You treating yourself from depression, We provide all the tools

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Μπορείτε να αυτοθεραπευτείτε από την κατάθλιψη, σας παρέχονται όλα τα εργαλεία 1We can free ourselves from depression is lack of love, are dark, lack of light, lid of our soul with the black veil of ego.

We can free ourselves from depression, enough to be initiated in love, enough to open our hearts, enough to disable our negative emotions.

As Helen grater: "Alexis Fotopoulos managed in a session hit the source of depression with troubling. We may have road but we are on the right track!!! By touching the appropriate energy points, with continuous speech (with prayer and command the subconscious to clean), with ypomomi and tenacity for two hours, I felt my body was a tangle to spreads, my mind calm and empty so really I myself did not believe that they might not “I think nothing” (something I always wanted to accomplish in order to save myself from the endless and often stressful thoughts with tortured and even in my sleep and swallowed pills…. but again nothing and insomnia and can not find peace and quiet anywhere…..) not to say about my feelings….. believe me…. It made me not feel almost anything beyond an immense serenity and willingness to roost…. whereas before thoughts, thoughts, many thoughts, diforetikes, saddening, deadlock, sad and disappointing. It may seem strange, but it is true. After the session I was so relaxed and had a sweet numbness and emptying, who barely returned home. For two consecutive days, without even half farmakaki all I wanted was to sleep. Such deep and peaceful sleep I do not remember since when I had to do it before the depression always tormented by insomnia. Actually I lived in another world, everything was calm and sweet. And I felt love for me, love for all. I took with me the love you gave me Alex, the source of everything that he says….. and miracles. Now I read the book of, that is amazing , I understand that nothing was random ".

We can get rid of depression and petexoume of health and joy, whole secret is getting rid of negative emotions and initiation into love as Anastasia Kolasis: "Mr. Fotopoulos has in the eyes of God. Spend depression for years and while I walked in personal meeting, unable to stop crying I came out feeling lighter, as if I removed my soul to light!! He was massaging the meridians to insecurity, the fear, grief and felt like I left a huge burden off me. My last name is Hell if I become too well then we can all because we are all the same!! It's great to feel your soul perfectly, loving the world. All souls so we came to earth. Run to Mr. Alexis to learn how to love to be your best self!!! I'm very lucky and sure that my life will change. The I tried it all before to drive the main Fotopoulos. Nothing changes our mind and our soul only the love of God! Sir Alex Thanks from my heart. You are here to change the world and do. Always theofotistos you and your family!!! I look forward to change and all to see change and they! With love and appreciation, Anastasia hell ".

According to the map of David Hopkins of consciousness all the negative areas of consciousness below 200, create depression, from the belief that the source of our happiness lies outside us or that we have something bad in us, or have done something wrong and do not deserve to love our, not deserve to experience the unity joy.

Specifically according to the map of the consciousness of David Hopkins all the negative areas of consciousness that vibrate beneath 200 pulses per second are as follows: to 20 we are ashamed that we want to remove ourselves, to 30 pulses is guilt where we want to hurt ourselves, to 50 apathy where constantly condemn ourselves, to 75 we feel sorrow, to 100 We feel intense anxiety and fear, worry, to 125 We feel deprived unfulfilled wish, to 150 anger, hate and 175 indifference, sick pride.

We can get rid of depression if initiated in love. Love is within each person, but you need to be initiated in this order to be able to love and be loved
The fear of rejection is the main reason that attracted people, who reject our, because they fear this emit and is one of the main causes of depression, because the fear of rejection not myoumaste in love.
Seeing selfless, unconditional love in my eyes, You see the mirror of yourself and love, fully unconditional, Unlock your heart, the pump of love that you have inside your resumes and can receive and give unconditional love. When you have love in your Heracles everything, You have worldwide yours. With unconditional love so that you emit, My face you see in the mirror of yourself and love.
The photons that come out of my hands feel the unity of love the Father and love and love fill themselves.
To get rid of depression should napenergopoioume negative emotions, but also participate in the sacraments and rites of our religion, Never forget that we are souls and depression are immersion of the soul in the dark. when we forgive, We reduce our ego, participate in the ceremonies and mysteries of our church, then we unite with our Source and depression disappears.

