Get rid of extra pounds, type II diabetes and gain longevity permanently, simple and healthy!

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Απαλλαγείτε από τα περιττά κιλά, τον διαβήτη τύπου ΙΙ και κερδίστε μακροζωΐα μόνιμα, απλά και υγιεινά! 1We get rid of excess weight and diabetes by freeing our body from insulin and leptin resistance.

We are getting fat, he tells us Dr Jason Fung because we eat. The,what we eat that exceeds our needs is stored. Only if we intermittently fast does our body empty its stores.

If we continue to eat excessively then the food that is stored in fat creates a malfunction in our body that is expressed in type II diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, cancers and all diseases.

How to get rid of extra pounds and all the diseases they cause; It is simple, there is no simpler and healthier way to lose weight than abstaining from food to empty our stores. This is what we call intermittent fasting which we will analyze in detail below.

The whole secret with sugar, type II diabetes is not the lack of insulin that all drugs focus on, that is to exhaust the pancreas to produce more insulin but resistance to insulin and leptin.

The whole secret in type II diabetes and obesity is negative emotions and the balance between the hormones insulin and leptin. So type II diabetes is not just about insulin resistance, but is mainly a problem in leptin resistance.

Leptin is the hormone that gives the brain the feeling of satiety. Leptin is produced by adipose tissue so we need to know that our fat is the largest gland in our body. The more fat we, both produce greater quantities of leptin and the more leptin resistance have, that our brain does not react to cause us a sense of satiety to stop eating.

Because there is no feeling of satiety for this and we eat all the time like the pigs we want to fatten”. Only with intermittent fasting man, breaks leptin resistance, restores, activates leptin which makes him stop eating.

How do we free our bodies from extra pounds and insulin and leptin resistance;

1)relief from stress and negative emotions:

this is achieved by:

  • satisfaction of the soul with society, confession, love to the enemy

  • reprogramming the subconscious with the cd's my books have.

  • Deactivating negative emotions and unblocking energy meridians.

2) Intermittent fasting (16 abstinence and 8 we eat for hours) with which the two storage hormones leptin and insulin are balanced. Them 6 to 8 hours to prefer 2 only meals with no snacks in between.

2)¨activating our metabolism

3) We eat unprocessed foods rich in plant fiber fresh fruits, vegetables. Prefer foods with a low glycemic index and load.

4) We avoid animal fats, dairy products, gluten. All soft drinks, sweets with artificial sweeteners. Pancake.

5) We strengthen our body by creating the environment for the beneficial bacteria and enzymes to grow in our body with proper nutrition. (foods with prebiotics, avoiding processed animal fat foods, artificial sweeteners)

6)Daily physical exercise and what better than walking and swimming.

7) Detoxification of our body and especially of the stomach

My experience with type II diabetes, how I lost and continue to lose all my extra pounds. (Alexis Fotopoulos)

«For the past few years I have had high blood sugar 1.30 But until there. My body was doing fine until I got sick before 2 years of covic D and forced and got cortisone and antibiotics, even though I never take medication. As a result, my body and even the beneficial bacteria for my body will decrease, my body is malfunctioning and the sugar is fluctuating at 1.50.

»There was no solution with,no matter what diet I did and what help cinnamon, bitter wood, and others that I was getting. My siblings, which also have sugar because we have a heavy inheritance from our father, they suggested I take a new generation drug. Although I know well and support that drugs always have serious side effects and treat the symptom and not the problem, forced to take it for 15 days, because when you have high sugar it is much worse than the side effects of the drugs.

»I noticed myself malfunctioning, to lose the vigor and strength I have to work and move incessantly for 15 hours. I learned not from the instructions other sources that it had side effects on the kidneys (that's why the pressure was coming to me) for what was putting the pressure on, creates megacardia and pancreatitis. This is all in the solar plexus which is our battery our source of power. And if the balance of the electromagnetic field is disturbed along with the source of our power.

»I decided to stop it. As I did with the interferon they gave me for multiple sclerosis that I had in the fridge for 6 months. I used to open it to take it so I wouldn't be paralyzed but as soon as I read the side effects I left it until the medicine ran out and threw it away. Medicines help but create side effects when we arrive 80 with 90 we crawl and want a pocket medicine to move.

»Young doctors today apply it “Lifestyle Medicine” where every day we gain our health with our lifestyle. THE Dr Jason Fung in his books “Perfect treatment for Diabetes & weight Loss” saved thousands of diabetics. How about intermittent fasting 16-18 hours starvation and the 6-8 hours we eat only two meals. I began to practice abstinence from food and only water 16-18 and to eat only two meals at 6-8 hours with final meal no later than 8 the evening. This helped the sugar drop more than anything and I explain why below in the article.

»I started to rebuild the health of my body by activating the environment for the beneficial bacteria for my body. Our health depends on the workers we have and those are the enzymes and good bacteria that I had weakened with antibiotics and cortisone.

»I started eating foods that are rich in prebiotics which are foods that feed the good bacteria, while they create a negative environment for the growth of bacteria harmful to the body. As is garlic, onions, Leek, apples, asparagus, chicory, artichokes, barley nuts, oats, cocoa, linseed, Seaweed.

»We exercise daily because exercise reduces insulin and leptin resistance. I started eating foods with a lot of fiber because fiber reduces the immediate absorption of sugar and the rise of insulin. Insulin is a storage hormone.

"I take care of my soul by saying the greetings of the Virgin Mary every day, I read psalms I go to church, I receive communion at least every Sunday and confess often. All of this calms my soul and banishes all stress and fear which is the main cause of insulin resistance which is the main cause of type II diabetes. I really get rid of fear by reprogramming my subconscious by listening to my book cds at night».

»With all this sugar has fallen to 1.15 and it will fall even more. What made me get such strength to do all this. My will to live many years but mostly well. I want to die standing strong and working until the last day of my life like my mother does who is 91 and she is active and has vigor and strength. This is what you achieve when you do not take long-term drugs.

