakdown of our energy system, restored to EFT.

Certainly with EFTapokathistatai the flow of energy, but if we do not change our beliefs and we continue to translate in a negative way the events of our life, then again blocked and the flow of energy is interrupted, for this reason the CD there in my books reprogram our subconscious and thus change the way we interpret the events occurring. But in order to be in full health and wellness, We need to reconnect with our Source, loving and forgiving ourselves, everyone and everything, and participate in the sacraments of our church. We are spirits and full of light only when reconnect with our Source, receive infinite inspiration, guidance, strength and love to fly in all areas of our lives. In your analytical document provides all the instructions to disable the negative emotions, and change the psychological reversal, This self-destructive programming that you have from the age of 0 until 6 years.

Panic attacks come from the subconscious fear of rejection, which fear that we are cut off and do not deserve to be loved or to love our, which is the main cause of our stress, massaging the point on the chest (ST 16), saying "although that subconsciously feel fear rejection and subconsciously I wanted to be sick and miserable to pull the attention of my own that I think that rejected, from now I choose to love, to appreciate, completely accept myself. From today I realized that all my problems due to fear of rejection experienced by misunderstanding of my subconscious I experience fear of rejection to rid ".

Doing 7-10 bangs at all points shown in the graph below, three to five rounds focusing our consciousness, the panic attacks are experiencing, fear of rejection and anger or any negative emotion we want to disable.

aupnia meshmbrinoi


The grief caused by the uncertainty created by the failure initiation into love.

Based on repressed negative emotions are based on insecurity and fear and created from embryonic, the infant, our childhood and in general from the past.

Negative emotions are repressed keep jammed into huge amount of energy.

Is repressed because our conscious not have the strength to overcome the time happened and pushed into the subconscious and when they repeated the stimulus coming to the surface.

As mentioned earlier the reason why we can not escape from depression is erroneous negative beliefs, ie the underlying beliefs that we have that we are not able, we are not enough to live happily or worse we are guilty, joy and should be punished not deserve our.

The only truth is that we are souls, spirits full of light that can achieve everything (driven by love, humility, generosity, ie all the virtues is our Source), all other beliefs are wrong.


The insomnia is clearly a matter of insecurity, sorrow, fear, anger.

The thilastkos brain when we fear behaves like a deer threatened by lions, You must stay awake in order to save.

When possessed by insecurity, affliction, fear, anger means that threatened, excrete cortisol, which inactivates the secretion of melatonin, which is the hormone that causes us sleep.

Without the secretion of melatonin is not sleeping. Solution to insomnia is off negative emotions, the initiation into love.

We get rid of insomnia massaging the following points insomnia (but in order to get rid definitively should reprogram our subconscious, be initiated into love and to reconnect with our Source):

  • B10 back neck, B 38 behind and beside the shoulder blade, at the height of the armpit and B 62 located at the tip of the little toe, whereby the meridian bladder passes (Bladder meridian).
  • GV 24,5 between the eyes (third eye) and GV 16 at the end of the head center where it starts the neck, whereby the government meridian passing (Governor meridian).
  • K 6 which is the inside of the ankle and K 27 It is where the collarbone joins the breastbone. (See points from previous charts). Through K 27 the kidney meridian starts (Kidney meridian).
  • CV 6 located on the 5th lumbar, CV 12 the solar plexus, CV 17 which is between the chest, whereby the central meridian passing (Conception vessel meridian).
  • GB 20 at the end of the head, where the neck begins, whereby the meridian bile passes (Gallbladder meridian).
  • From the point P6, two centimeters above the wrist, passing the meridian of the pericardium (Pericardium meridian).

aupnia meshmbrinoi 2

Why we have difficulty to walk;

Fear blocked meridians of the bladder and kidneys, so that we have all the problems in our urinary system, our spine, particularly in the neck and waist, pressure, poor kidney function (Uric Acid), insomnia, frequent urination, incontinence.

Fear sets in alarm our body to process anger, which disturbs the wood element and blocks the flow of energy in the meridians of the bile and the liver. So that we have headaches, hearing problems, neck problems, knee problems, hip.

So if we unblock the meridians of the bladder, bile and High energy restored in the legs so we can march perfect.

