Healthy diet rich in iron and vitamins proteins.

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Proteins are the foundation stones for our organization.

Υγιεινή διατροφή πλούσια σε πρωτεΐνες σίδηρο και βιταμίνες. 1Proteins are the foundation stones for our organization of these builds our bones, our muscle tissue.

It is necessary for the Service of all our organs, and the energy of our body (4 calories per gram of protein). The most important proteins are the cornerstone for the repair and reproduction of all our cells. Stimulate our memory.

The body uses protein for the formation of hormones such as insulin and enzymes which contribute to all the vital functions of our body such as digestion of food (metabolic enzymes), detoxification and the supply of energy for our cells. But the antibodies used by our immune system to protect us from enemies.

The animal protein-containing and 9 necessary (called essential amino acids because they do not compose our body) which are the building blocks of proteins. the 9 essential amino acids needed by the body and can not produce it: leucine, isoleucine, valine, threonine, methionine, phenylalanine, tryptophan, lysine and histidine.

What use is the 9 essential amino acids needed by the body: Histidine is used to grow and maintain healthy tissues. Isoleucine - used to clot blood and restore muscles. Leucine is a chain of amino acids used in muscle growth. Lysine helps in the production of collagen, critical for healthy bones. Methionine is a powerful antioxidant. The Phenylalanine helps produce hormones of stress and relaxation. Threonine is used to form bone and cartilage. The Tryptophan is involved in sleep onset and the serotonin production. Valine helps prevent muscle breakdown and removes excess protein from the liver.

The vegetable proteins have all the amino acids to form our body the protein it needs. So I need to eat combinations of plant foods that will give us and the nine essential amino acids to the protein fteiaxoume need. The recommended daily intake of protein is an average adult 56 g protein and an average woman 46.

Υγιεινή διατροφή πλούσια σε πρωτεΐνες σίδηρο και βιταμίνες. 2To get all nine amino acids needed us combine legumes with cereals. Like lentils with unpeeled rice, chickpeas with paddy rice, beans with black bread. Personally I eat perfect red beans with unpeeled rice. Other grains are wheat and oats and their products such as flour.

Υγιεινή διατροφή πλούσια σε πρωτεΐνες σίδηρο και βιταμίνες. 3Another combination is legumes with cornj. Mostly beans with corn or with chickpeas corn. Fava with bread is another combination. Peas can eat in the combination with cereals such as brown bread or rice. We can eat wholemeal pasta with mushrooms and sesame paste.

One cup of cooked beans is 200 grams contain 18 grams protein. A cup of cooked lentils that is 200 grams contain 18 grams protein, and 230 calories. A cup of cooked chickpeas that are 200 grams contain 14 grams protein. A cup peas containing 7,9 grams protein. We can combine peas with corn, rice and add mushrooms.

Υγιεινή διατροφή πλούσια σε πρωτεΐνες σίδηρο και βιταμίνες. 4The celery cereals, buckwheat, oats, Connoisseurs have very important sources of protein. One cup of boiled oats that is about 200 grams contains grams contain 26 grams protein and yet contains 606 calories for this ½ cup gives us enough 13 gram protein and less calories. The oats are rich in vitamin B1, (thiamine), magnesium, manganese, fiber. A cup of cooked unpeeled rice that is 200 grams to get 8 grams protein.

We can fteiaxoume burgers with legumes and cereals, such as oat flakes and chickpeas or fava beans. We can combine and potato with cereals and burgers fteiaxoume.

Our health secret is not to cook the food with oil, to add after. Adding and onion, garlic pepper, parsley, carrot and avoid salt. We always add a little lemon juice because the vitamin C it contains helps in the absorption of iron., calcium and all other trace elements.

So the food is delicious and ygieinotato. The body gets used to the natural taste and enjoys it better. While sauces, the waste oil, cheeses are technically very tasty which is addictive, but destroy our health. We always add a little lemon juice because the vitamin C it contains helps in the absorption of iron., calcium and all other trace elements.

Υγιεινή διατροφή πλούσια σε πρωτεΐνες σίδηρο και βιταμίνες. 5The quinoa contains all nine amino acids that the body contains can not produce by itself to generate protein. A cup quinoa contains 8 grams protein. The ratio of the combination is one cup of lentils half a cup of rice. The same is the case with other legumes, a cup of lentils, half cup of rice.

Υγιεινή διατροφή πλούσια σε πρωτεΐνες σίδηρο και βιταμίνες. 6Nuts contain protein, it is perfect to eat them uncooked and activated in water (Directives have in my book "A Life Full of light"). Thirty grams peanuts contain 7 grams protein itself contain two tablespoons peanut butter. While thirty grams almonds give 6 grams of protein but they give us 161 calories. Good combination is peanuts with sunflower seeds, black bread with peanut butter. We eat wholemeal bread with almonds or walnuts.