»The organism is an electromagnetic field of great wisdom, if you give him medicine to bypass it, to circumvent this wisdom then the organism loses its smooth functioning and malfunctions. Of course if we can't change our way of life we ​​have to take medicine because otherwise we will die. I followed my doctor and got antibiotics and cortisone because I was going to die from covic.

»An example of how medicine circumvents the wisdom of our body: If we have high cholesterol they give us statins. Why do we have high cholesterol?; When we get angry it means that we are a mammal facing a threat that in order to cope we will have to engage in a fight where we will make wounds and to stop the blood the brain instructs the liver to produce cholesterol, triglycerides and Alpha lipoprotein. When we take statins we tell the liver even though you got an order from the brain after I got angry to produce cholesterol not to produce it with the result that the liver malfunctions and transaminases rise.

»Lifestyle Medicine so our health is in our hands, but we will need to work hard to be healthy and happy for the rest of our lives. If we want the easy solution, the drugs, we can live until 90 but we will grovel and feel sorry for ourselves, it is up to us to choose. Freedom requires virtue and courage. I chose the fight and I will always be by your side so that you can fly with health and grace. I did it with multiple sclerosis and I'm doing it now with diabetes. It's a constant never ending struggle but trust me it's worth it. It's wonderful to feel him every day “is” your existence to fly». (Alexis Fotopoulos writer – researcher)


Απαλλαγείτε από τα περιττά κιλά, τον διαβήτη τύπου ΙΙ και κερδίστε μακροζωΐα μόνιμα, απλά και υγιεινά! 2Intermittent fasting

Eating permanently with intermittent fasting which means every day we eat for 8 hours and 16 hours we do not eat anything, we lose the extra pounds, We get rid of type II diabetes and have health and longevity.

When we stop losing weight we must proceed to eat 7 hours and do not eat 17. Subsequently 6 hours we eat and 18 not to eat. The bigger the gap we leave not to eat, the more fat we will burn and the better our health will be..

This is achieved because our body by staying 16 hours without food consumes the sugar storehouse in the liver and begins to burn fat.

Also with intermittent fasting our body self-regulates, reduces inflammation and regulates both the hormones insulin and leptin (two storage hormones) that cause us obesity and type II diabetes, heart problems, cancer.

I personally practice intermittent fasting, I have lost several kilos and I am continuing, the sugar I had dropped to normal levels, I am in shape. Of course I eat very healthy:

with fresh fruit, vegetables and nuts.

Quinoa is by itself a perfect source of protein

Leafy vegetables spinach, broccoli.

From animals I eat fish and egg whites.

Antioxidant fruits such as pomegranates, Goji berry, all kinds of blueberries, blueberries, aronia.

Legumes in combination with cereals (not wheat because it has gluten).

I also avoid dairy because they contain lactose and cause inflammation.

Raw foods in addition to vitamins, metals, micronutrients, proteins that offer us, They also provide oxygen, enzymes, phytonutrients and phytochemicals natural elements but mainly bioelectric loads which play a fundamental role in the health of our cells and they can not give the processed foods.

How intermittent fasting works:

With intermittent fasting we achieve autophagy which is the process by which our body degrades proteins from cell membranes, cellular debris, that is, it recycles them.

Yoshinori Ohsumi won the Nobel Prize in Medicine 2016 for his discoveries in the mechanisms of autophagy. Let's not forget that the accumulation of garbage in our bodies and organs is the main cause of aging. Autophagy is the cleaning of the garbage that accumulates in our body, which is mainly the remains of dead cells.

This is achieved by fasting-activated glucagon secretion. With fasting, insulin drops and glucagon rises. When we eat, insulin rises and glucagon falls. Glucagon then activates the lysosomes which break down all the dead cells dead cell membranes.

Conclusion: autophagy is induced by intermittent fasting, stops the aging process, ridding our body of dead cellular debris and replacing it with new ones.

Dr Eleni Papagiannidou, Clinical Dietitian- Nutritionist: argues that the "accumulation of old, useless proteins is seen in Alzheimer's disease and cancer. Alzheimer's disease involves the accumulation of defective proteins – that "stick" some systems in the brain".

With Intermittent Fasting. Our body takes the sugar in the liver and nourishes our body for a maximum of 12 hours, if we exercise it consumes it immediately and starts burning fat here is the secret.

When we fast and burn fat, more energy is produced.

By reducing calories because we only eat 8 hours, diet with raw vegetables, Sprouted seeds, nuts, fruits, positive thoughts, the feelings of joy, Love activate genes that prolong our lives and disable all the genes that cause our Diabetes, cancer, inflammations.

When we leave our body without food it finds the opportunity to heal itself. Our hormones are regulated

THE Dr Clive McKay Cornell University professor found that mice could live twice as long if given half the food they ate.,what usually ate. The result of the reduction in food was not only a doubling of life expectancy, but to improve their health and vitality compared with other mice eating normal food ration.

What is achieved with intermittent fasting:

  1. Weight loss

  2. Reduction of fasting triglycerides, increase in HDL and decrease in total cholesterol

  3. Reduction of fasting sugar and insulin.

  4. Reduction of inflammatory markers such as (CRP).

  5. Leptin reduction, which is the hormone that normally inhibits the feeling of hunger.

  6. Intermittent fasting leads to the formation of new nerve cells and thus improves brain function..

  7. Dr. Dimitris Kouretas tells us that with intermittent fasting we achieve regulation of our hormones, mainly insulin and leptin. I have already written an article about diabetes and then I go up.

  8. Dr. Dimitris Kouretas tells us that with intermittent fasting he drains the cancer cells.

Because we fail; and get rid of type II diabetes with intermittent fasting;

Because with intermittent fasting we do not eat for 16 continuous hours. During this time without food, the organism regulates itself. And the hormones insulin are regulated (storage hormone) and leptin. We cease to have resistance to insulin and leptin which is the main cause of obesity and type II diabetes.