We can get rid of all of them as happened to Effie Aspropoulou.

"On Monday I attended the free seminar and Wednesday I made the first personal meeting. I suffer from chronic depression, panic attacks, insomnia than 8 years, sadness and pessimism, widespread pain throughout the body and Easter diagnosed with hypothyroidism, Increased cortisol and pre diabetes. (The endocrinologist recommended me to calm down and change my diet and from September to repeat the exam to give my treatment. I am absolutely confident that everything will be fine. Once I was close to you know that it is the best gift I made for me).
All summer I watched online video posts and Mr Fotopoulos and came and blessed moment to find ourselves close. Entering the hall with much difficulty in moving to get there and as increased stress and anxiety, as if something inside me calmed and softened the inner tension that I felt. He dealt with each one of us , pushing us in some meridians and gave us Light and Divine Grace.
DECLARE with absolute honesty that I experienced a miracle. After incredibly calmed my soul, I left tossing. My companion did not believe how much comfort and ease descended the stairs, almost running and how calm I looked. The night that followed slept normally after 8 years. believe, a sweet drowsiness came over, goodnight my family and just… slept. So the next night.
Yesterday we did the first personal meeting, with feelings even better. Peace and tranquility in my, power and energy and a belief that all is well. I bought your books' So becomes the Miracle ", "A Life Full of Light" and "The Source of All" and began to read and listen to the Cd for reprogramming the subconscious.
I am absolutely confident that your God sent my way.
I highly recommend anyone to come near you because only good has been waiting on you. You are enlightened Sir Alex and helping us with all your soul.
I thank God as I met you because thanks to you I know that i’ changed my life.
Always well you and your family, You are blessed for the good you do and you have power in your work. With appreciation and gratitude
Effie Aspropoulou, Palaio Faliro".

After one weeks:"I wanted to inform you that closed whole week sleeping. 7 evenings with a peaceful sleep, beneficial and relaxing after 8 years of relentless insomnia. The hand does not hurt at all, I had no panic and generally I was active and happy. Sir Alex thank you from the heart !!!»

After the 10 days after the third time he came to my seminars:

It took just three meetingsfor n’ changed my life (basically since the first was the difference) and I hope that every time you close, my themes will be better. 10 days and today run by a bouncy and restful sleep away exorcise the years my insomnia, no panic, no suspense, I'm active and energetic, normally operate in my everyday life without pain and the core is the tranquility and serenity with which accompanies all day. My life changed Mr Fotopoulos and it can not challenge anyone. For those who are hesitant, suspicious or deny such situations here I am available to deposit them my experience. Chronic health problems especially the black darkness of depression and what came ( affliction, pessimism, inaction, Fear and denial for life) disappeared. I feel good, I feel healthy, I feel like I'm flying !! Unblock the meridians and the light we get from your touch transforms us. I hear your Cd for reprogramming the subconscious, I read your books and I am absolutely convinced that no accident you came in my way. Anyone who comes near you is just good to wait , and seeing his life literally changed !!! Thank you from the heart, I appreciate your unlimited and I am fully prepared to accept all the good that will come into my life. Thank you so happy the family of my people see me happy again, active and will to live. Thank you for giving me Light, strength and faith, to believe again in me and what I can manage. With appreciation and love Effie Aspropoulou

How to get rid of all these problems and how apallachtheike Efi Aspropoulou;

We must know that our bodies are nothing more than information and energy which circulates in rivers called meridians, and distributed seven basic energy centers (chakras).

We get sick because of our specific decisions and emotions that we create our barriers to the movement of energy, these obstacles we create all the symptoms and diseases that have. All symptoms reflect blocked energy.

We can unblock our meridians, to live the experience of totality to get rid of the accumulated negative energy (accumulating over the meridians and energy centers and their organs when they experience negative emotions).