Depression is based on repressed negative feelings which are based on fear and created from embryonic, the infant, our childhood and in general from the past. Negative emotions are repressed keep jammed into huge amount of energy. They are oppressed, because our conscious not have the strength to overcome the time happened and pushed into the subconscious. When the stimulus is repeated, then negative emotions coming to the surface again. As I mentioned before, the reason we can not escape from depression is erroneous negative beliefs, I believe that the deeper we, we are not able, We are not enough to live happily or, even worse, we are guilty, that joy and that should be punished not deserve. The only truth is that we are souls, spirits full of light that can achieve everything (driven by love, humility, generosity, ie all the virtues is our Source), all other beliefs are wrong. When we experience little fear rejection or because our parents aposiazan, either they were strict or they were constantly arguing, then there myoumaste in love, We do not learn the code that makes us realize the unity of everything and feel safe. We are now cut off, we develop our ego, then we are cut off from the Source, we are cut off from the morfogennitika fields that give us information on how to operate. We develop our ego which is the partition that cuts off from our Source, Mister, when we have not been initiated in love, when we experienced fear rejection. Depression happens when someone has initiated in love and has only developed his ego, feel cut off, single, heart is closed. Opening of the energy centers, begins communicating with morfogennitika fields, begins communicating with the Source, begin to live.

When we block the meridian depression bladder (B) creating our fear, the lung meridian (Lu) creating sorrow, the meridian of the stomach (St) creating insecurity, the meridian of bile that generates our anger, the main meridian (CV) creating our guilt, shame and jealousy, and the government meridian (GV) which plunges us into depression. By pressing steadily or massaging certain energy points, we get rid of our accumulated repressed negative emotions, causing us depression. Lu 1 top left and right chest that starts the lung meridian, Lu 1 (Lungmeridian). (See points from previous charts). CV 16 located on top of the neck, CV 17, which is between the chest, wherein the central meridian passing (ConceptionVesselmeridian).

St 36 below the knee where the meridian of the stomach passes (Stomachmeridian) GB 21 over the shoulder, where the meridian bile passes (Gallbladdermeridian).

B10 back neck, wherein the bladder meridian passing (Bladdermeridian).

GV 24,5 between the eyes (third eye) and GV 20 on top of the head, wherein governmental meridian passing (Governormeridian).

Depression is a process that we have exhausted the energy. Depression is when we are filled with negative emotions and negative frequencies in donoumaste. If we disable the negative feelings with the method, pressing firmly or massaging pressure on the above points and applying whatever says the above article will be permanently rid of depression. We can help our body get rid of depression by massaging the following areas as you can see in the chart below.:


We will particularly deal with the treatment of depression, because of depression suffers a large part of our population (40 million people in America). Depression is particularly insidious and dangerous disease, because it can cause all the incurable diseases (cancer, multiple sclerosis, etc.), of which today suffers man, and other serious diseases, like polio, permanent insomnia, which lead to the collapse of the organization. The worst depression is that the person continuously thinks death.

We turn off the depression by unblocking the government meridian.

Μπορείτε να αυτοθεραπευτείτε από την κατάθλιψη, σας παρέχονται όλα τα εργαλεία 2

We turn off the depression by unblocking the government meridian, while massaging the GV20 and GV16 and GV20 and GV1 points

Depression man gets what,worst may suffer, feel completely cut off from the Source of, feel fear, literally panic, He blames himself for everything, totally rejects himself and constantly makes negative thoughts, which in turn create negative beliefs about everything in his life. Man if he feels cut off, it happens all the diseases that are, because the immune system is blocked or disrupted, as it was done with me and I got multiple sclerosis.

also, as we saw in quantum physics, everything created by our consciousness, ie thoughts and our beliefs. If we focus our attention, our conscience to negative thoughts, then everything in our lives will be negative and we will be led to the destruction of our body and the people next to us.. Psychiatrist Dr Hank Krol combined his techniques EFT classical treatment for depression the CBT (Cognitive Behavior Therapy – cognitive behavioral therapy).

Cognitive behavioral therapy teaches patients with depression to stop negative thinking-that everything goes wrong-, always seeing the glass half empty and constantly blaming themselves for things that do not control. Here is the active psychology (EFT, and other methods, which combine the positive programming energy discharge), adds an additional instrument, to send electromagnetic signals, which directly release the neurological effects, stemming from negative thoughts and habits.

