We are omnipotent immortal spirits, that we can do what our Father does, through our Word to create everything, enough to get rid of our ego

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Human-God2We are omnipotent immortal spirits, that we can do what our Father does, through our Word to create everything. Where we get stuck and don't do all that, but on the contrary most of us live in misery; It is because we are identified with our ego, which are our thoughts about the past, we identify ourselves with this reality, which is absolutely false and yet we believe this to be reality. All people who have a fear of rejection (because small because we have not created a spiritual brain, we do not have the ability to judge we take for rejection the strictness, the lack of attention or the absence of our own), having worn these disfiguring glasses all their lives they take every behavior as rejection and worst of all they see romantically only partners who will reject them. They also believe that they are the ones who love and give and never receive anything from others, there is no greater fallacy than this view of reality. The roles we play in life, they are but trappings of our ego, it's that we get lost in images of ourselves that we had in the past. Most people who feel victimized are completely trapped by their ego in thoughts of the past and focus their consciousness on events that remind them of how wronged they have been. They interpret all the events of their lives through the lens of victim exploitation. They do the same for the future, which is a projection of past events, where they expect their own, society, the state treats them harshly and unfairly. Healing is getting rid of the images and roles of the past, getting rid of what we call ego.

We create only when we are connected to Source, and this is done when we are focused on the present. When we think we turn off the creator's switches. Our thought, it takes us away from the present it takes us to the past or the future. The god, we meet our true selves in the now, with thought we move away from our Source, the light, the love, the creation. When we think, we cease to be aware, we cease to perceive. So we live in filters of time that eats our life, the filters that make us feel special, that we are threatened, all these are the cause of the unhappiness we experience and the diseases that befall us.

We need to be willing to let go of this interpretation of reality and then heaven on earth awaits us. It is as simple as choosing to live imprisoned in a sunless basement or choosing to live free in a sunny detached house full of colorful flowers by the sea. I was personally in a sunless basement (Multiple Sclerosis) and now I chose to be free in the flowers the beauty and that I experience. So simple you just need to want to click inside, call what I experience true, maybe it's a misinterpretation of the facts on my part; Is it not a coincidence that I am rejected and not loved by others?; Is it not a coincidence that I don't have good relations with any people and I feel that everyone treats me badly and wants my harm; Isn't the shore crooked?, but I'm doing it wrong; These thoughts are a beginning for the reduction of the ego and from here liberation begins, here is the gateway to happiness and abundance, the realization that what I believe to be reality is my ego's interpretation and I must free myself from it.

ALL THE ABOVE ARE FROM THE THIRD detach MY PAPER “Source of Everything” to be released early July 2016. You can order the “A Life Full of Light” (540 pages with CD), It costs 25 €, my new book "Source of Everything" also costs 25 € (520 pages with CD), if you order one of the aforementioned books along with "That becomes the Miracle" (380 pages with CD) cost 40 €, if you order the “Source of Everything” with the “A Life Full of Light 45 €, if you order all three of my books "That becomes the Miracle", in "A Life Full of Light" and "Source of All," I send you the most discount the 20% 55 € and three, in all shipping costs are offering me.

I am near you to show you the love and help get rid of negative emotions and limiting beliefs, are weights that hinder our life. In my books "That becomes the Miracle", "A Life Full of Light" and “The Source of All”, which actually change your life, these books are full instructions for turning off the negative emotions such as, Your Myous in love, connect you to your Source and make you fly with health and joy.

We are Creators like our Father transforming infinite formless energy into whatever we will. Extinguish your ego and then divine energy will flow freely within you, you will love everyone and everything and fly.

Our soul possessed by love and light that is in contact with the source of the flies. But when through fear dominates, our soul loses the light of, loses contact with the Source and our body goes into self-destruction process
So believe in yourself, the Universal Divine Power that is within you. Afethite p’ she. Do not worry about that happening to you, is good for you is to teach you.
Listen to your heart is the guide, do not settle for anything else, except that tells you your heart that is your destination on earth.

You can be initiated into love in my seminars or shows, seeing the selfless, unconditional love in my eyes, You see the mirror of yourself and love, fully unconditional, Unlock your heart, the pump of love that you have inside you reopens and can receive but also give unconditional love.

When you have love in your Heracles everything, You have worldwide yours. With unconditional love so that you emit, My face you see in the mirror of yourself and love.

