Because we get fat; How can we get back to our normal weight?;

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Γιατί παχαίνουμε; Πως μπορούμε να επανέλθουμε στο κανονικό μας βάρος; 1

the thickness, Well, It is a purely psychological matter and acts as addiction.

When we have intense anxiety and fear, serotonin levels fall, so we don't feel good and need to look for foods that will raise our serotonin to make us feel better., which are the sweets, chocolates and fatty foods.

All diets fail for a long time, because they don't cover our emotional problems, they do not relieve us of our inner worries and fears due to traumatic events of the past, which have blocked the energy within us.

The thickness is based on the function of the brain reptile, the instinct of self-preservation.

The reptilian brain, when he feels danger, enters the escape or attack process (flight or fight). Then it ceases to metabolize food, but stores it in fat and eating as much as possible to have more energy to overcome the risk.

When we feel negative emotions (fear, affliction, anger), the reptilian brain translates it as a risk and begins the process of reducing metabolism and the desire for more food.

the thickness, Well, It is a purely psychological matter and acts as addiction. We eat to fill within us a traumatic void, a loss, an abandonment, a threat, lack of self-esteem due to the behavior of our parents or people of our close surroundings, we would say a word for lack of love.

While we want to lose weight, we can not stop eating, but our worst interested to eat foods, such as sweets and fatty foods that fatten.

As you understand, we are obsessed with eating these foods, not to feed them, but to cover up intense concerns, which create an imbalance in the levels of serotonin and dopamine in us.

According to clinical psychologist Dr David Feldstein, the mechanism of addiction is the same as the mechanism used by nature to activate us to take three actions, which are fundamental to our survival and the perpetuation of our species.

These are what we eat, to drink, to avoid getting hurt and reproducing (self-preservation, security, reproduction). The mobilization to carry out the above actions is based on the primitive (reptile) part of our brain called the "nucleus accumbens" and is regulated by the fluctuation of the two neurotransmitters: dopamine and serotonin.

Γιατί παχαίνουμε; Πως μπορούμε να επανέλθουμε στο κανονικό μας βάρος; 2Dopamine motivates us to do everything,what it takes to find food, to ensure safety and reproduction. When we feel complete, safe and satisfied, then serotonin is secreted. Serotonin limits the action of dopamine, disabling our primitive mobilization to meet basic food and reproduction needs. If we solve the problem of balance of serotonin and dopamine in our organism, then it will be easy for us to stop bad habits (addictions) such as smoking, the alcohol, the very food, the sweets, Drugs. Studies have shown that people who are possessed by these habits, They have low levels of serotonin.

also, when we have negative emotions, because we feel threatened by our security, our diet or our sexual satisfaction, our serotonin levels are very low, with the result that the dopamine levels are too high and we feel the intense longing to eat, to drink or have sex. Therefore, when we eat, we do not have the feeling of satisfaction and satiety, but we want to eat and drink constantly, to smoke, to take drugs, since due to fear serotonin levels remain low and we cannot feel satisfied.

People who saw their parents have problems, have a huge problem in relationships with their partners, choose, attracted to inappropriate companions, not sexually satisfied, they create troubled families and generally suffer all their lives. These traumatic experiences concern the reptilian brain, where there are only three needs: of self-preservation, of reproduction (sex), and security.

If we have traumatic experiences in reproductive matters (sex) and security, when we see our parents abandon us, to die, to clash intensely, then the energy is blocked but also the emotion in the reptilian brain is repelled. We would say that it is in the depths of the subconscious and with every stimulus it comes to the surface and destroys our lives..

The 1970, at MIT, Dr Richard Wurtman has discovered that carbohydrates create serotonin in the brain..

In more detail, the brain produces serotonin when tryptophan enters the brain (tryptophan), which is one of the amino acids we get with food. But in order for this amino acid to enter the brain, we need to have significant insulin secretion.

Insulin is the one that pushes our body's glucose into our cells and tissues, and while it is a fattening hormone, but here it helps us, because it helps the tryptophan to enter the brain.

So if we eat carbs, such as fruits that have fructose and do not have a high glycemic index, they do not help the insulin secretion that will raise our serotonin. Nevertheless, As we know, The main cause of obesity is insulin secretion.