When you get rid of negative energy and energy blockages reconnect with our infinite source where we receive inspiration and guidance to fly in all areas of our lives, We help our body to cure itself, harmonize our relations, and realize our dreams, since weights that hold us (negative energy and energy blockages) extinct. We can fly from health and joy by:

1. Initiation in love unconditionally. Seeing the eyes of a man possessed by love unconditionally, in his eyes you see the mirror of yourself and you really love. The hands of a man possessed by love unconditionally, earn photons with the information of the unity of all things (according to Professor William Tiller of Stanford University) and feel safe, and gradually change the way we see ourselves and others. This was done by me in Effie and done all that you come to my almost free Seminars (leave something for the cost of the room which gets the seminar if there). Initiated in love and filled light that comes out of my hands and this antilamvanetia even the most skeptical.

like Stelios Mastoropoulos: "The APISTOS THOMAS, I named my post because I am generally dispistos and not easily admit words and abstractions non tangible that 5 My senses no antilamvanontai.Logia that uses Alexis Fotopoulos (”Come give your light” Come in to initiation into love” etc.) raise this in my refusal and not the dechomai.De the discarded but hard to dechomai.Opados of Descartes ”I doubt therefore I am” there is also the most loyal paratiriti.Omos today by monitoring the seminar of Mr. Fotopoulos I have begun to think seriously that this man does something after it Leaving feel to petao.Symptosi?????I know you will definitely show why I'll be there next Monday something advising everyone to kanete.Tin my change was confirmed by observations loved ones( mother and girl children who live with her) that had like checking with asking what happens me and I have both good mood. I do not know but I hope to see you next Monday and commuting opinions about whether rightly points because if such a truth we experience something and not from a placebo effect me this man must have been thousands of people because you make a truly remarkable and mostly unique services. OPSOMETHA……….».

2. The deeper and more permanent initiation into love is achieved with the help and enlightenment of the Holy Spirit is the real connection with our Creator. Is the Spirit of God fills us and makes us feel light the unity of all things, the safety, the peace that we are in the Creator's Hands. We need to realize that here in spacetime everything is shadows, copies of our real self which is connected with our Source. Only the mysteries our soul is connected with the Father and the Lord takes infinite enlightenment, power, love safely. The Holy Spirit which we receive with our participation in the sacraments and rites of our religion, and when we follow the word of the Lord, which are the standards of our Creator. Clean by confessing every sin in our astral body is exempted from any blemish and clothing and vibrates at frequencies of light and supreme love that gives us the Lord in the sacrament of Holy Communion.

Our exemption from every negative thought form created by negative experiences in our lives, and our introduction to the world of light, the supreme initiation in love we receive in Holy Communion sends our souls (consisting of astral, ethereal, uranium and Kether body) straight to heaven when we leave spacetime. If we realized what we really offer the sacraments of confession and communion we will have done nothing else, but to confess and constantly society, because the power, the insurance, completeness and love we feel is indescribable. Those who do not feel they do typically, They have closed their heart and have not initiated in love. I can help you in this initiation, with my emissions are on my website and nearly free courses that do everywhere.

3. We need to reprogram our subconscious, because 90% of the information and are the filter that we see our reality comes from our conception to the age of six years. Then the brain is unconscious state absorbs and processes 2,000,000 places second, while in a conscious state only 40 places and most importantly at the age of conception to six years is not the spiritual brain has developed and take on reality that we see or hear. In this way we take for disposal controversy, the absence or the severity of our. Listening to the cd of my books "That becomes the Miracle", "A Life Full of Light" and "The Source of All", every night when you fall asleep, where our brain falls into a subconscious state reprogram our subconscious, extinguish our limiting beliefs and in their place put very positive expressions we call Alphamatics.

4. Man is energy that comes out of taps is called energy centers (chakras) and circulates in rivers called meridians. When we experience negative emotions the energy centers and the energy meridians are blocked. Unblock the energy centers and the energy meridians are rivers of energy that is blocked as the feeling we have. If we experience anger blocked the meridian of the liver and bile that the unblock with the instructions printed in your book "A Life Full of Light".

Here was enough work to Effie, I opened the energy centers with light energy flowing through my hands, and unblock the meridians so that the energy to feed freely over her body, all the Cellular and its institutions. Never forget that A – stheneia means lack of courage that is energy and energy is powering everything in our body, but if the universe restore the flow of energy back everything.

So if xemplakaroume meridians Bladder, bile and High energy restored in the legs so we can march perfect.

Do massage at one end of the meridian and the other and to the points I have tags. You can do it yourself and get rid of all your problems.