Υγιεινή διατροφή πλούσια σε πρωτεΐνες σίδηρο και βιταμίνες. 7We can combine and nuts with legumes or grains. We can eat chickpeas with tahini (derived from sesame). Lentils with almonds. Linseed and pumpkin attached grains and contain a large amount of protein (9 grams half cup). We can eat almonds, walnuts, Oat flakes with nuts and dried fruit into fruit juice for a perfect protein breakfast full of vitamins.

Rice with koukounarosporo is a great combination of protein. Cereals, oats, wheat with nuts and almonds. Vegetables and fruits with nuts, like beetroot with walnuts and crab apple.

Leafy vegetables like spinach and broccoli are an excellent source of protein. Especially broccoli is a huge source of protein. A cup of chopped broccoli contains 8,1 grams protein, while 2 cups spinach 2,1 grams protein. And they can be combined with legumes and pasta. Vegetables contain many antioxidants and fiber that are very beneficial for our body and should always accompany our dish.. Spinach rice is a great idea to get vegetable protein.

If we take animal protein painless and better fish. The best tuna contain omega-3 fatty acids 100 grams contain 25 grams protein containing only 114 calories. A portion of purified fish (Salmon) where is 100 grams gives us 22 grams protein, and 205 calories.

Then is the breast of chicken or turkey portion about 100 grams baked skinless contains 28 grams protein, and 171 calories.

Evil animal proteins except that it is full of toxins and harmful for our body animal fat, strain on our organization. Our body must break down these proteins into amino acids in order to create proteins. When we eat rice with lentils feel fuller, stronger, but lighter,, because the body easily breaks down dietary proteins and creating protein our bodies need.

Can the animal foods to provide fewer calories and more protein, but not weaken us and not helping diabetics. Because they create inflammation. Animal fats block the body. All vaccines, The antibiotics that go together and the negative feelings experienced by animals in industrialized and outside environment nature reared create the toxins we eat.

These toxins are stored in the filters of our body which are the liver and kidneys as well as our whole body and under the skin.. Cellulite we are toxins that the body stores it under the skin.

Diabetics destroyed by the feeding animal proteins nominate all experts. I say this from personal experience if I do not watch the sugar arrives 130 mg/dL. When I eat meat and salads and avoid fruits that everyone suggests sugar goes up. Because animal fats increase insulin resistance as a cause of type II sugar. also created that block inflammation pancreas so it does not produce enough insulin. Eating unlimited fruit salads, milk and water pulses together with cereals, while unheated add oil a little cool when eating sugar falls.

The oil is sold by hot process wherein destroyed. To buy oil writes cold. The oil when heated not only the vitamins are destroyed and all elements having but becomes toxic. We should never boil or bake food with oil, is toxic, creates inflammation.

Aftotherapeftika MS, Today sweep autoimmune, except psychology and energy Breakout, needs and diet. It is advised to avoid all dairy particular cow origin because they promote inflammation. All sauces and food cooked with oil, fry. Fresh fruits and vegetables abundant.

Excessive long-term consumption of dairy and animal products harms our health, burden the kidneys, what burden the liver by excessive ammonia accumulates. The main overcome if the calories the body a day can consume, proteins are stored as fat in our bodies.

How many calories we consume a day; For men: 66 + (6,2 x weight) + (12,7 x height) – (6,76 x age), average 2500. For women: 655,1 + (4,35 x weight) + (4,7 x height) – (4,7 x age) average 2000

Foods rich in iron

Υγιεινή διατροφή πλούσια σε πρωτεΐνες σίδηρο και βιταμίνες. 8
Iron is a major component of hemoglobin and contribute to the transport and storage of oxygen to tissues. Good plant sources of iron are fish such as tuna, oysters, legumes, the dark green leafy vegetables, dried fruit particular prunes, apricots and black currants, nuts, Sesame, pumpkin. The iron requirements 10 grams per day for an adult man and a woman normally period.

the vegetables They contain more iron when cooked than when eaten raw. Spinach is the most iron of all vegetables 6,43 grams in each cup of boiled spinach which is 180 grams. better absorbed by the body with vitamin C we find the addition of lemon. Other vegetables rich in iron are the chard, leaves from the beets, the collard greens, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, arugula and parsley. Broccoli is also rich in protein, Vitamins and minerals.

The grains contain a large amount of iron. Bran has 6 iron grams cup. A medium potato has 2,7 grams of iron. Enriched with dried fruit cereal can give us 5 until 18 grams of iron.

Pulses are a good source of protein to be absorbed but need and vitamin C, Always add fresh lemon on the plate. The strongest source of protein is lentils a cup contains 6,6 grams of iron. But the non-animal iron called heme and non-absorbed only 2 until 10%. This absorption is increased by the addition of vitamin C which is lemon. Giant beans have 5,2 grams of the cup which is about 200 grams.