The EFT techniques disable a prompt and accurate manner all the consequences of a "disorderly", negative behavior and the patient's way of thinking, suffering from depression, and make him see things more positively. Of course, depression is overcome by applying EFT apart from all of the above method (The healing code, acupressure, kinesiology, harmonization of energy meridians, technique Hearth Math to harmonize our heartbeat and listening every night when sleep the cd book create new neural networks). also, Depression is greatly enhanced by the patient's meditation and faith. The power of thought and faith plays a dominant role in the natural production of serotonin, the main neurotransmitter, the lack of which leads to depression.

Recent research showed that the brain beliefs push us our brain to open the secretion of a broadband biochemicals. These substances are endorphins, natural drugs that make us feel good. When did MRI brain patients who took placebo found that their brain was producing significant quantities endorfinon.Ta placebo contributing to patient treatment based on the belief asthenous.Ta above proved by psychologist Dr Irving Kristol, professor at the University of Connecticut American state, where conducted 19 placebo-studies (Pill no drug). The results were spectacular, the placebo were 75% success in treating depression, ie the success of the patient's faith helped by 75% to treat, while real antidepressants, containing serotonin, contributed only extra 25%.

THE Dr Andrew Weil, clinical professor and founder of integrative medicine at the University of Arizona Program, who worked all his life with agents that prolong the life of man, tells us clearly that our thoughts, our feelings and our attitude to life determines the years and the quality of life you live. It considers that the drugs do not cure our inner anxiety and depression, They should not be granted for a very short time in extreme cases, to avoid loss of life or state of intense complications that causes our body deep depression. Medicines, according to Dr Andrew Weil, They are toxic, They create dependence and alters brain chemistry in such a way that increase rather than reduce the chances to have emotional problems in the future.

As told top three psychiatrists in America, by Thomas Lewis, Fari Amini and Richard Lannon in their book «A General Theory of Love» admitted all the problems of the man due to lack of love. The solution lies in the heart of people, while medicine today can not offer anything more than a few details in the emotional lives of their patients. They concluded that love us creates who we are, and what we can become.

also, psychiatrists and psychologists rulers, like Dr Zindel Segal, psychiatry and psychology professor at the University of Toronto, o Dr Mark Williams, clinical psychology professor at the University of Oxford and o Dr John Teasdale, researcher in the psychiatric department of the University of Oxford and the University of Cambridge Division of brain function investigations, ieoroun that man suffering from depression begins to see things more positively meditating, thus realize that the reality is better than it understands and escape effectively from depression, without having to take medication all his life.

Ο Dr Zindel Segal, by Dr Mark Williams and Dr John Teasdale They collaborated with writer and teacher of meditation, Professor of the University of Massachusetts Medical School, Dr Jon Kabat – Zinn, to write a cd with meditation, which helps those with depression, which is present in the book «The Mindful Way Through Depression:Freeing Yourself from Chronic Unhappiness». This book explains us clearly that antidepressants treat depression as long as the patient gets, Nevertheless, if stopped, then the disease returns. This is what I did and I have the cds in my books that you reprogrammed your subconscious.

This is because the drugs do not correct the cause of depression, is that negative beliefs patient created from traumatic experiences, and negative programming, which he has received in his childhood. At the beginning of the decade 1990, the psychiatry and psychology professors Zindel Segal, Mark Williams and Dr John Teasdale started a new depression treatment approach. At first they looked at what depression recover, and how the brain of the patient, who are depressed, immediately connects the psychological mood, the thoughts, behavior and body so that the depression constantly returns.

Then they looked at cognitive Therapy (Cognitive Therapy) practiced by psychiatrists and helped much their patients. So they thought it best to find a way to teach people what to do before they become depressed.. Professor at the University of Massachusetts Medical School, Dr Jon Kabat – Zinn, introduced meditation as the main method, to exceed the man all the situations of stressful. They found that with meditation man develops a special awareness, known as vigilance, awareness (mindfulness), feel a fullness and escapes from negative thoughts that lead him to destruction. Mindfulness is awareness achieved when we focus our attention in this, without judging the events and the situation we.