The whole secret in type II diabetes is the negative emotions and the balance between the hormones insulin and leptin.. So type II diabetes is not just about insulin resistance, but is mainly a problem in leptin resistance.

Our cells and organs use hormones to communicate. Hormones are substances that are transported through the blood and regulate the function of various organs and systems in our bodies. The two hormones that regulate the management of energy reserves in the human body are insulin and leptin.

Leptin along with insulin are the key regulators of our endocrine system. Leptin is produced by adipose tissue so we need to know that our fat is the largest gland in our body. The more fat we, both produce greater quantities of leptin and the more leptin resistance have, that our brain does not react to cause us a sense of satiety to stop eating. Because when we are normal weight leptin sends a signal to our brain that we have eaten enough food and so we stop being hungry.

Activating our metabolism.

We can reactivate our metabolism easily and simply. Turning off insecurity and anger, activating the proper functioning of the thyroid gland and eating unprocessed foods, but also by avoiding foods that cause us inflammation.

Why stop our metabolism. The body we have is based on mechanisms of nature has given the order to survive to survive difficulties lived. One such mechanism is the slowing of metabolism that occurs when one is insecure or at risk.

When fear means that among other things we lack food and then given command to stop metabolize (to burn our food) but to store fat. We get rid of the fear, especially the fear of rejection and lose our extra pounds without noticing.

Most often our fear is subconscious. Our subconscious has no logic can not judge, It is like the little child who makes sick to watch, It tells our body to be sick and miserable to attract the attention of his own that he thinks that rejected. Wherein, regarded to reject the absence, rigor, controversy or end the weakness of their own to brothers. So someone who has fear of rejection easily goes into alarm and always attracts people who reject or reject the. The outside of the big toe (SP2) it represents to us the spleen-pancreas meridian which expresses insecurity, which stems from the lack of love.


We also see the liver meridian blocked by anger, the main reason is fear, especially the subconscious fear. In order to have a problem on our metabolism we need to have a problem in the liver meridian (insecurity), but also in the spleen meridian (insecurity).12-MES.HPATOS

Relief from negative emotions.

The main cause of diabetes today is negative emotions, as the reptilian brain or autonomic nervous system goes on alert, increases the cortisol then insulin.

When the person is in a state of constant stress, by increasing cortisol, is constantly causing insulin secretion which is commonly called cells and is no longer effective, it no longer works efficiently in putting sugar in the cells (which is its main mission)

This inability of the cell receptors unlock and absorb sugar, Insulin-assisted glucose is called insulin resistance and is the leading cause of type B diabetes.. The causes for type B diabetes are::

Diabetes occurs when the insulin produced by the body is not enough (problem of pancreatic insulin production) or is not capable (insulin resistance) to unlock the receptors of our cells and put sugar in them.

In this way, the sugar accumulates in the blood and closes, clogs blood vessels, as a result, parts of our organs or parts of our body are not nourished and destroyed (eyes, kidneys, heart).

The causes for type B diabetes are::

    • stress.

Γιατί παθαίνουμε διαβήτη τύπου II και πως αυτοθεραπεύομαστε. 2When we are stressed or overwhelmed by negative emotions, with the secretion of adrenaline and cortisol and other stress hormones the secretion of insulin is caused. Chronic stress creates insulin resistance, that is, insulin receptors are limited in our cells, as a result, the sugar is not absorbed by our cells and circulates in the blood.

When the body sees that sugar levels are elevated then it increases the amount of insulin even more.. Increasing insulin creates thickness (Insulin is a storage hormone), creates cholesterol, but mainly type B diabetes, because the continuous secretion of insulin the pancreas is exhausted.

also, when possessed by stress, adrenal glands secrete catecholamines, which are hormones, which stimulate the liver to empty the sugar is stored in the blood. For these reasons chronic stress creates diabetes and increased blood pressure.

    • Meat and dairy increase insulin resistance.

"Medical Diabetes Care" wrote, in August 2006, for a study with two groups where one ate vegetables and vegetable juices as well as sprouts, while the other ate protein from meat and dairy.

The first group reduced the sugar much more, but also its weight. As shown by other studies in Britain's Food Research, diets with meat and dairy, eating most diabetics in our country, worsen the condition of diabetics and create cancer and cardiovascular problems. Meat and dairy products have an acidic PH which destroys our organs and pancreas..

Γιατί παθαίνουμε διαβήτη τύπου II και πως αυτοθεραπεύομαστε. 3Why is this happening; Milk contains 100 antigens, for which our body creates antibodies.

The problem is that the antibodies our body with milk antigens interact with the beta cells of the pancreas and create inflammation, which blocks or destroys the insulin production.

the Finns, consuming the highest amount of milk, They have the highest rate of diabetes in the world.

Γιατί παθαίνουμε διαβήτη τύπου II και πως αυτοθεραπεύομαστε. 4Ο Dr Gene Stiller, Surveys made, She found that the consumption of animal protein increases insulin resistance, while raw vegetables, grains, almonds walnuts reduce, require less insulin secretion.

Ο Neal Bernard, professor of medicine at George Washington University (American journal of Medicine 2005), It argues that the diet with vegetables increases insulin sensitivity (reduces insulin resistance of our cells), thus reducing sugar, blood cholesterol and weight of our body.

    • Insulin is also secreted more when we eat carbohydrates, in a higher proportion than protein. So consuming large amounts of carbohydrates immediately creates thickness.

When we consume more calories, which come from carbohydrates (pasta, cereals, rice, sweet), more insulin is released, which converts the unnecessary calories into fat.