So how do we increase serotonin without gaining weight?;

MIT found out that if we eat a snack that has sugar and starch one hour before eating at noon or three hours after eating in the afternoon, or the night we feel bored, worry, then we create immediate serotonin production and feel better.

Γιατί παχαίνουμε; Πως μπορούμε να επανέλθουμε στο κανονικό μας βάρος; 3There are snacks with cereal and some chocolate 90 calories each. One is enough to raise our serotonin and in this way we will feel better and pay attention to what we eat..

All sugar substitutes, even though they look sweet to us, they can't fool our body and they don't produce serotonin.

Avoid all foods that have aspartame and everything that writes light, because they are extremely dangerous to health. Candace Pert writes that aspartame is converted to formaldehyde, a toxic poison that kills in large quantities.

The fatty foods we eat, like pizzas, that cheese is pure unhealthy fat, they make us too fat and give us a false sense of satiety, because they weigh down our stomach and intestines and are difficult to digest.

We feel the real feeling of satiety when serotonin levels rise. Then we feel a sense of fullness. We would avoid the craze for sweets, if we ate a snack that has starch and sugar that the brain needs to produce serotonin, but they do not have the infinite butter and fat that fatten and destroy our body.

With diets, thus avoiding carbohydrates, reduce serotonin, we increase stress and in the end we fall psychologically and eat infinite amounts.

The women, indeed, have twice the problem of men, because the brain composes them 50% less serotonin than men, That's why you see women have more emotional and stress problems and depression. Lack of serotonin makes women more sensitive to stress.
The starchy diet immediately turns into fat, because with the processed carbohydrates we eat our body does not have the ability, it has no enzymes and elements, to convert starch into glucose and absorb it from the tissues.

According to Dr. Barry Sears, leptin is a hormone secreted by adipose tissue and sends the message of satiety to our brain..

Of course in obese mice given leptin injections, they lost weight, but this did not apply to humans. Why; Overweight people have leptin resistance, as with insulin, that our cell receptors have lost their sensitivity and are resistant to it.

Therefore, leptin is normally secreted, but it is not efficient, because if it is constantly secreted (in overweight individuals) Cells have become accustomed to it. The same goes for people who are under constant stress, on constant alert. Then they constantly secrete cortisol from the adrenal glands, which causes the constant secretion of insulin., resulting in cell insulin receptors losing their sensitivity and insulin being inefficient. The fatter one is, the less sensitive the brain cells are to leptin and the less saturated it is..

When we have inflammation, either from constant stress or from consuming processed carbohydrates or carbohydrates with a high glycemic index, the C-Reactive Protein secreted from the liver to address inflammation, prevents leptin from entering the brain. Generally, when we are in a state of stress, cortisol creates leptin resistance, because, when the body is in danger, you need to get as much energy as possible.

The bad thing about obese people is that when they lose weight, the secretion of leptin decreases. Nevertheless, their cells continue to have leptin resistance and thus the leptin secreted is not enough to feel full when they eat foods that are normal for their weight and sex., as a result, they are constantly hungry and eventually lose weight again. For this reason it needs maintenance and attention for more than a year to reduce leptin resistance, that is, cell receptors become more sensitive and create the feeling of satiety when we eat the normal amount for our sex and body type..

On the other hand, arachidonic acid (AA) created from animal and processed fats, and processed carbohydrates (the insulin secreted by the consumption of processed carbohydrates converts animal and processed vegetable fats into arachidonic acid) is the basis for the creation of bad twenties, known as endocannabinoids, which bind to cell receptors that increase the sense of hunger.

Consumption of protein stimulates the pancreas to produce glycogen, which balances the amount of sugar in the blood and reduces the feeling of pressure, because protein consumption stimulates the hormone, known as Peptide PYY, which goes straight to the brain and cuts off the feeling of hunger. Glycogen inactivates the enzyme that produces arachidonic acid, which increases the feeling of hunger. The 2007, at Harvard Business School found that increasing insulin causes an increase in abdominal fat, lowers good cholesterol and increases triglycerides. An increase in cortisol caused by negative emotions increases insulin, which in turn increases the thickness.