Ο Dr Jon Kabat – Zinn has created a program called the Mindfulness based stress reduction program, a program that reduces stress, based on an alert, our complete awareness based on meditation. The above professors of psychiatry have discovered that the best way to treat depression is to combine meditation with Cognitive Therapy., as the patient is assisted to realize that it is wrong to think negatively.

If we go with the thought to get away from depression, then we enter more and more into a deep negative tunnel. Negative thinking draws from past situations that have failed, until we conclude that we do not deserve anything. We see everything to be black, we feel fear, literally panic, we reject and blame ourselves for everything. The sadness (is clearly fear of abandonment, fear of rejection) we feel with our depression always leads to negative thoughts. When we are always embarrassed leads to negative thoughts, that's why our goal is to always be happy. The actual Our nature is always flowing in us the joy and love. Only then we vigor. Otherwise, we latency, we lack courage, we say patients.

It is very important for parents to give their children an unlimited self-esteem. It has been observed that parents children who are famous or have a big ego, suffer from depression, because their parents with their egocentric behavior did their children to believe that they deserve. indeed, Many parents argue strongly in front of their children, so these scenes to create trauma in children. Because the emotional turmoil is great, to endure a toddler, the conscious stores deep in the subconscious traumatic events, but who hauled to the surface with various events and create depression.

God, the universe everything is ready to give us to ask when we are, mentally ready. The cds present in my book "That becomes the Miracle", "A Life Full of Light" and "The Source of Everything will help you reprogram your brain and get rid of depression, You should also pray constantly be given your enlightenment, Never forget that we are spirits when we are connected to our Source, when we feel God's children and we feel confident, security for the future hopefully perfect.

To think that God is working in you. So every time we create ourselves in the way we think with emotions we feel. Our genes then translate the desires of the mind and direct the immune system, cells and our organs. Depending on our feelings create our diseases or increase the life expectancy of our lives and make us "fly" with health and wellness. Our free will optimize the natural forces of the expression of our genes to have full health, prosperity, and progress in art and science.

Depression is fear, and fear means lack faith, absence of God, lack of love, Ignorance of Truth, the only truth is that everything is formless energy that we call God, whose main ingredient is love. When possessed by love, Love is transformed into cosmic energy that can do everything. Fear prevents us to experience the I Am, become creators. When we are in trouble, this means that our knowledge of God is in this incomplete and when things improve means that our knowledge of God becomes clearer.

However, by applying other methods (breakout meridians, harmonization of energy centers, Healing Code) that is more complete than EFT, because dealing with all the energy meridian and not the principle of doing the EFT, we will have better results. To EFT helps us overcome the fear of rejection is the major cause of the contraction of the closure of our hearts, which leads us to our heart. The EFT helps us to change our beliefs and perioristka psychological reversal to want to be sick and miserable.

The fear of rejection that puts us on alert with anger process, It is subconscious and from the events recorded in the amygdala of the brain (You see in brain graph above) from our conception to age 5 years (in the majority but to 3 years). The fear of rejection is the major cause of our fear and anger generated by this. When we are young we do not create spiritual brain and take to the reality that we see, in this way we get to dismiss the controversy, rigor, review, the absence of our own. Then every time we face some of these behaviors (review, rejection, difficulties in life) immediately afraid and entering alarm with anger process.

The subconscious has no crisis is like the little child who wants to be sick in order to grab the attention of its own. This is the psychological reversal subconsciously want to be sick and miserable to elxoume attention of our, we think we rejected. To disable the psychological reversal (our subconscious desire to do us harm himself for elxoume attention of others) do massage to the point (ST 16) over the chest, saying although subconsciously feel that fear of rejection and subconsciously I wanted to be sick and miserable to pull the attention of my own that I think that rejected, from now I choose to love, to appreciate, completely accept myself and focus my conscience in love, at light, Christ. I am light, I am a soul full of light, full of love, the rejection fear of misunderstanding the subconscious of my subconscious, I experienced small, drowned my soul, the isolated from my source so detached I experienced to date, fear, affliction, anger, insecurity, guilt. From today I realized that all my problems due to fear of rejection experienced by misunderstanding of my subconscious I experience fear of rejection to rid. Doing 7-10 bangs at all points shown in the graph below, three to five rounds focusing our consciousness in fear of rejection and anger or any negative emotion we want to disable



