Self-medication and prevention of cardiovascular disease, from heart arrhythmias, atrial fibrillation and myocardial infarction

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Αυτοθεραπεία και πρόληψη από καρδιαγγειακά νοσήματα, από τις καρδιακές αρρυθμίες, κολπική μαρμαρυγή  και το έμφραγμα του μυοκαρδίου 1The main cause of cardiovascular problems is unbearable grief, bitterness, lack of joy, but mostly lack the ability to love and to love our. Our heart is the source of life, of love, of joy, when we have been deprived of love, our heart languishes, suffers inflammations, blood is the joy, love does not circulate well within our.

We get rid of the problems of the heart and circulatory system if we disable the negative emotions, intense sadness, intense hatred, closing the suffocation of our heart leads us the utter lack of love. So everything is love and love that starts from our hearts, if they lose their own or isolate ourselves from them and we identify our being with ego then we get our heart attack in our hearts, we get, inadequacy.

If ever we are possessed by fear, affliction, anger our body is on alert, constantly secretes adrenaline triggering of an alarm on our hearts so that we get arrhythmia and atrial fibrillation. All but all the diseases of the heart and circulatory system due to negative feelings we experience and can get rid of them all, if we disable the negative emotions, change the way we interpret events and get rid of our ego, who wants us to feel cut off from everything and we are constantly alert so that we get sick.

We can unblock our heart, to release tension by massaging in the heart meridian points show (but most will see in my book "A Life Full of Light")

Αυτοθεραπεία και πρόληψη από καρδιαγγειακά νοσήματα, από τις καρδιακές αρρυθμίες, κολπική μαρμαρυγή  και το έμφραγμα του μυοκαρδίου 2We get rid of the arrhythmia of the heart and atrial fibrillation unblocking the meridian of the heart, massaging the underarm center (H1), . and at the base of the little finger of the hand (H8)


According to scientists, as Professor of Medicine, University of Arizona Dr Andrew Weil, myocardial infarction and all ulcers not caused by diet and elevated cholesterol, but the negative feelings we experience.

As I explain in more detail below, negative feelings mislead the immune system, which attacks the coronary arteries of the heart and creates inflammation. The wound that comes close to the body, using as always cholesterol and lipoprotein D, thereby closing the arteries and the heart is left without food and die (myocardial infarction). Since it just died my father, why in this chapter we analyze all the discoveries are for the heart to not happen to anybody's death from this cause.

Always According to Dr Andrew Weil, those suffering from Alzheimer's disease have the same problem. From the intense negative feelings, the immune system is misled and applied to specific parts of the brain, creating inflammation. Subsequently, the agency sends lipoprotein A and cholesterol to shut, Nevertheless, thereby closes the part of the brain supply, who dies and then die and cognitive abilities relevant for this part of the brain.

The Dr Casey Adams explains that the innermost beliefs and our emotions translated into waveforms that are transmitted as commands to the immune system and all our organs. The energy center of the heart diffuses in all the immune cells of our innermost feelings. In this center there thymus, could activate T cells of the immune system. Instructs the cells of our immune system what is ourselves and what intruder (self or non self), which must attack. When we feel negative emotions, then the center was misled and commanded the immune system to attack various parts of the body, and here is the main cause of myocardial infarction and the cause of all autoimmune diseases.

How can we heal; With love

The energy center of the heart reflects the higher emotions of love, the energy center of the heart the senior ourselves delivers superior feelings that have for our favorite people.

Touching considered the expression of our feelings for another man. The energy center (chakras) heart expresses the innermost intentions of our higher self for the need to love and be loved and expressed from the skin and especially of the hands.

The leading gerontology Dean Ornish writes that how we will live depends on how many people embrace each day. Our higher self is constantly looking for pure love, that he was united with the Source before incarnated in the person who is.

We need to get rid of negative emotions. Negative emotions block the meridians where the energy released, as the meridian of the heart (starting from the left armpit and ends in our little finger), grief block the lung meridian (that starts above the left chest and ends the thumb), anger blocks the liver meridian (that begins under the left chest and ends in big toe).