Professor Ernest Rossi in his book "Psychobiology of Gene Expression" clearly explains that our emotions, our thoughts, our beliefs affect the expression of our genes, the creation of neural networks and nerve cells, the communication of the mind, of our intellect with our cells (Candace Pert the brain sends peptides) to such an extent that previous generations could not dream (placebo affects, they cure even 70%, while in the past only 10-15%).

To reduce weight, one is the solution: disable negative emotions (with EFT, with the help of an energy therapist). To constantly envision and say: "It simply came to our notice then 75 kilos and I have this weight ". Sure, if you combine the deactivation of negative emotions with diet, such as salads, sprouts and fruits, you will lose weight permanently without any deprivation. Diets destroy us instead of benefiting us, because when we lose weight, we lose fat and muscle tissue and, Furthermore, we regain the pounds we lost (because if we have negative feelings we need more and more quantities of processed carbohydrates). The bad thing is that after some diets, we have replaced our muscle tissue with fat, Nevertheless, fat cells burn seventy times less energy than,what muscle, as a result, in the end we can't lose weight even though we are on a diet. People over 50 years usually suffer from thyroid gland problems, obesity, persistent stomach ulcers, arthritis, parking, multiple sclerosis, depression, heart, cancer.

Hypothyroidism is the first cause above 50% of women have Γιατί παχαίνουμε; Πως μπορούμε να επανέλθουμε στο κανονικό μας βάρος; 4weight above normal.

Most women have a thyroid disorder without being seen by a TSH test (Thyroid Stimulate Hormone), that is, tests that measure the hormone that stimulates the thyroid to produce thyroxine.. It is easy to see if we have a thyroid disorder, if we press the big toe with our fingers. If we are in pain, means we have an energy disorder in the thyroid, and certainly the unnecessary weight we have is due to its faulty operation due to the negative emotions that occupy us..

Γιατί παχαίνουμε; Πως μπορούμε να επανέλθουμε στο κανονικό μας βάρος; 5

Making continuous massages on the sides and bottom of our big toes, we stimulate the thyroid to work better. Sure, the ultimate solution to the thyroid gland's harmonious functioning is to get rid of negative emotions. Man's goal is to live in complete health and happiness. Man is created from the same essence as his Source, which is unlimited love and peace. But when he feels cut off from his Source, inside him nestles fear, confidence leaves, beauty, peacefulness, that the child feels when he is connected to the umbilical cord by his mother. Feeling we have 'Run out of gas' emotionally, our bodies prepare for battle and all our glands take command of our brains. (hypothalamus), they take action and secrete all the hormones needed to fight or escape, as the adrenal glands secrete adrenaline and cortisol.

Γιατί παχαίνουμε; Πως μπορούμε να επανέλθουμε στο κανονικό μας βάρος; 6Ο Dr. Kazuo Murakami, One of the largest geneticists in the world claims that our genes have enormous potential, which does not activate and more often our genes are inactive. When we eat and feel guilty about it, then we activate all the genes that will make us fat. Not metabolizing our food well, we activate the genes that will destroy us. The French drink infinite wine, eat all fattening cheeses, butter, sweet and not fattening, because they are in their culture and they enjoy it.

The solution to not gaining weight is to feel good. Don't focus on how to lose weight, focus on how beautiful they are, how much weight you want to have.

Γιατί παχαίνουμε; Πως μπορούμε να επανέλθουμε στο κανονικό μας βάρος; 7Focus on fresh thoughts, if possible, organic fruits, vegetables and sprouts, where you will be fed. Many times, when we eat processed foods, our appetite is aroused and our body asks for more food to get the enzymes, vitamins, the phytochemicals and phytonutrients it desperately needs to work.

Scientists today have proven that the main reason for longevity, Human health and normal weight is constant contact with our fellow human beings.

Γιατί παχαίνουμε; Πως μπορούμε να επανέλθουμε στο κανονικό μας βάρος; 8Specifically, ο Dr Dean Ornish, Professor of Medicine at the University of California, in his book "Love and Survival", displays a large amount of data, where it is clear that people's longevity and health depends on the number of social contacts they have daily and not on the healthy lifestyle they live or do not live.