Therefore, once again proves that our organization has the wisdom to produce alone any medication needed, enough to let it run, enough to believe in the wisdom of, enough not to disable our defenses by negative thoughts, beliefs and negative emotions. With the energy therapy in the chakras and especially in the chakras of the third eye we harmonize the energy, through which the hypothalamus instructs the pituitary gland to produce hormones, which calm our body and our spirit. Only when our soul is covered by a black veil, only if we cut off from our Source, by love, from light, then just get depressed. When we remove the black veil with energy healing the chakras, ie get rid of negative emotions and negative energy that have to trap body, our soul or our existence finds its light again. We can completely change ourselves, to be reborn, get rid of depression and any other problems if:

  1. If we get introduced to love unconditionally, there I can help you, in my seminars, or even remotely watching my shows, You see my eyes to love unconditionally, You see my eyes the mirror of yourself and love. When you have love in your Heracles everything, You have worldwide yours. With unconditional love so that you emit, My face you see in the mirror of yourself and love.
  2. If we also participate in the mysteries of our religion and ceremonies. Never forget that we are souls and need to be connected to our Source, The god, Mister. when we forgive, We reduce our ego, participate in the ceremonies and mysteries of our church, then we unite with our Source, and then the fear and anger disappears and donoumaste the frequencies of love. The Grace of God, the Holy Spirit comes into us and constantly illuminates us. Here is the secret, when you go to church always SOCIETY, why take the vibrations of unconditional love of the Lord, you feel peace, completeness within yourself. What I say you are not constantly experiencing the theory when commune and when society every week then we experience peace, completeness, unconditional love throughout’ Throughout the week. Our mysteries taught the ancient Greeks who had realized that the mysteries were united with their Source, experienced real, spiritual nature. That the ancient Greeks knowing these secrets had reached the top of the world, while we who have left slumped in the bottom.
  3. If we disable the energy of our negative emotions accumulated within us, our energy centers, which vibrate at low frequencies so they do not allow us to experience the love, which vibrates at high vibrations. Our energy centers are the points that communicate with morfogenitika fields that give us instructions on how we should operate and our organs. If our energy centers are closed and are closed by anatpyxi of ego, then we are cut off from the Source, we are cut off from the morfogennitika fields that give us information on how to operate. We develop our ego which is the partition that cuts off from our Source, Mister, when we have not been initiated in love, We do not know the code that makes us realize the unity of all things and to feel safe. Depression happens when someone has initiated in love and has only developed his ego, feel cut off, single, heart is closed. Opening of the energy centers, begins communicating with morfogennitika fields, begins communicating with the Source, begin to live.
  4. Unblock energy meridians. In my book "A Life Full of Light" containing all the meridian and clear instructions on how to turn them off, We can get rid of every psychosomatic problem we have, as Nikos Nazos tells us:”Mr Fotopoulos thank you very much for helping to overcome the problem I had with my knee, I massaged the meridian of the liver in the inside of the big toe and the inside of the child below the knee and saw a big difference in three days, and fiddle for three weeks and I hurt very, I tried everything. When I massaged the inside of the big toe and below the knee on the inside and I went knee, it's fantastic, we self medicate ourselves. Continue to help us, you are amazing, I can not forget the seminar in Thessaloniki that touched me and I felt your love through your hands, I felt only positive emotions”.

Conclusion: Depression is clearly the development of our ego, complete cessation of communication with the Universe with our fellow human beings with our Source the Lord. We saw clearly that psychiatry and psychology professors today combining Cognitive Behavior Therapy, that teaches people with depression to stop negative thinking, with meditation, ie positive programming, which helps the patient is aware of the real nature and escape from depression.

Cd All teach meditation, what better than the cds I have in my three books.

also, with the EFT, with which we send electromagnetic signals, which directly release the neurological effects that result from negative thoughts and habits. namely, the combination of Cognitive Behavior Therapy, which convinces the patient that negative thinking is not correct, combined with positive programming achieved by meditation and reconnecting the energy flow is achieved with EFT, o patient permanently cured from depression, without having to take antidepressants for the rest of his life.