Γιατί παθαίνουμε διαβήτη τύπου II και πως αυτοθεραπεύομαστε. 5So we need to eat small amounts of food in each meal in proportion: 30% proteins, 40% carbohydrates, 30% fat because, according to Harvard professor David Lugwig, that persists in the above ratio of carbohydrate and protein, protein causes secretion from the pancreas hormone glucagon.

Γιατί παθαίνουμε διαβήτη τύπου II και πως αυτοθεραπεύομαστε. 6Glucagon has the ability to help the liver release stored sugar and thus balance blood sugar levels.. In this way, first, as long as blood sugar levels are balanced, no further insulin secretion is needed and therefore thickness avoidance but also the pancreas is not depleted and, Secondly, with the balance of blood sugar, the feeling of hunger ceases.

You will have noticed, when we only eat carbs, we have a little, we want to eat constantly, while, if we also eat protein, we feel full, food then we say it "catches" us, that it "holds" us.

The big problem with over-insulin secretion is that it prevents our fat cells from releasing stored fat., and thus if we make a diet rich in carbohydrates, it is impossible to lose weight (because a large amount of insulin is secreted, which stores fat, and therefore does not allow the metabolism of our food).

    • Γιατί παθαίνουμε διαβήτη τύπου II και πως αυτοθεραπεύομαστε. 7H excercise especially brisk walking also helps increase insulin energy to convert sugar into glucose, thereby reducing blood sugar.

    • Eating foods with a high glycemic index.

Γιατί παθαίνουμε διαβήτη τύπου II και πως αυτοθεραπεύομαστε. 8The diet with raw vegetables supplies us with all the necessary enzymes and the biggest damage to our body is done by carbohydrates, those with a high glycemic index.

So what do carbohydrates do?, which have a high glycemic index; Carbohydrates with a high glycemic index, are the ones that break down and are quickly absorbed by the small intestine, resulting in a rapid rise in blood sugar levels and causing the immediate secretion of larger amounts of insulin.. Excess insulin causes type II diabetes and diabetes after 50

What is type II diabetes and how is it caused? ;

Γιατί παθαίνουμε διαβήτη τύπου II και πως αυτοθεραπεύομαστε. 9The continuous secretion of excess insulin, from carbohydrates with high glycemic index, and constant stress, the fear, negative feelings, create insulin resistance (the effect of insulin weakens) and depletes the pancreas.

Then the pancreas can no longer produce the amount of insulin, that our body needs to convert blood sugar into glucose, so that it is absorbed by the cells, resulting in more blood sugar than normal.

The most blood sugar, as you know, destroys blood vessels and then the bodies or body parts, because they can not feed themselves properly, if the blood vessels are destroyed partially or completely.

Carbohydrates with a high glycemic index are:

Γιατί παθαίνουμε διαβήτη τύπου II και πως αυτοθεραπεύομαστε. 10 Γιατί παθαίνουμε διαβήτη τύπου II και πως αυτοθεραπεύομαστε. 11Pasta, white bread (87 GI), generally treated cereals, rice (81-109 GI, depending on the type), boiled potatoes (101 GI), baked potatoes (85 GI), the banana, the figs, prunes, raisins, the sugar.

Γιατί παθαίνουμε διαβήτη τύπου II και πως αυτοθεραπεύομαστε. 12Prefer unprocessed cereals, because the raw rice has a glycemic index of only 55 (while the treated 81-109) wholemeal bread has 53 (while the white 87).

When we process foods, vascular cleaved and the structure, and increases directly glycemic index, in this way they are absorbed directly into the blood and increase the sugar.

For example, if you eat black-eyed beans in the oven, They have a high glycemic index and raise our blood sugar, and fatten us. Suffer less damage if you eat them cooked, while the sugar is reduced and take numerous enzymes. If we eat them as germ, take therapeutically phytochemicals, vitamins, and trace elements beneficial to the body proteins.

The glycemic index is also the secret to losing weight.

Eating foods that have a high glycemic index, they are immediately absorbed into the bloodstream and cause excessive insulin secretion that becomes thick. namely, Insulin is the dominant storage hormone. The opposite happens if we eat raw foods that have a low glycemic index.

Insulin resistance, created by chronic stress, accompanied by hypertension.

Γιατί παθαίνουμε διαβήτη τύπου II και πως αυτοθεραπεύομαστε. 13When we feel sad, anger and all the negative emotions that are based on fear, the reptilian brain goes on alert, which means that it prepares the body for struggle or flight (fight or flight), resulting in the adrenal glands secreting cortisol, which causes insulin secretion.

Cholesterol raises blood pressure, heartbeat and breathing become more intense and the immune and digestive systems are turned off.

When, Well, insulin is no longer effective (since it is constantly secreted due to stress, cell receptors get used to it), we also run out of pancreas, as well as from the constant excessive demand for insulin (because the body sees that blood sugar levels are high and instructs the pancreas to produce more insulin),

Γιατί παθαίνουμε διαβήτη τύπου II και πως αυτοθεραπεύομαστε. 14the beta cells of the pancreas become inflamed. So, produce less insulin, resulting in an increase in the amount of sugar in the blood and slowly destroying it, slowly the blood vessels, body tissues and organs.

Γιατί παθαίνουμε διαβήτη τύπου II και πως αυτοθεραπεύομαστε. 15Dr Gabriel Cousens writes that we can on 21 days to drink juices from green vegetables, and so, in addition to lowering blood sugar levels, we give a message to our genes to stop diabetes.

Ο Dr Jeffrey Bland, dealing with genetic nutrition, says insulin secretion (It occurs when there is insulin resistance, the insulin is not effective) allows activation and deactivation messages of our genes.

Excessive insulin secretion activates aging genes, diabetic genes. The type of carbohydrates we eat, activates genes, which in turn instruct the secretion of insulin and glucagon, which are the basic hormones that regulate the health and balance of the body. Genes are what give messages about how sensitive they are, how effective it is for insulin to regulate blood sugar.