So the solution to all our problems is the unconditional love, It is the code that makes us feel the unity of everything and feel safe, They sent us from corruptible, and takes us to the incorruptible, He makes us similar to our Father, creators can do everything, do wonders.

Come and get rid of all your problems. Come and introduce you to the love, to show you how to apply all of the above.


At the seminar you will all have the opportunity to realize the cause of your problems, but to see practically how to get rid of them.

You can watch an important part of the seminars, Of course the best is to be there to experience and to introduce yourself to love. fill light, where for the first time you will see that practically apply what I say in my books and you will see the testimonials of people who participate in seminars how changing their lives, how they are exempt from pain or problems, applying what I write in my books.


Αυτοθεραπεία  από κρίσεις πανικού, αυπνία, κατάθλιψη και δυσκολία στο βάδισμα. 2ALL THE ABOVE ARE EXCERPTS mainly from my book "A Life Full of Light" "The Source of Everything" and the new mind book "The Road to Deification".

It is important for everyone but to get all three books to change your life and to dispose of health and joy as I did, so if you order all three of my books "That becomes the Miracle", in "A Life Full of Light" and "Source of All," I send you with great discount and without charge your shipping cost. If you want to order you have to send the message address and your mobile or call 6977349766.

All three books are cd, helping you to reprogram your subconscious, change your beliefs. Also in my books and seminars, there are complete instructions to turn your negative feelings and treating yourself to an energy level and then at the physical level of problems in the spine, in the middle, neck, on the knees, hip, in the stomach, gall, Autoimmune Diseases, pollakiuria, problems spastic colitis or constipation, sinusitis, snoring, carpal tunnel problem, tendinitis, insomnia, panic attacks, depression, interruption period, arrhythmia, tachycardia, headaches, migraines, breathing difficulties, Respiratory problems, problems in the bile, cholesterol.(of course for any health issue you should first consult your doctor, while in spiritual, mental and energy levels will be released from the circumstances that led to your illness and aftotherapefste).

For any health problem, consult your doctor first.

By applying what your doctor says, you can also get help by reading my books. There will be ways to get rid of your negative emotions but also to unblock your meridians, which are rivers of energy., who are blocked by these negative emotions. A-disease means a deprivation of vigor.

Strength is energy. A- sickness means deprivation of strength which means strength – energy. When we deprive an instrument of its energy, then it becomes ill, gets sick. We deprive ourselves of energy with our conscious or subconscious negative emotions.

My books contain cds that reprogram the subconscious, which helps you translate the facts more positively and not sound the alarm. They contain the views of great scientists who help you understand that getting rid of negative emotions, Stress makes you feel better and your health improves, primarily following everything,what your doctor tells you.

My books that I can send you with discount and shipping free of charge. I can also explain my books to you up close, if you want to contact me call 6977349766.

Alexis Fotopoulos

Author – Researcher.

In my Website, which is fully renovated you will find everything for your health and happiness.

You see all my YouTube channel: Alexis Fotopoulos, It will change your life, makes you fly from health and joy.

This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need to enable JavaScript enabled to view it.

constantly given almost free seminars (leaves something anyone wants for the cost of the room) Navarino 9 and Hippocrates in Athens, but also throughout Greece. The seminar was announced on my website to come without quitting position.

In my article: You will find all the answers to the problems that concern you.

Note: All drawings that are on my website, the on facebook is my book a life of Light, is my spiritual permissions, and their use is prohibited (articles for the printed edition) without my permission. of course it means that you can use them all to unblock your energy meridians and to dispose of health and joy.

Disclaimer: Sure, I want to clarify that these writings are indeed great views of university professors, researchers, Chinese medicine applied with success chilietiries, are practices that I applied and became well from multiple sclerosis, suffering, and help and I help too many people to eliminate their negative emotions and heal itself. Nevertheless, These views can not replace your doctors, which moreover only to those the state has officially given the license to practice medicine. Therefore, The,what is written in this book is just for your information. When you have health problems, please first contact your doctor and side, if you wish, you can contact a spiritual-energy or alternative therapists, to help you to change your lifestyle and get rid of negative emotions. It's good, also, synergazesthe to your doctor, to change your lifestyle, to become good and to avoid many drugs, which damage your health long term and deplete our funds and the National Economy.



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