According to Dr. Dean Ornish, chronic emotional stress stimulates the brain, which secretes hormones, which in turn create weight around the abdomen, something very harmful to our health.

Γιατί παχαίνουμε; Πως μπορούμε να επανέλθουμε στο κανονικό μας βάρος; 9Specifically, when we have chronic stress, the hypothalamus commands the pituitary gland, in the thyroid and adrenal glands to secrete hormones, such as cortisol, adrenaline, noradrenaline and glucocorticoids (glycocorticoids), but mainly insulin, which is predominantly storage hormone and causes us to create fat around the abdomen. The worst hormones, Nevertheless, secreted are cytokines (cytokines) causing inflammation.

How chronic emotional stress builds up;

Researchers have found that chronic emotional stress triggers the secretion of peptide from the hypothalamus., of the peptide Y, which increases appetite and especially for foods high in carbohydrates, with salts, with sugar and converts all these calories into belly fat. This diet also creates insulin resistance that leads to diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure and inflammation. When the researchers isolated the Y peptide, then the stress-induced thickness in the middle was reduced by 50%, without reducing the amount of food.

Research has shown that the cause of the accumulation of fat in the abdomen is glucocorticoids. (glycocorticoids), hormones secreted under the influence of chronic stress. Therefore, we can eat less fat, fewer calories and gain more weight if we are stressed, if we are unhappy, if when we eat we are afraid that we will gain weight. Research in a large population of people has concluded that the more stress a person has, the more fat they create in their abdomen.. Chronic anxiety and depression create obesity and elevated levels of insulin and blood sugar.

We drink to forget, to get out of control of the deeper consciousness that controls us because we are on the wrong path. We eat sweets, desperately trying to experience the supreme divine sweetness and beauty that our soul feels when it comes in contact with its Source and when it is in the process of achieving the purpose for which it has come to Earth..
Sure, the drinks, the sweets, drugs are everything,what can man do worse?. To lose weight, other than that, we envision ourselves every day having their ideal weight. We don't always have to control what we eat or feel bad when we eat something fattening. What matters is to constantly remind and repeat to ourselves that we have our ideal weight..

Γιατί παχαίνουμε; Πως μπορούμε να επανέλθουμε στο κανονικό μας βάρος; 10Losing extra pounds and maintaining our weight at normal levels

Scientists today agree that the absence or existence of overweight, It is purely emotional imbalance.
Overweight children always have a problem with self-esteem, they have been deprived of love, affection, praise. Many of these children were raised by struggling parents every day, as a result, their mental world has been irreparably injured. Self-esteem and self-love are like the light that drives away darkness. If we have self-esteem and love, then the extra pounds disappear.
The gap is due to the lack of contact with our Source, which has occurred with the development of the ego, with the negative planning we have received since we were little.

The result of negative planning, of the development of the ego and generally of the ignorance of real nature makes our soul suffocate, to get depressed, to try in every way to get rid of ourselves. We try to get rid of the consciousness of the world we have, because this world we see contradicts our soul, contrary to the laws of the Universe, contradicts our Source, and so we turn to alcohol or drugs, to get rid of the self that we created ourselves and our environment.

Nevertheless, when we have negative emotions because we feel threatened by our safety, our diet or our sexual satisfaction, our serotonin levels are very low, with the result that the dopamine levels are too high and we feel the intense longing to eat, to drink or have sex.

Ο Dr Edward Howell, in his book "Food Enzymes for Health and Longevity", explains that in a study conducted at the Tuft School of Medicine it was found that increasing fat is associated with enzyme deficiency. Specifically, in obese people found lipase deficiency is the enzyme that breaks down fats. To lose weight, we need to get rid of negative emotions, In addition, we must envision ourselves every day to have the ideal weight. We don't always have to control what we eat or feel bad when we eat something fattening, what matters is to constantly remind and repeat to ourselves that we have our ideal weight. To overcome our bulimia, in addition to relieving the negative emotions that are the ultimate solution, we can get wild fig extract for immediate short-term relief, which affects the hypothalamus and stops (temporarily) bulimia. also, Chromium helps balance blood sugar and helps fight bulimia.