Man has no right energy supply, when he loses its energy from the energy centers that are blocked, when others "suck" the energy, gaining their attention to criticism and self-pity, loses all its energy potential and sick. Freeing our body from the trapped negative emotions, give him a chance to heal itself, because, as I mentioned, negative feelings disable the immune system but also mislead, so consider enemies different points or organs, to attack and create all inflammations and autoimmune diseases I mentioned.

a therapist, Frenchman Christian Fleche, says the same things to cardiovascular problems, but gives an explanation associated with our evolution when we mammals have not developed our spiritual brain. According to Christian Fleche, the biological function is a way to adapt to the outside world.

When we experience biological conflict, We are experiencing exactly the situation facing an old stag who must defend his territory from a newer. Should mobilize all forces, to defend the area. Very much needed oxygen and forces. These carries blood, the heart will have to work faster and, To do this, They should be fed too more.

Then the brain instructs to open the arteries that nourish the heart (coronary arteries), to thin, literally scraped their walls, to open up more and more blood to pass. This of course creates ulcer, wound, and during the phase of recovery, when the risk passed, the body, to close the wound, sends cholesterol and lipoprotein D, and generates myocardial. For the people, area is the work of, the family, home. The death of a protected member creates myocardial. When we experience biological conflict, We have a heart problem and experiencing exactly the situation facing an old deer, to defend the area from a newer.

Right-handed men experiencing biological conflict have problem in the coronary arteries. The left-handers have trouble in the veins. Handed women have trouble reproductive area. Left-handed women have problems infarction in the coronary arteries. Generally, left-handed people, having biological conflict together heartbreak, have almost always depressed and I have seen such cases. Phlebitis created when we have difficulty to succeed in life. Liver problems caused by fear shortage. Varicose veins also gets the most right-handed women, having sex or sexual frustration, derived mainly from the frustration they feel when they learn that the cheat or the cheated on their partners.

Diet for good heart function.

Αυτοθεραπεία και πρόληψη από καρδιαγγειακά νοσήματα, από τις καρδιακές αρρυθμίες, κολπική μαρμαρυγή  και το έμφραγμα του μυοκαρδίου 3The main factor for the protection of the heart is the development of good cholesterol (HDL). The HDL developed with walking and eating fish that contain omega-3 (salmon, sprat, mackerel, mackerel, trout). These fish oil also helps lower triglycerides, and bad LDL cholesterol.

Αυτοθεραπεία και πρόληψη από καρδιαγγειακά νοσήματα, από τις καρδιακές αρρυθμίες, κολπική μαρμαρυγή  και το έμφραγμα του μυοκαρδίου 4The most important of all, Omega-3 prevent cardiopathy, because they prevent the reactions that lead (according to nutritionist Jean Carper on "The Proper Foods book is Drugs"): a) create dangerous plaque that causes narrowing of the arteries, b) on platelet aggregation, creating clots, which cause myocardial (Omega-3 help to produce good eicosanoids and reducing bad eicosanoid, as thromboxane, creating thromboses) and G) prevent spasm of the arteries and blood vessels, which hinder the blood circulation and thus create a heart problem.

Αυτοθεραπεία και πρόληψη από καρδιαγγειακά νοσήματα, από τις καρδιακές αρρυθμίες, κολπική μαρμαρυγή  και το έμφραγμα του μυοκαρδίου 5olive oil, It contains a very effective antioxidant, the squalene, helps against heart disease.

Eating raw chlorophyll supplies the blood continuously with energy, It strengthens the immune system and enhancing the ability of red blood cells to carry oxygen. The chlorophyll of plants having the same structure as blood hemoglobin. Excess fat reduces the ability of blood to transfer oxygen to the cells. The main cause of degenerative diseases is the excessive protein consumption. When we have low white blood cells helps to take vitamin C, amino acid lysine, in combination with zinc, and Echinacea Ginger (ginger).

According to the German doctor Dr Matthias Rath, founder of Cellular Medicine, endemic diseases, such as myocardial infarction, stroke and cancer, due to long-term lack of cell nutrients to body cells and therefore can be prevented.