As we see in the testimony of Demeter Kontakos: "OR initiation into love through your eyes Alexis Fotopoulos, It is possible that experienced near your seminar in Thessaloniki. you say:Look into my eyes. I made it, I looked into the eyes and tears flowed constantly, endlessly.. I believe all tears are an increase of love in me. I feel guilt, sorrow, stress tears made with the help of your eyes, They have now diminished in me.. I have way more able to turn off my negative emotions subconsciously suspected. Your work with us now! Your cd with my positive submissions kept my soul strong in difficult times spent next to my children who suffered kidney failure. You give me hope that you will treat these, where our doctors cut hopes. Thank you and I am glad that you exist!!!May all people to accept your light!!! look him in the eyes! infinitely thank you met close sir Fotopoulos!!».

The photons that come out of my hands feel the unity of love the Father and love and love fill themselves.

We also participate in the sacraments and ceremonies of our religion, Never forget that we are souls and need to be connected to our Source, The god, Mister. when we forgive, We reduce our ego, participate in the ceremonies and mysteries of our church, then we unite with our Source, and then the fear and anger disappears and donoumaste the frequencies of love. The Grace of God, the Holy Spirit comes into us and constantly illuminates us. Here is the secret, when you go to church always SOCIETY, why take the vibrations of unconditional love of the Lord, you feel peace, completeness within yourself. What I say you are not constantly experiencing the theory when commune and when society every week then we experience peace, completeness, unconditional love throughout’ Throughout the week. Our mysteries taught the ancient Greeks who had realized that the mysteries were united with their Source, experienced real, spiritual nature. That the ancient Greeks knowing these secrets had reached the top of the world, while we who have left slumped in the bottom.

But we can be born again:

  1. If we get introduced to love unconditionally, there I can help you, in my seminars, or even remotely watching my shows, You see my eyes love unconditionally, You see my eyes the mirror of yourself and love.
  2. If we participate in the mysteries of our religion and ceremonies, if we forgive ourselves and our fellow men, humiliating, We reduce our ego, which is the barrier that cuts our access to Source, helping our fellow men and all beings of the universe and constantly pray.
  3. If we disable the energy of our negative emotions accumulated within us, which vibrate at low frequencies so they do not allow us to experience the love, which vibrates at high vibrations.
  4. If we reprogram our subconscious, and we are able to do this with Cds present in my books and there are thousands who have succeeded, like Grigoris Bogdanos:

ALL ABOVE IS detach from my new book "The Source of All".

It is important for everyone but to get all three books to change your life and to dispose of health and joy as I did, so if you order all three of my books "That becomes the Miracle", in "A Life Full of Light" and "Source of All," I send you with great discount and without charge your shipping cost. If you want to order you have to send the message address and your mobile or call 6977349766.

All three books are cd, helping you to reprogram your subconscious, change your beliefs. Also in my books and seminars, there are complete instructions to turn your negative feelings and treating yourself to an energy level and then at the physical level of problems in the spine, in the middle, neck, on the knees, hip, in the stomach, gall, Autoimmune Diseases, pollakiuria, problems spastic colitis or constipation, sinusitis, snoring, carpal tunnel problem, tendinitis, insomnia, panic attacks, depression, interruption period, arrhythmia, tachycardia, headaches, migraines, breathing difficulties, Respiratory problems, problems in the bile, cholesterol.(of course for any health issue you should first consult your doctor, while in spiritual, mental and energy levels will be released from the circumstances that led to your illness and aftotherapefste).

I'm always by your side to liberate all our problems, To fly from health and joy and be led to the light.

with infinite, unconditional love

Alexis Fotopoulos

Author – Spiritual Healer

phones: 6977349766, 6909193329, Web page: www.afotopoulos.gr, email:
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Facebook: Alexios Fotopoulos, Alexis Fotopoulos, Alexis Fotopoulos, Alexis Fotopoulos

Facebook groups: "That becomes the Miracle", "We can all heal itself and to lead the Light", "Life Full of Light" and "The Source of All".

Facebook pages: "Alexis Fotopoulos", "Self-Healing, Health, happy relationships, Abundance".

EVERY MONDAY AND WEDNESDAY 17:00 -21:00 free seminars (leaves something anyone wants for the cost of the room) Navarino 9 and Hippocrates in Athens. The seminar was announced on my website www.afotopoulos.gr to come without quitting position.

In my article: http://www.afotopoulos.gr/arthra/233-h-therapeia-tvn-pantvn-ta-aitia-olvn-astheneivn-kathvs-kai-tropos-pou-mporoume-na-autotherapeutoume-na-ehoume-telies-sheseis-kai-afthonia You will find all the answers to the problems that concern you.



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