Conclusion: Scientists today agree that the absence or existence of overweight, It is purely emotional imbalance.
The thickness is based on the function of the brain reptile, the instinct of self-preservation. When the "animal", The "serpent" that exists within our danger, then it tends not to metabolize food, but store it in fat, as well as eating as much as possible, to have more energy to overcome the risk. Our thickness is created.

Our health, Well, destroyed by the thought that we are not "enough", that we are not perfect, we are not able ourselves to maintain our health.

Diets do not work. By putting pressure on ourselves, we create stress and activate genes that make the condition worse than they help.

Weakened only by changing lifestyle, feeding on organic raw vegetables, fruits, sprouts from seeds, walnuts, almonds, beans and nuts, wild fish containing Omega-3, such as sardines, mackerel, mackerel, wild salmon and organic eggs, containing Ω-3.

If we can't avoid meat, we can eat meat, milk, cheese, goat yogurt that grazes and feeds biologically in our mountains, as well as free-range chickens.

All these organic unprocessed foods contain therapeutic substances Phytothreptiki, which activate the genes that prolong life, reduce sugar, cholesterol and fat.

The phytonutrients in organic raw foods activate the genes, to burn fat and slow down aging. With diets, thus avoiding carbohydrates, reduce serotonin, we increase stress, and in the end we fall psychologically and eat infinite amounts.

More details, as well as all the techniques for turning off the negative emotions that are the main cause of obesity, you will find in A Life Full of Light. On the subject of negative emotions and the fear of rejection which is the main cause that creates negative emotions and obesity I am at your disposal to help you, get rid of them. Obesity means fear and, in essence, subconscious fear of rejection, when you realize this, I am at your disposal to help you get rid of it once and for all.

Γιατί παχαίνουμε; Πως μπορούμε να επανέλθουμε στο κανονικό μας βάρος; 11ALL ABOVE IS elicits mostly from my book "A Life Full of Light" and my new book "The Source of All".

It is important for everyone but to get all three books to change your life and to dispose of health and joy as I did, so if you order all three of my books "That becomes the Miracle", in "A Life Full of Light" and "Source of All," I send you with great discount and without charge your shipping cost. If you want to order you have to send the message address and your mobile or call 6977349766.

All three books are cd, helping you to reprogram your subconscious, change your beliefs. Also in my books and seminars, there are complete instructions to turn your negative feelings and treating yourself to an energy level and then at the physical level of problems in the spine, in the middle, neck, on the knees, hip, in the stomach, gall, Autoimmune Diseases, pollakiuria, problems spastic colitis or constipation, sinusitis, snoring, carpal tunnel problem, tendinitis, insomnia, panic attacks, depression, interruption period, arrhythmia, tachycardia, headaches, migraines, breathing difficulties, Respiratory problems, problems in the bile, cholesterol.(of course for any health issue you should first consult your doctor, while in spiritual, mental and energy levels will be released from the circumstances that led to your illness and aftotherapefste).

I'm always by your side to liberate all our problems, To fly from health and joy and be led to the light.

with infinite, love in Christ

Alexis Fotopoulos

Author - Alternative Therapist

phones: 6977349766, 6909193329,

In my Website, which is fully renovated you will find everything for your health and happiness.

You see all my YouTube channel: Alexis Fotopoulos, It will change your life.

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constantly given almost free seminars (leaves something anyone wants for the cost of the room) Navarino 9 and Hippocrates in Athens, but also throughout Greece. The seminar was announced on my website to come without quitting position.

In my article: You will find all the answers to the problems that concern you.

Disclaimer: Sure, I want to clarify that these writings are indeed great views of university professors, researchers, Chinese medicine applied with success chilietiries, are practices that I applied and became well from multiple sclerosis, suffering, and help and I help too many people to eliminate their negative emotions and heal itself. Nevertheless, These views can not replace your doctors, which moreover only to those the state has officially given the license to practice medicine. Therefore, The,what is written in this book is just for your information. When you have health problems, please first contact your doctor and side, if you wish, you can contact a spiritual-energy or alternative therapists, to help you to change your lifestyle and get rid of negative emotions. It's good, also, synergazesthe to your doctor, to change your lifestyle, to become good and to avoid many drugs, which damage your health long term and deplete our funds and the National Economy.



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