Γιατί παθαίνουμε διαβήτη τύπου II και πως αυτοθεραπεύομαστε. 16It is in our hand, Well, to direct the expression of our genes where we want.

Imagine those who take insulin by injection, they completely block their body, give him aging messages, Every external intervention in the body creates infinite problems that reduce life.

Sure, many times, drugs are needed, that is, an intervention, since we cannot regulate the organism, our lifestyle and diet.

A healthy insulin flow not only helps control blood sugar, but it also regulates the body's major hormones, such as growth hormone, cortisol, cholesterol, noradrenaline, serotonin, leptin.

With lifestyle, with diet, physical exercise, with emotions, by avoiding stress, by avoiding toxins -sleeping, alcohol, coffee, heavy metals (when we eat shellfish, filtering seawater, they have 70.000 times more heavy metals than,what water where they live)- blood sugar is maintained at normal levels.

When, Well, there is insulin resistance, It means that we have activated the genes that cause diabetes and we need to change our lifestyle immediately, thinking, nutrition and exercise. It sends the message to the genes to stop the diabetes and start the process of regenerating the pancreatic cells., resulting in long-term cure for diabetes.

How is this; The genotype, that is, the genes we inherited from our parents, it's like the hard drive of a PC, But phenotype is the way genes are expressed, is the program that runs the computer. The way we live and what we eat "talk" constantly in the genes. Therefore, whether or not we will have diabetes, it will depend on whether we activate the genes that cause diabetes and it depends on the lifestyle (if we are possessed by fear and negative emotions) and from our diet.

Ο Dr Stephen Spindler, professor of biochemistry at the University of California – Riverside, the 2001, reduced food in mice against 40% and automatically within a month increased by 400% expression of aging genes (activates genes that prevent our aging). also increased the anti-inflammatory genes, antioxidant genes, and the genes antidiavitogona.

Γιατί παθαίνουμε διαβήτη τύπου II και πως αυτοθεραπεύομαστε. 17Γιατί παθαίνουμε διαβήτη τύπου II και πως αυτοθεραπεύομαστε. 18fasting, diet with vegetable juices, germ, revitalizes our body.

If we eat processed foods, kill all the enzymes and the therapeutic phytochemicals components containing foods, like resvelatrol which triggers our anti-aging genes.

In the past they had not decode the DNA, but also did not know the function of genes, people had the right to get sick and die sick.

Not us, because with a diet of limited calories but with a high quality diet of organic fruits and vegetables, sprouts from seeds, walnuts, almonds, black eyed peas, Seaweed, and living with love, positive feelings, we can be healthy and "fly" into our lives. These are not aerologies, Our bad thoughts and habits are due to negative beliefs and plans that started in childhood.

All corrected by changing the way of thinking, with study, by reprogramming the brain (cd in the book) and deactivate negative emotions, by unblocking the energy meridians and activating the energy centers that need to be done with the help of an energy therapist. To watch our diet we should have purpose in our lives, we can arrange to have contact with our Source, to take care of our soul.

Sure, when we eat fresh unprocessed foods, limit calories against 50%, because when we cook food, with oil and processing calories increase, the glycemic index rises and most of the nutrients are destroyed. Processed foods contain a variety of chemicals, technical flavors, which confuse the wisdom of the organism, they make us eat more and they make us addicted to eating all the time.

When we do diets with processed foods, our body lacks nutrients and from this deprivation at the first opportunity we find food, we eat furiously and gain the pounds we lost.

When, for example, we eat sprouts, we get high quality protein, complex carbohydrates, enzymes, vitamins, trace elements and therapeutic phytochemicals.

In no case do we feel deprived, because the body simply "flies" because it has got all the information it needs. Dr. Stephen Spindler found that reducing weight by reducing calories reduces insulin resistance, ie increases the effect, insulin sensitivity, thereby reducing insulin in blood, going more glucose into tissues.

Calorie restriction immediately deactivates diabetic genes.

Calorie restriction, also, reduces hypertension and tachycardia. Dr Stephen Spindler presents his findings at the National Academy of Sciences of America, concluding that whatever our age, Calorie restriction has a direct effect on limiting the factors of aging,

The anti-aging effects are immediately apparent when we start eating a low-calorie diet. Limiting calories to mice for a month detoxified their liver. Calorie restriction quickly reduced stress and inflammation even in the oldest mice.

We have seen for inflammation the main treatment that holistic doctors recommend, such as Giannis Papagiannopoulos, is drought, complete abstinence from water and food.

You will say how we will enjoy our lives if we do not enjoy the food; This is an illusion. When we fast, we become more spiritual, we get closer to our true nature and find more pleasure in other activities and in contact with our fellow human beings.

By avoiding processed foods, the body gets rid of the deception of all the additives and finds greater bliss when eating unprocessed foods, from which it gets all the nutrients it needs but also fewer calories

When we eat, we must be consciously present, to be conscious in our food and then we enjoy it better.

Γιατί παθαίνουμε διαβήτη τύπου II και πως αυτοθεραπεύομαστε. 4Meat creates diabetes and the protein we get is not good for us in every way.

Eating meat not only creates the conditions for diabetes, but dramatically burdens the progression of the disease.

Research published in "Spiritual Nutrition" clearly shows that meat protein increases insulin resistance, which is a prerequisite for the development of diabetes and in general for the initiation of the diabetes process. magnesium, chromium and zinc help reduce insulin resistance.

The reasons we get Type II diabetes are that, in addition to stress, we make a diet high in sugar, cooked, baked animal fats, diet with limited fiber, combined with a life of high stress and lack of exercise. Walking and exercising reduce insulin resistance.