Spirulina phytoplankton: It is a complete protein (It contains all 9 Amino acids can not be synthesized organism to produce proteins that are the cornerstone of our organization. It contains a significant amount vitamin B12, A, E and iron-rich, calcium and magnesium. A tablespoon of dried spirulina contains 2 grams of iron. It is easily absorbed by the body and helps us to raise the hematocrit.

Vitamins are vital for our lives.

Υγιεινή διατροφή πλούσια σε πρωτεΐνες σίδηρο και βιταμίνες. 9The body at night during sleep corrects and heals all the damage to the cells and our organs and our DNA. What do proteins, but they are activated by vitamin. Vitamins activate proteins to heal and repair all the damage our body.

With a lack of vitamin nothing works, especially enzymes that make all per functions of our body.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D to be absorbed by the body is converted by the liver into vitamin D3. This process needs to be exposed to the sun for at least ten minutes imera.Trofima find D is fish sardines, the tone, bass, herring, salmon . mushrooms, the eggs, the oat flakes.

Karotenoeidi - Vitamin A

Located in carrots, peppers, green vegetables, spinach, the collard greens, mustard, the cabbage, in cooked chicory, the beetroot, the tomato. In melon fruit, apricot, watermelon, the pomegranates, pineapple, and peanuts.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E found in the olive oil, and other vegetable oils, but we prefer olive oil. In nuts and sunflower seeds. Hazelnuts peanuts, beans olives. But green vegetables such as peppers, spinach, broccoli, tomatoes. In fruits like kiwi, but in whole grains.

Vitamin B12 - cobalamin

Vitamin B12 are we found in shellfish such as clams, mussels, oysters in fish mainly on herring, The tuna, salmon, sardines and mackerel, green vegetables, the eggs, whole wheat, milling, yeast and legumes.

Foods rich in vitamins

the berries They are rich in vitamin C, folic acid and flavonoid antioxidants, that help protect cells. They are rich in fiber that help our health.

the Vegetables: broccoli, spinach, the leaves of beetroot, carrots, peppers, the cabbage, lettuce, They are an important source of carotenoids, pigments that act as antioxidants. Source all vitamins and especially A and C. Dark green leafy vegetables, q have a high content of vitamin K, which is essential for wound healing, the health of blood vessels and maintain healthy bones.


my book "A Life Full of Light".

The American Dietetic Association’s COMPLETE FOOD & NUTRITION GUIDE, 2ND Edition, 2002, USDA National Nutrient Database

Clement Brian , Digeronimo Theresa, « Living Foods for Optimum Health : Staying Healthy in an Unhealthy World » Published by USA, Three Rivers Press 1998.

Clement Brian, «Hippocrates Life Force: Superior Health and Longevity» Published by Healthy Publications, USA, 2007.

because Andrew, « Natural Health, Natural Medicine: The Complete Guide to Wellness and Self-Care for Optimum Health » Published by Mariner Books , USA, 2004.

Shinya Hiromi, «The Enzymes Factor» Published by Council Oak Books USA, 2010.

Cousens Gabriel, «There is a Cure for Diabetes: The Tree of 21-Day+ Program» Published by North Atlantic Books, USA, 2008.

Campbell T. Colin, « The China Study: The Most Comprehensive Study of Nutrition Ever Conducted And the Startling Implications for Diet, Weight Loss, And Long-term Health» Published by USA, BenBella Books, 2006

Tom Bohager, «Everything You Need to Know about Enzymes: A Simple Guide to Using Enzymes to Treat Everything from Digestive Problems and Allergies to Migraines and Arthritis», Published by Greenleaf Book Group Press, USA, 2008.

Arem Ridha, «The Thyroid Solution: A Revolutionary Mind-Body Program for Regaining Your Emotional and Physical Health» Published by Ballantine Books, USA, 2007.

Hyman Mark , « Ultra metabolism: The Simple Plan for Automatic Weight Loss» Published by Atria, USA, 2008.

I'm always by your side to liberate all our problems, To fly from health and joy and be led to the light.

with infinite, love in Christ

Alexis Fotopoulos

Author - Alternative Therapist

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constantly given almost free seminars (leaves something anyone wants for the cost of the room) Navarino 9 and Hippocrates in Athens, but also throughout Greece. The seminar was announced on my website to come without quitting position.

In my article: You will find all the answers to the problems that concern you.

Disclaimer: Sure, I want to clarify that these writings are indeed great views of university professors, researchers, Chinese medicine applied with success millennia, are practices that I applied and became well from multiple sclerosis, suffering, and help and I help too many people to eliminate their negative emotions and heal itself. Nevertheless, These views can not replace your doctors, which moreover only to those the state has officially given the license to practice medicine. Therefore, The,what is written in this book is just for your information. When you have health problems, please first contact your doctor and side, if you wish, you can contact a spiritual-energy or alternative therapists, to help you to change your lifestyle and get rid of negative emotions. It's good, also, synergazesthe to your doctor, to change your lifestyle, to become good and to avoid many drugs, which damage your health long term and deplete our funds and the National Economy.




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