Αυτοθεραπεία και πρόληψη από καρδιαγγειακά νοσήματα, από τις καρδιακές αρρυθμίες, κολπική μαρμαρυγή  και το έμφραγμα του μυοκαρδίου 6Main cause of atherosclerosis is a chronic lack of vitamin C and other cellular nutrients to the cells of the arterial walls, making friable vessels.

The atherosclerotic deposits is a rough body's repair mechanism to stabilize the artery walls. The optimum intake of vitamin C and other cellular nutrients maintain the proper functioning of the artery wall cells and thus helps prevent atherosclerosis. Why the attack occurs almost always in the coronary vessels of the heart, but rarely in arteries of other organs; Why we know for myocardial infarction but not for myocardial nose or ear; The reason of heart attacks occur in the heart interpreted by the combination of two factors: a) Unable artery walls.

The lack of cell nutrients makes the arteries and weak b) mechanical stress. Every day the heart beats over 100.000 times. The continuous pumping function makes the coronary arteries the more stressed parts of the entire vascular system. We might compare the coronary arteries of the heart with a garden hose. Due to muscle contraction (contraction) of the heart, these vessels are compressed over 100.000 times a day.

Imagine pressing 100.000 day on a garden hose. Whether the tube will last depends solely on the elasticity. Most animals do not know myocardial, because, unlike us humans, synthesize vitamin C. The bears and other animals that hibernate do not get heart attacks, although the rates of cholesterol in their blood reach 400 until 600 mg/dl, because the walls of the arteries are protected by vitamin C. Heart failure is characterized mainly by dyspnoea, edema and prolonged physical exertion.

In my humble opinion but, They seem logically everything that says Dr Matthias Rath, But the real reason for all heart disease is the biological conflict and experiencing negative emotions caused.

If someone loses a beloved person, or rejected or abandoned by his partner if it receives all the vitamins that says Dr Matthias Rath, will not prevent heart problem. Because everything is a matter of energy and when we experience negative emotions block the energy in the meridian of the heart and reduce the energy emitted by the heart center, then our heart will weaken, or will be created and inflammation, which will most likely evolve into infarction.

The main cause of the symptoms are decreased pumping function of the heart, which is responsible for the lack of bioenergy in millions of cardiomyocytes. The heart is the engine of our body and must - like the engine of our car - be supplied with a sufficient amount of cellular "fuel". Vitamins and other essential nutrients are the most important fuels, especially for cardiomyocytes.

Αυτοθεραπεία και πρόληψη από καρδιαγγειακά νοσήματα, από τις καρδιακές αρρυθμίες, κολπική μαρμαρυγή  και το έμφραγμα του μυοκαρδίου 7The 1929, Dutch physician Christiaan Eijkmann and Frederick Hopkins were awarded the Nobel Prize for the discovery of vitamin B1 and its importance in the prevention of beri-beri disease.

A main symptom of this disease is cardiac insufficiency. These images published in 1931 They show how the heart size decreased to normal levels after administration of vitamin B1 for three weeks. Since 75 years there is a known, physical method of treating heart failure combats causes. Hide this knowledge paid millions suffering from heart failure with their lives. Administration of cell nutrients resulted in doubling the number of patients with rare appearance or complete regression of arrhythmias.

We must avoid

Αυτοθεραπεία και πρόληψη από καρδιαγγειακά νοσήματα, από τις καρδιακές αρρυθμίες, κολπική μαρμαρυγή  και το έμφραγμα του μυοκαρδίου 8the red meat,

Αυτοθεραπεία και πρόληψη από καρδιαγγειακά νοσήματα, από τις καρδιακές αρρυθμίες, κολπική μαρμαρυγή  και το έμφραγμα του μυοκαρδίου 9fat cheese, dairy products because they contain fats that are converted to arachidonic acid,

Αυτοθεραπεία και πρόληψη από καρδιαγγειακά νοσήματα, από τις καρδιακές αρρυθμίες, κολπική μαρμαρυγή  και το έμφραγμα του μυοκαρδίου 10and processed carbohydrates (mainly sweets, pasta, cookies), because they cause elevated insulin response, which causes an increase in arachidonic, increase in eicosanoid and thus thromboxane (which is a bad eicosanoid hormone) causing a heart attack.