There are foods that help lower blood sugar or help the pancreas produce insulin.:

Γιατί παθαίνουμε διαβήτη τύπου II και πως αυτοθεραπεύομαστε. 20Cinnamon cinnamon

Γιατί παθαίνουμε διαβήτη τύπου II και πως αυτοθεραπεύομαστε. 21the cucumber, which contains a hormone that the pancreatic beta cells need to produce insulin, also contains the enzyme erepsin, which breaks down the excess protein present in the kidneys.

Γιατί παθαίνουμε διαβήτη τύπου II και πως αυτοθεραπεύομαστε. 22Garlic and onion

contain substances, όπως S-allyl Cysteine Sulphoxide, which have antidiabetic properties, lower blood sugar and cholesterol.

olive oil (in cold blood),

the almond oil and avocado improve insulin resistance in the blood.

Γιατί παθαίνουμε διαβήτη τύπου II και πως αυτοθεραπεύομαστε. 23In a study conducted at Harvard to 2002 for walnuts, revealed that walnuts reduce the risk of sudden cardiac death that is common in diabetics. Walnuts and seeds are rich in sterols that lower cholesterol and improve our heart..

Metals and trace elements that help reduce diabetes are magnesium, chromium, while potassium and zinc help reduce insulin resistance.

Γιατί παθαίνουμε διαβήτη τύπου II και πως αυτοθεραπεύομαστε. 24THE Zinc helps prevent the destruction of beta cells in the pancreas, as well as prevents insulin resistance by our cells.

Insulin resistance means that the receptors on the cells acting on insulin have decreased, in this way the body is forced to produce more insulin, which depletes the pancreas, increases blood fat and cholesterol

Γιατί παθαίνουμε διαβήτη τύπου II και πως αυτοθεραπεύομαστε. 25How to reduce the resistance of our cells to insulin

By eating fresh organic vegetables, with walking and exercise.

Γιατί παθαίνουμε διαβήτη τύπου II και πως αυτοθεραπεύομαστε. 26Foods that contain zinc are broccoli sprouts, the cabbage.

Protein enzymes (protease) create a solution in the fibrous plaques that have formed in the pancreas and impede circulation. Dr. William Wong administered proteolytic enzymes for three months in a diabetic woman, on 50 years with Type I., age 86 years, who was about to lose her left leg and also had vision problems. After three months, her eyesight improved significantly and her leg returned to full health.. Enzymes are the proteins that make up our body from proteins, carbohydrates and fats.

Ο Dr Edward Howell, in his book "Food Enzymes for Health and Longevity", explains that a study conducted at the Tuft School of Medicine found that an increase in obesity is associated with enzyme deficiency. Specifically, in obese people found lipase deficiency is the enzyme that breaks down fats. also, Diabetic amylase enzyme found in diabetics to break down carbohydrates 50% msmaller than normal. Dr Bassler reports that amylase deficiency was found in 86% of patients he has met.

Dr Mark Hyneman claims that food speaks to our genes and they talk (direct) in our body.

Insulin secretion activates the enzyme that causes bad cholesterol (LDL) from the liver.

Excess insulin secretion also causes bad ecosanoids, because elevated insulin levels activate the Delta-5 Desaturase enzyme, which produces arachidonic acid, which increases the production of pre-inflammatory eicosanoids.

We must avoid sweets, bread, cereals and carbohydrates in general with a high glycemic index. We must not forget that the human body reached its current form before 30.000 with 200.000 years.

Nevertheless, evolving from mammal 150 millions of years. The sugar, bread, Pasta is a few thousand years old. The human body has not been able to metabolize the above foods (it is of course one 25% of our population, that their body has evolved and they are doing better and you see them eating and not getting fat).

If you crave sweets, then eat fruit, and nuts, they may gain weight, but they are healthy and will cut your need for sugar. Don't "snack" all the time. Eat five meals continuously each day, three main meals and two small snacks.

From carbs we eat as many raw fruits and vegetables as possible. If possible, organic.

Intensive crops and pesticides have deprived the earth of the substances needed by trees and plants., so that fruits and vegetables do not contain the vitamins and minerals that organic products have..

Avoid processed foods. We need to know that the source of our energy, of the force that flows within us is the sun. So let's eat foods that are bathed in the sun, that fills them with energy and let's avoid processed carbohydrates that only have calories to give us. namely, we replace bread, pasta, rice, the sweets, with fruits and vegetables, because they have far fewer calories and we can eat larger amounts and not be hungry.

Γιατί παθαίνουμε διαβήτη τύπου II και πως αυτοθεραπεύομαστε. 27The best source of protein is seaweed wakame which contains a large amount of protein,

Spirulina algae, sprouts of black-eyed beans, which contain more and better protein than meat, almonds and walnuts - after activating their enzymes,immersing them in water-,

Γιατί παθαίνουμε διαβήτη τύπου II και πως αυτοθεραπεύομαστε. 28sprouts from seeds, sunflower seeds, mung bean, lentils, chickpeas, linseed, broccoli, alfalfa, Sesame,

organic pea protein, mushrooms, olives, spinach, broccoli, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, parsley.

Milk and yogurt from goats grazing in the mountains or, if we eat meat, let's eat a goat that lives almost wild in the mountains.

I support the goat, because it is usually bred in the mountains and not with animal feed, It is completely organic and beneficial for our body.

also, wild fish, mainly salmon, mackerel, sprat, necklace, trout containing Omega-3 and eggs from free-range hens.

And most of the chickens we eat contain fifteen times more pesticides than fruits and vegetables..

Good fats are olive oil, which contains a very effective antioxidant, the squalene, which helps against it heart disease, olives, avocado, tahini (sesame oil), almonds and other nuts.

In this way we avoid the feeling of hunger, which is painful and pushes us to give up trying every time we want to lose weight. The feeling of hunger is created by the lack of sugar in the brain.

Sugar levels are running out 4-5 hours after eating. When we eat two meals a day or one big in the afternoon, as most of us do in Greece, we abruptly pour a large amount into our body, which immediately creates a panic-alarm in the body for the secretion of a large amount of insulin and consequently storage of extra calories.