Important solution for depression is energy therapy, as the positive energy that we give to the chakras of the person who is depressed, turn away the negative energy that is trapped in the body of. This negative energy, the negative vibrations that produce, leads to negative thoughts and negative emotions. therapist, the energy that transmits the chakras, the harmonization. The chakras are sending positive electromagnetic waves in the hypothalamus and pituitary and produce hormones that soothe any concerns and make the depressed person feel calm and completeness.

The principal of the chakras are expressed morfogenitika Fields standards, the molds with the information, who constantly show us that we should operate harmoniously. Morphogenetic fields are a scientific explanation for the connection to the Source, with the universal information leading us to operate perfectly. But if you are not connected to our Source, if we do not participate in the sacraments and ceremonies of our religion, if we do not reprogram our subconscious, if we do not turn off the negative emotions that have us trapped, we can get rid of depression. As you can see, Things are so simple. Only when our soul is covered by a black veil, then just get depressed. When we remove the black veil (disable negative emotions), our soul, our existence rediscovers the light of.


Αυτοθεραπεία από πρήξιμο στα δόντια, ουλίτιδα, κύστες και περιοδοντίτιδα. 3ALL THE ABOVE ARE EXCERPTS from my books "This is how the miracle happens", in "A Life Full of Light", "Source of Everything" and "The Road to Deification"

But it is important for all of you to get all four books to change your life and fly away from health and joy as I did., so if you order all three of my books "That becomes the Miracle", in "A Life Full of Light", "Source of Everything" "The Road to Deification" I send you with a big discount and without charging you shipping costs. If you want to order you have to send the message address and your mobile or call 6977349766.

All four books have cds, helping you to reprogram your subconscious, change your beliefs. Also in my books and seminars, there are complete instructions to turn your negative feelings and treating yourself to an energy level and then at the physical level of problems in the spine, in the middle, neck, on the knees, hip, in the stomach, gall, Autoimmune Diseases, pollakiuria, problems spastic colitis or constipation, sinusitis, snoring, carpal tunnel problem, tendinitis, insomnia, panic attacks, depression, interruption period, arrhythmia, tachycardia, headaches, migraines, breathing difficulties, Respiratory problems, problems in the bile, cholesterol.(of course for any health issue you should first consult your doctor, while in spiritual, mental and energy levels will be released from the circumstances that led to your illness and aftotherapefste).

Alexis Fotopoulos

Author - Researcher.

In my Website, which is fully renovated you will find everything for your health and happiness.

You see all my YouTube channel: Alexis Fotopoulos, It will change your life, makes you fly from health and joy.

This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need to enable JavaScript enabled to view it.

constantly given almost free seminars (leaves something anyone wants for the cost of the room) Navarino 9 and Hippocrates in Athens, but also throughout Greece. The seminar was announced on my website to come without quitting position.

In my article: You will find all the answers to the problems that concern you.

For any health problem, consult your doctor first.

By applying what your doctor says, you can also get help by reading my books. There will be ways to get rid of your negative emotions but also to unblock your meridians, which are rivers of energy., who are blocked by these negative emotions. A-disease means a deprivation of vigor.

Strength is energy. A- rustia means asterik of rustos which means power- energy. When we deprive an instrument of its energy, then it becomes ill, gets sick. We deprive ourselves of energy with our conscious or subconscious negative emotions.

My books that I can send you with discount and shipping free of charge. I can also explain my books to you up close, if you want to contact me contact me at 6977349766, Alexis Fotopoulos, Author - Researcher.

Note: All drawings that are on my website, the on facebook is my book a life of Light, is my spiritual permissions, and their use is prohibited (articles for the printed edition) without my permission. of course it means that you can use them all to unblock your energy meridians and to dispose of health and joy.

Disclaimer: Sure, I want to clarify that these writings are indeed great views of university professors, researchers, Chinese medicine applied with success millennia, are practices that I applied and became well from multiple sclerosis, suffering, and help and I help too many people to eliminate their negative emotions and heal itself. Nevertheless, These views can not replace your doctors, which moreover only to those the state has officially given the license to practice medicine. Therefore, The,what is written in this book is just for your information. When you have health problems, please first contact your doctor and side, if you wish, you can contact a spiritual-energy or alternative therapists, to help you to change your lifestyle and get rid of negative emotions. It's good, also, synergazesthe to your doctor, to change your lifestyle, to become good and to avoid many drugs, which damage your health long term and deplete our funds and the National Economy.



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