Conclusion: Myocardial infarction and all the heart problems are not due to diet and elevated cholesterol, but the negative feelings we experience.
Omega-3 fats help in proper functioning of the cardiovascular system, while meat, cheese and processed carbohydrates cause arteriosclerosis and thrombosis (heart attack).
Breakout in the meridian of the heart and opening the energy center of the heart and disabling our negative emotions, help us overcome or prevent heart problems.
The release of negative emotions, particularly intense sadness, intense bitterness that create inflammation in our heart (my heart broke) are the alpha and omega to prevent myocardial. We need to reprogram our brain and translate different events of our life, such as the loss or separation or rejection of our own person.

Αυτοθεραπεία και πρόληψη από καρδιαγγειακά νοσήματα, από τις καρδιακές αρρυθμίες, κολπική μαρμαρυγή  και το έμφραγμα του μυοκαρδίου 11ALL ABOVE IS elicits mostly from my book "A Life Full of Light" and my new book "The Source of All".

It is important for everyone but to get all three books to change your life and to dispose of health and joy as I did, so if you order all three of my books "That becomes the Miracle", in "A Life Full of Light" and "Source of All," I send you with great discount and without charge your shipping cost. If you want to order you have to send the message address and your mobile or call 6977349766.

All three books are cd, helping you to reprogram your subconscious, change your beliefs. Also in my books and seminars, there are complete instructions to turn your negative feelings and treating yourself to an energy level and then at the physical level of problems in the spine, in the middle, neck, on the knees, hip, in the stomach, gall, Autoimmune Diseases, pollakiuria, problems spastic colitis or constipation, sinusitis, snoring, carpal tunnel problem, tendinitis, insomnia, panic attacks, depression, interruption period, arrhythmia, tachycardia, headaches, migraines, breathing difficulties, Respiratory problems, problems in the bile, cholesterol.(of course for any health issue you should first consult your doctor, while in spiritual, mental and energy levels will be released from the circumstances that led to your illness and aftotherapefste).

For any health problem, consult your doctor first.

By applying what your doctor says, you can also get help by reading my books. There will be ways to get rid of your negative emotions but also to unblock your meridians, which are rivers of energy., who are blocked by these negative emotions. A-disease means a deprivation of vigor.

Strength is energy. A- sickness means deprivation of strength which means strength – energy. When we deprive an instrument of its energy, then it becomes ill, gets sick. We deprive ourselves of energy with our conscious or subconscious negative emotions.

My books contain cds that reprogram the subconscious, which helps you translate the facts more positively and not sound the alarm. They contain the views of great scientists who help you understand that getting rid of negative emotions, Stress makes you feel better and your health improves, primarily following everything,what your doctor tells you.

My books that I can send you with discount and shipping free of charge. I can also explain my books to you up close, if you want to contact me call 6977349766.

Alexis Fotopoulos

Author – Researcher.

In my Website, which is fully renovated you will find everything for your health and happiness.

You see all my YouTube channel: Alexis Fotopoulos, It will change your life, makes you fly from health and joy.

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constantly given almost free seminars (leaves something anyone wants for the cost of the room) Navarino 9 and Hippocrates in Athens, but also throughout Greece. The seminar was announced on my website to come without quitting position.

In my article: You will find all the answers to the problems that concern you.

Note: All drawings that are on my website, the on facebook is my book a life of Light, is my spiritual permissions, and their use is prohibited (articles for the printed edition) without my permission. of course it means that you can use them all to unblock your energy meridians and to dispose of health and joy.

Disclaimer: Sure, I want to clarify that these writings are indeed great views of university professors, researchers, Chinese medicine applied with success chilietiries, are practices that I applied and became well from multiple sclerosis, suffering, and help and I help too many people to eliminate their negative emotions and heal itself. Nevertheless, These views can not replace your doctors, which moreover only to those the state has officially given the license to practice medicine. Therefore, The,what is written in this book is just for your information. When you have health problems, please first contact your doctor and side, if you wish, you can contact a spiritual-energy or alternative therapists, to help you to change your lifestyle and get rid of negative emotions. It's good, also, synergazesthe to your doctor, to change your lifestyle, to become good and to avoid many drugs, which damage your health long term and deplete our funds and the National Economy.



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