So when we distribute the calories we need during the day in three main meals and two small ones, then a large amount of insulin is not released and our cells are not instructed to store the fat we eat..

According to the German doctor Dr Matthias Rath, The role of vitamin C in diabetes is very important. Cells contain numerous cellular pumps, which carry the transport of glucose and vitamin C from the blood to the vessel wall. To healthy people, These pumps carry ideally balanced amounts of vitamin C and glucose molecules..

In the cells of the arterial walls (endothelial cells) high blood glucose levels lead to overloading of cell pumps with glucose molecules, with simultaneous displacement of vitamin C molecules. This is followed by the accumulation of sugars in the arterial wall with a simultaneous lack of vitamin C.. As a result, Diabetic arteriosclerosis is created by perfusion disorders in many organs of the body. Vitamin C contributes to the restoration of the balance between vitamin-sugar metabolism and plays a central role in the prevention of diabetic cardiovascular disease.

According to Dr. Casey Adams, our inner beliefs and emotions translate into waveforms that are transmitted as commands to all our organs.

Specifically, those orders in energy form (wave) transmitted from the heart chakra or heart matrix, the third eye which is the control center of our body, in cooperation with other (chakras) and of 72.000 nadis (which are energy corridors) in all organs and cells of our body.

These commands are translated to produce hormones, such as endorphins that make us "fly" or cortisol and adrenaline which are chemicals that are secreted when we are stressed and poison our body., if left stagnant, because these chemicals are secreted, when our body, with stress, it is put on alert and must run or fight.

The solar plexus coordinates the digestive system, pancreas, with insulin as the main hormone for our metabolism. So, Well, Our emotions directly affect the development of diabetes.

Conclusion: Excess insulin from excessive carbohydrate consumption with a high glycemic index creates type II diabetes and diabetes after the age of fifty..

The continuous secretion of excess insulin, from carbohydrates with high glycemic index, depletes the pancreas.

When we are overwhelmed by stress, adrenaline and cortisol and other stress hormone secretions trigger insulin secretion, in particular chronic stress creates insulin resistance.

When we have stress, adrenal glands secrete catecholamines that are hormones that stimulate the liver to empty the sugar stored in the blood.

The weight reduction of caloric restriction reduces insulin resistance, ie increases the effect, insulin sensitivity, resulting in reduced blood insulin and more glucose going to the tissues.

Eating vegetables increases insulin sensitivity, thus reducing sugar, of cholesterol in the blood but also of body weight.

The type of carbohydrates you eat activates our genes, which in turn instruct the secretion of insulin and glucagon, which are the main hormones that regulate the health and balance of our body.

Our genes are what give messages about how sensitive, how efficient will be the insulin to regulate blood sugar in our blood.

The whole point is to deal with is to disable the fear that is often subconscious will focus here, because it is the leading cause of type II diabetes.

If you unblock the meridian of the bladder and kidneys, we stop the secretion of cortisol and therefore insulin, continuous secretion of which is the main cause of insulin resistance, where cells get used to insulin and stop opening to get glucose to feed.

Turning off the subconscious fear of rejection that is the Source of all our problems with EFT, and reprogramming our subconscious.

But the main thing to banish the fear is darkness, It is light, Our initiation into love, and the tip of all is our connection to our Source Source of everything that is the Lord.

Connect the Lord participating in the sacraments and ceremonies of our Orthodox Church, Orthodoxy is not a simple thing, TIS has roots in the ancient Greek spirit which was a precursor to the teaching of the Lord, He had realized our true nature as we are taught the Lord.

Anger creates us then disable our metabolism is rooted in the fear that disable the EFT method (Emotion release techniques) and other methods that will then analyze:

With EFT relieves the psychological reversal, because subconsciously we are sick and miserable, So do massage to the point ST 16 over the chest, saying although subconsciously feel that fear of rejection and subconsciously I wanted to be sick and miserable to pull the attention of my own that I think that rejected, from now I choose to love, to appreciate, completely accept myself and focus my conscience in love, at light, Christ. I am light, I am a soul full of light, full of love, the rejection fear of misunderstanding the subconscious of my subconscious, I experienced small, drowned my soul, the isolated from my source so detached I experienced to date, fear, affliction, anger, insecurity, guilt. From today I realized that all my problems due to fear of rejection experienced by misunderstanding of my subconscious I experience fear of rejection to rid.

The EFT helps us to change our beliefs and perioristka psychological reversal to want to be sick and miserable. The fear of rejection that puts us on alert with anger process, It is subconscious and from the events recorded in the amygdala of the brain (You see in brain graph above) from our conception to age 5 years (in the majority but to 3 years). The fear of rejection is the major cause of our fear and anger generated by this. When we are young we do not create spiritual brain and take to the reality that we see, in this way we get to dismiss the controversy, rigor, review, the absence of our own. Then every time we face some of these behaviors (review, rejection, difficulties in life) immediately afraid and entering alarm with anger process. Finally do 7-10 bangs at all points shown in the graph below (B2, GB1, ST2, GV 26, CV 24, K 27, SP 21) three to five rounds focusing our consciousness in fear of rejection and anger or any negative emotion we want to disable.


The EFT is only the beginning we need to do more deeper steps such as those we analyze then to get rid of fear and to walk in the light, such as:

  1. Breakout meridians of fear (bladder and kidney) and meridians bile and High. In my book "A Life Full of Light" containing all the meridians and clear instructions on how to disable them. He tells us Andriana "Mr. Fotopoulos, I work with myself every day, sink GIVEN Your Paper hear the CDkathe day, preferably at night when waking hours. the Alphamaticsalla and your healing voice helping me relax and sleep deeply. I have to deal with the side effects of radiation. Your books are a great gift for me. I work all the energy points on the meridians, spleen, pancreas, consul, stomach, bladder, bile. Without your book I do not know how I would have managed, your God sent into my life. God bless you, with infinite love AdriannaVasiliadis».
  2. Unblocking the energy centers mainly of the center of the solar plexus blocked by anger. This can be done by me or by another energy healer who has charisma to emit photons, energy from his hands. Block in the energy center of our solar plexus creates off our metabolism.
  3. Reprogramming the subconscious with cd containing my books "This is how the miracle happens" and "A life full of light" you reprogram your subconscious, as a result, they change the way you interpret events and in this way you stop being alarmed, to get angry, be blocked energy in your meridians and get sick your body and your organs. It tells us
  4. Bsaying the infinite unconditional love in my eyes you see the mirror of yourself and love it like Dimitra Kontakou: "OR initiation into love through your eyes Alexis Fotopoulos, It is possible that experienced near your seminar in Thessaloniki. you say : Look into my eyes. I made it, I looked into the eyes and tears flowed constantly, endlessly.. I believe all tears are an increase of love in me. I feel guilt, sorrow, stress tears made with the help of your eyes, They have now diminished in me.. I have way more able to turn off my negative emotions subconsciously suspected. Your work with us now! Your cd with my positive submissions kept my soul strong in difficult times spent next to my children who suffered kidney failure. You give me hope that you will treat these, where our doctors cut hopes. Thank you and I am glad that you exist!!!May all people to accept your light!!! look him in the eyes! infinitely thank you met close sir Fotopoulos!!». The photons that come out of my hands feel the unity of love the Father and love and love fill themselves. or "Marianna Matthew KOKONA (Limassol): Mr Fotopoulos, was my great pleasure to have met you leaving from personal conferences felt to fly! While not coming with holding my feet. I wish we had you closer. With the cd «So becomes the Miracle" was able to sleep better after days and I can deal with my health journey easier and more positive! Thank you very much God gives you strength '.
  5. We participate in the sacraments and rites of our religion, Never forget that we are souls and need to be connected to our Source, The god, Mister. when we forgive, We reduce our ego, participate in the ceremonies and mysteries of our church, then we unite with our Source, and then the fear and anger disappears. I am always at your disposal and give you all the tools to turn your negative emotions dominated by anger, I help you introduce yourself in love.



Μπορούμε να αυτοθεραπεύομαστε από βαριάς μορφής πυτιρίδας, κάνοντας ελαφρες μαλάξεις στις δεξια και αριστερα του πρώτου αυχένικου σπονδυλου 3ALL THE ABOVE ARE EXCERPTS from my books "This is how the miracle happens", in "A Life Full of Light", "Source of Everything" and "The Road to Deification"

But it is important for all of you to get all four books to change your life and fly away from health and joy as I did., so if you order all three of my books "That becomes the Miracle", in "A Life Full of Light", "Source of Everything" "The Road to Deification" I send you with a big discount and without charging you shipping costs. If you want to order you have to send the message address and your mobile or call 6977349766.

All four books have cds, helping you to reprogram your subconscious, change your beliefs. Also in my books and seminars, there are complete instructions to turn your negative feelings and treating yourself to an energy level and then at the physical level of problems in the spine, in the middle, neck, on the knees, hip, in the stomach, gall, Autoimmune Diseases, pollakiuria, problems spastic colitis or constipation, sinusitis, snoring, carpal tunnel problem, tendinitis, insomnia, panic attacks, depression, interruption period, arrhythmia, tachycardia, headaches, migraines, breathing difficulties, Respiratory problems, problems in the bile, cholesterol.(of course for any health issue you should first consult your doctor, while in spiritual, mental and energy levels will be released from the circumstances that led to your illness and aftotherapefste).

I'm always by your side to liberate all our problems, To fly from health and joy and be led to the light.

with infinite, love in Christ

Alexis Fotopoulos

Author - Researcher.

phones: 6977349766, 6909193329,

In my Website, which is fully renovated you will find everything for your health and happiness.

You see all my YouTube channel: Alexis Fotopoulos, It will change your life.

This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need to enable JavaScript enabled to view it.

constantly given almost free seminars (leaves something anyone wants for the cost of the room) The seminars were announced on my website

In my article: You will find all the answers to the problems that concern you.

For any health problem, consult your doctor first.

By applying what your doctor says, you can also get help by reading my books. There will be ways to get rid of your negative emotions but also to unblock your meridians, which are rivers of energy., who are blocked by these negative emotions. A-disease means a deprivation of vigor.

Strength is energy. A- rustia means asterik of rustos which means power- energy. When we deprive an instrument of its energy, then it becomes ill, gets sick. We deprive ourselves of energy with our conscious or subconscious negative emotions.

My books that I can send you with discount and shipping free of charge. I can also explain my books to you up close, if you want to contact me contact me at 6977349766, Alexis Fotopoulos, author - researcher.

Note: All drawings that are on my website, the on facebook is my book a life of Light, is my spiritual permissions, and their use is prohibited (articles for the printed edition) without my permission. of course it means that you can use them all to unblock your energy meridians and to dispose of health and joy.

Disclaimer: Sure, I want to clarify that these writings are indeed great views of university professors, researchers, Chinese medicine applied with success millennia, are practices that I applied and became well from multiple sclerosis, suffering, and help and I help too many people to eliminate their negative emotions and heal itself. Nevertheless, These views can not replace your doctors, which moreover only to those the state has officially given the license to practice medicine. Therefore, The,what is written in this book is just for your information. When you have health problems, please first contact your doctor and side, if you wish, you can contact a spiritual-energy or alternative therapists, to help you to change your lifestyle and get rid of negative emotions. It's good, also, synergazesthe to your doctor, to change your lifestyle, to become good and to avoid many drugs, which damage your health long term and deplete our funds and the National Economy.



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